Chapter 22

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I knew from reading <Bing. Heuk. Hand> that Ji-hyeok Han was cheating at the Cranklin Bakery around this time.

'It's really just four o'clock.'

He is also faithful to the topic of fraudsters.

The room is just second to last.

It is not a place frequented by nobles who prefer the darkest and best seats.

I ordered the cake and listened quietly to Han Ji-hyeok talking.

"Captain Kungisa is a very cautious person, so he doesn't accept other investors... ... . Oh, what kind of company are we? I have reserved a place for homage."

"You mean my place?"

"Yes. However, the amount is fixed. One hundred thousand gold."

"Ah, one hundred thousand?!"

"Ah, I can't take more than that. No matter how wonderful it is, it is unreasonable."

"Hundred thousand... ... ."

"How would you like to invest?"

When Han Ji-hyuk asked in a soft voice, the other party salivated as if worried.

But the other side will soon bang! knocked down the table


"Well thought! Then how long will the money-"

"I will discuss it with my wife!"

"... ... Yes?"

"Oh, I had to discuss this with my wife. If you do something you shouldn't do, you're bound to have a problem. haha! I'll go and ask him right away."

Then I heard the other party quickly packing up their luggage.

There was no talk for a long time in the next room.

and some time later.

"X foot... ... ."

swearing was heard

"Uh-huh," Han Ji-hyeok muttered.

"I thought I would be able to confide in myself because I was stupid, but how did my wife educate me so well?"

Han Ji-hyuk sighed heavily.

Then, as if checking a notebook, I hear the sound of the paper being turned over.

"Sir Hoku has failed. Then Baron Marshas... ... ."

"Are you a swindler to Baron Marshas? (If you cheat on Baron Marshas, you will die?)"

"What, what!"

Han Ji-hyuk seemed to be terribly surprised by my words.

I groped the wall under the chair.

When I squeezed and pushed the thing caught in my fingertips, a hole came out through which a child could pass.

I crawled through the dog hole.

Han Ji-hyuk, who saw the day he appeared under the chair, was the flagship.

"You, you, what are you—"


I quickly shut Han Ji-hyuk's mouth.

"Do it quietly. Don't the hanas hear it? (Shut up. The maids are listening.)"

Han Ji-hyuk, who shook his head and removed my hand, distorted his brow.

"Uh, how do you know that space?"

"Basser in the novel."

There's a dog hole here, so you're sitting in this room on purpose, right?

If you think the person you are cheating on is a bit dangerous, put your weapon in that hole.

Han Ji-hyuk's expression hardened at my words.

"What kind of bullshit is it? Do not interfere with the elder's work and turn it off-"

"You two were reincarnated, isn't it strange that I was reincarnated?"


I looked at Han Ji-hyeok with her mouth wide open and smiled.

and told me

"Choose one."

"what... ... ."

"no. 1. I will hand over all your information to the people who have scammed you so far and make them open."


"No.2. They have a bath together with me in a legal night way."

Han Ji-hyuk opened his mouth.

I turned blue, then white, and smiled as I added, seeing him busy with his mouth open.

"Of course, Micheon is your goo. (Of course, the bottom is yours.)"

Let's share some of the money we stole.

I'm three years old and I don't have much money.

* * *

Han Ji-hyuk looked at me with his arms crossed.

Then he looked out the door and whispered.

"So this is a novel, I am a character in a novel, and you are the possessor?"


"You tell me to believe it?"

I said while stirring the ice tea that Han Ji-hyuk had ordered and not even touched.

"Han Ji-hyuk. Twenty years old before reincarnation. Died while playing a drink at O.T., a freshman. My biggest regret is that I died without emptying the external hard drive... ... . But why do you regret having an external hard drive?"

When I told him to give Han Ji-hyeok's personal details, his face went white.

I have no choice but to admit that you recite it in such detail.

I am also a reincarnation like him.

Han Ji-hyuk swallowed dry saliva.

"... ... There are a lot of important data, yes."

"Important point... ... AHA."

I laughed and Han Ji-hyuk's face became red.

"What do you know about a forearm?"

"Let me pretend I don't know."

"Don't make a kind face!"

"Yes, yes."

Jihyuk Han sharpened his teeth.

And then, "I'm writing everything in the novel." he said smirkingly.

"I know we want to collaborate. But if I'm basing, the ratio is 9 to 1. Of course I'm 9."

Guess who's not a scammer, the proportions are messed up.

I put the bottom on the other side, but I have the information. Very accurate information too.

'7 to 3, I was only going to eat three.'

When you do this, you change your mind.

"I am 9, you are 1."

When he said that, Jihyuk Han jumped.

"Crazy? Where do you see me as a hogu—"

As he jumped up, I clasped my chin with both hands.

"Is the one-eyed Yongbyungdang still looking for you? (Are the one-eyed mercenaries still looking for you?)"

When he mentioned the scariest of the people he had cheated on, Ji-hyeok Han sat quietly again.

He said with a very sad expression.

"Why the hell are you doing this to me?"

"Three million gold. It's the money you take with you at the rate of 1. (Three million gold. That's money you can take with you at a fraction of one.)"

"Hey, that's a lie... ... How can you believe the words of a child looking back like you!"

"I'm looking forward to it, but I don't cheat."

"... ... ."

"Think carefully, Yeonrake. (Think carefully and call me.)"

"I know who you are, and where did you contact them."

"I am Erirot of Astra."

"... ... !"

Han Ji-hyuk hardened when he heard my name.

There is only one class that can use Astra's last name.

A direct line of the Duke of Astra.

And there was only one child like this in the immediate family.

"Daughter of Daymond Astra... ... ."

I smiled and got up from my seat.

"Who escaped after struggling under the father of a drunken and violent woodcutter, who is the daughter of the duke... ... ."

Leaving behind the grumbling Han Ji-hyeok, I crawled through the hole again.


"... ... miss?"

When Betty and Heidi came out of the dog hole, they stopped.

The two men tilted their heads and asked me.

"Why there... ... ."

'It's ruined.'

I rolled my eyes.

"Uh, Guge, it's Guro—"

"... ... ?"

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't think of an excuse, so I muttered with a resigned expression.

"Erirot, mother. (Erilot, it's a dog.)"

When I pretended to be cute, a laugh burst out of Han Ji-hyuk's room.

'I must have heard everything.'

We've had great conversations so far... ... .

Damn it.

* * *

I got into the wagon with the maids and Mosco.

To get to Daymond Jurisdiction, we entered the shopping district checkpoint.

But even after a long time passed, the carriage did not move.

I tilted my head and asked.

"Why don't you go? (Why don't you go like this?)"

Heidi replied.

"There are a lot of people today, so it will take some time to check them out."

"Why are there no people today? (Why are there so many people today?)"

"Oh, yes. You don't know Mrs. Soon it will be 'Evaluation Day'."

"Evaluation Day... ... ?"

As I pondered Betty's words, I was startled.

'That's right, evaluation day!'

There was such a setting in <Bing.Black.Hand>.

The day on which a person is sent from the Ministry of Public Administration to each competent province to evaluate the operation.

It is to make sure that the jurisdiction is operating properly.

And by ranking this evaluation, the budget for the second half of the year is decided.

'That's why my father didn't come with me today.'

'Cause I'm super busy

Come to think of it, even after returning to the jurisdictional city, I was holding on to the documents the whole time.

Even when we were eating, we received a report from Enzo.

'I forgot the evaluation day in the 12th tower because it didn't matter at all.'

I asked Heidi.

"How many days of evaluation are left?"

"Let's be quiet... ... . It's the 23rd, so there are ten days left."


How do you prepare for ten days?

Jurisdiction is also the first thing that evaluators see.

If the livelihood of the jurisdiction is messed up, the impression will be bad.

The budget was already cut in the first half, but until the second half... ... .

'Our jurisdiction is destroyed.'

If the jurisdiction is destroyed, my immediate family will look down on me. Then you will be in danger of being bullied again.

The wagon just started moving.

All the way back, I was immersed in thought.

'Let's check the jurisdiction. If Heidi and Betty help out, it's enough to treat the judges... ... . Ugh, I can't.'

I rubbed my face with both small hands.

Heidi and Betty are quick and meticulous, but not charismatic.

The career isn't that long either.

It will be difficult to catch the servants.

Above all, the number of servants is too small. It was impossible to roll a castle with that number of people.

'then... ... .'

While I was thinking about it, the wagon arrived at Daymond Jurisdiction.

It was already night, so the lights were on in the city hall.

I sighed and went inside.


this 3 years old is a villainessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora