chapter 16

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'how will we do it.'

I pondered for a while about my specialty, illuminating, but I decided to quit.

'If you did that without any evidence, it would be perfect for a headwind.'

When I saw it, the only reason I hit the maids was to scare me- if I said it would only make me laugh.

How would a three-year-old know such a fight?

'If the maids said they were angry because they were beaten... ... No.'

I'll make the excuse that it was to educate the maid.

When I heard from the maids, Mrs. Rachel said that she couldn't be such a good person to her superiors.

"Your daughter's first party? Then I must help. I will send the maids of the city of jurisdiction."

"He started a flower business. If so, can I just be there? If not, we were going to change the number of quorums in the province."

"Oh my God, how is the weapon so old? I'll change it up a bit, even if it's a matter of respect."

He spent a lot of money in his internal affairs to buy a favor.

As a result, the castle is faltering as soon as the budget coming to the jurisdiction decreases.

However, the high-ranking people who saw her virtue praised her with dry mouth.

'So do the soldiers.'

As the commander of the Western Army, my father cared the most about the barracks.

So Rachel must have taken special care of the barracks to get her father's attention.

Even now, looking

"Oh, Mrs. Rachel! It's been a really long time since I've seen you."

"Iknow, right. Did you hit the ball a lot on the battlefield?"

"of course! Is your wife okay?"

"If it's anything special... ... I think I went to buy a dress recently and got into an argument with a bunch of gangsters."

"Oh, if something like that happens, tell us! What does it mean to be a good family member?"

"Ho-ho, if Astra's elite soldiers protect it, it's reassuring."

-You seem to get along very well.

While I was looking at them, my father came out.

The father in the uniform was very handsome.


Mrs. Rachel walked over to her father.

"I wish you a peaceful outing. When you come back, I will prepare bath water and meals so that you can relax immediately—"

But my father came to me before Rachel had finished speaking.



"It's not mondeuk."

"... ... yes?"

"It's Daymond."

'what are you saying... ... Ah.'

I remembered my work at the Duke's Castle.

I wrote my father's name [Mondeukyi] because I pretended to be a child.

'Did you care about that?'

I blinked, and my father continued.

"Practice until you come back."


Are you taking care of my education?

Usually, the education of aristocrats is the domain of teachers.

Parents rarely look after them, and this was a clear indication that they were 'interested in their children'.


With a bright expression on my face, I shouted.



My father, who said so, chuckled.

The soldiers chuckled, and their hands trembled with Mrs. Rachel's flushed face.

It seems that he was very embarrassed that he was ignored by his father.

"I will be back at night."


I saw my father and the soldiers off.

Mrs. Rachel, who had been glaring at me that day, thumped, thumped, stomped her feet and went back inside.

* * *

I took a seat in my favorite garden that I saw last night and practiced writing.

'day... ... mon... ... de.'

It was good.

I nodded my head, writing in large letters on the paper.

Even if my father came to check it out, he would think he wrote it quite well.

It was a moment when I was nodding my head in joy.

"Why are you so slow!"

A man's scream was heard.

I was startled and looked around.

The gardener was yelling at an old man.

"I was told to prune, and I still do!"

Seeing the gardener at the screaming man, the servants whispered.

"When did he prune the branches?"

"Shh-, I can hear you."

"Why is that guy so hot in the morning?"

"It's raging. You say Mrs. Rachel is not feeling well. He talked to me for no reason and ate a room."

"I'm not old enough."

The servants passed by, tongue-in-cheek.

I looked at the gardener and the old man.

The gardener cheered and pointed at the old man.

"I begged you to do something, and I wrote you as a worker. There must be a corner you like!"

"sorry. sorry."

The old man grabbed the beret and bent over.

"Clean up the bush fence! I'm going to get some rest, but don't even think about going out."


Cole licked his tongue and turned his back.

At that moment, the wind blew—and the old man's hat flew over here.

I picked up the fallen hat and approached the old man.

"Thank you, miss."

He received the hat from me and said hello.


The greeting posture is perfect.

With your right foot back and your left arm between your chin and belly button, bend your waist at 45 degrees.

I have never seen such a perfect posture even in the craftsmanship.

'Is it a very boring outfit?'

On the surface, he was a perfectly poor, ordinary old man.

He looked at the paper I was holding and said.

"You were studying."


"You are wonderful. But why don't you just go in today? Eben (rain shower) will come soon."

I was surprised.

'You use the words of aristocrats.'

It was also an old-fashioned aristocratic word now only used by the elderly.

'There's something.'

I pretended to be surprised and took a breath.

"Habuji, a wizard! How do you know?"

Before the rain, I thought I knew why my joints hurt, but I pretended to be surprised.

And then he said what he wanted.

"Mage meme. Please tell me your name. (Wizard. Please give me your name.)"

The old man smiled at me as if I was cute.

"This is Michelan."


I think I've heard it somewhere... ... .

Did someone like this appear in <Bing.Black.Son>?

I know almost all of the main characters' names, but none of them.

"Then, I'm alone. Have a nice day, miss."


I glanced at Michelan's back.

'It's not a common name.'

where did you see

As I was thinking about it, something popped and fell.

As Michelan said, it started to rain.

'Let's go inside.'

Even so, after coming to Daymond Jurisdiction, I was not feeling well.

You must have been tired from a lot of work lately.

'If it rains here, it's a cold sore.'

I took the paper and entered the room.

Even after returning to the room, I pondered the old man's name the whole time.

'Michelan, Michelan, Michel... ... .'

After contemplating the name for a while, I opened my eyes.

That's right, it's him!

["It became difficult to hire people for the fortress. Well, this time our servant... ... (syncopation)... ... Where there is no limb like Michelan,"]

That Michelan is there.

'right. Michelan, who was the chief attendant of the palace of the deceased emperor.'

The Empress Dowager did not even like to see the Emperor's nephew, who had been a static figure, to be enshrined in the tomb of the imperial family.

I tried to relocate the tomb of the queen of queens by grabbing the pods... ... .

'Michelan, who was the head of the royal palace, arranged it so that he couldn't catch a single pod.'

The magistrates of the Imperial Palace dug for three months and ten days, but not a single particle of dust came out.

Loyalty for a dead master.


So he became synonymous with the Sioux family.

In fact, she was angered by the Empress Dowager and was kicked out of the Imperial Palace, and was unable to find a job anywhere.

'That Michelan was in the manor of Astra.'

In fact, it was a place that even the Empress Dowager could not reach.

There were all kinds of people living there enough to be called a crime city, and it was very easy to migrate.

That was the moment I was thinking about it.


I heard a knock and raised my head.

"Lady, it's Heidi."


As I answered, Heidi came inside.

"I brought a piece of paper because he said he was practicing his handwriting. And this is the pen I used when I was young—"

Heidi glanced at me and smiled hehehe.

"—My father, who was a carpenter, made me practice writing. Easy for a child to hold."

"Heidi Hate Sojun Han Goya. (It is precious to Heidi.)"

can you give me

Seeing that expression, Heidi quickly nodded her head.

"Now that I'm all grown up, I can write well without it."

"... ... ."

"If it's okay, will you accept me... ... ?"

Heidi looked at me cautiously.

'Oh, be nice too.'

It wasn't meant to be a favor. He was genuinely caring for the child.

I laughed softly.

"Thank you."

Heidi was very happy that I accepted it.

Her face brightened and she quickly held out a pen to me,

"Igo Moya?"

—I grabbed her wrist.

Because there was only a tiny glimpse of the terrible scar under the sleeve.

"Oh, I accidentally injured myself."


"I was pounding the laundry with a bat—"


It was a wound like a whip.

Heidi hesitated, and I frowned.

"Heidi, right? (Heidi, right?)"

"It's not like that. Uh, so... ... ."

"Mrs Lecce beat me. Is not it? (Mrs. Rachel hit her, right?)"

"Never mind. Really—"

"Betty too? (Is Betty right?)"

"... ... ."

Last time I was slapped on the cheek, today I was whipped.

It was obvious why he did this.

Heidi and Betty were the maids who started getting close to me. He's been in and out of my room for days.

Mrs. Rachel didn't like it.

'It must have been an example to other servants by harassing Heidi and Betty.'

It means that if you try to look good to me, I will make you like this.

"Where is Mrs. Lecce? (Where is Mrs. Rachel?)"

"Oh no, miss!"

Heidi continued with a pale face.

"Right now, it's dangerous because the general doesn't have the jurisdictional castle. You say you come at night. Even if I did now, I couldn't lose—"

Just then, a sharp voice came from outside the door.

"Are you still idling, Betty!"

Heidi with a pale face looked back at the door.

"Lady, I will go. don't get out of here Never!"

After telling me, I quickly ran out of the room.

Betty looked very worried.

And I glanced out the window.

Kururgung, bang-!

It was raining with thunder.

* * *

When Heidi ran out, Betty was being whipped around the courtyard.

Mrs. Rachel held her whip high.

"Rachel, stop it! Please, please!"

Heidi hugged Betty, who had already been beaten several times.

Betty moaned as if she was about to run out of breath.

'That is unfair. It's really too much... ... !'

They were whipped yesterday and the day before.

There were seams in the laundry, so I called, but it came late.

But everyone knew it was just an excuse.

He would just hate to see Heidi and Betty entering and leaving Erilot's room.

But no one helps.

Astra Manor, also known as the Crime City. Daymond's jurisdiction was also at its deepest level.

Those who could afford it lived near the well-secured Gongseong Fortress, so there were only the poor people here.

It is impossible to dream of a stable job like an employee of an aristocratic family other than here.

That is why, despite Mrs. Rachel's tyranny, she could not stop and remained there.

But last time, there was a maid who rebelled.

But Mrs. Rachel's men all united and drove the maid out.

After that, no one spoke.

Mrs. Rachel twisted her lips.

"Why do you bother people like this?"

"... ... ."

"Don't you dare to stand in my way with even a single word of trembling?"

"... ... ."

"Why? Huh, Heidi?"

Mrs. Rachel patted Heidi on the cheek.

"It looks like a three-year-old has a back belly. If the general is back, what do you think will change?!"

It was the moment she raised her hand.

"Don't be hard!"

Erilot ran back and forth up the stairs.

Erilot, who stood between the maids and Mrs. Rachel, gleefully spread out her arms.

"Don't hit me! (Don't hit me!)"

"The education of servants is my right, so please go up."

"Erirot, it's Master Meme. (Erilot, it's my master.)"

If the master won't do it, the servant must stop.

At the words in the child's eyes, Mrs. Rachel burst into laughter.

"I am also the owner."

She said, "Hmm... ... ." While moaning, he looked at Erylot.

"Girl, no matter how noble water is poured, if muddy water mixes in, it's just muddy water."

"... ... ."

"I'm an idiot, can't you understand? If the noble blood of Astra is mixed with the blood of a dirty commoner, it's just vulgar."

Having said that, she ordered the servants.

"Take Heidi and Betty to the punishment room."

The servants, who were watching, moved slowly.

They were just about to catch Heidi and Betty.

Erilot rushed to Rachel and bit her calf.


Rachel screamed and pushed Erylot away.

Erilot, pushed by an adult, fell over.


"Oh my gosh, girl... ... ."

Heidi and Betty quickly supported the child.

Mrs. Rachel shouted.

"Dirty blood—!"

"Lecce, bad. I'm going to tell you everything Abamihate! (Rachel, that's bad. I'll tell you everything!)"

Rachel put out a laugh.

"Do you have any evidence?"

she looked around The servants who made eye contact quickly bowed their heads.

"It would be useless for Heidi and Betty to talk. Others will not agree."

"... ... ."

"And tell me. There is something special between me and General. You can't even imagine."

Rachel raised her chin with an arrogant expression.

"You don't say it, but I know. There is a very warm feeling in his eyes when he sees me."

"... ... ."

"I can't speak because I'm shy, but you can tell from the fact that he returned home without ending the war. I missed you."

"... ... ."

"It reminds me of my eyes, and you want to kiss my lips—"

"Isn't that crazy?"

These were not what Erillot said. Of course, so are the other servants.

Startled, Rachel looked back.

The soldiers and officials who returned to the city of jurisdiction were looking at Rachel with astonishment.

The person standing in front of them... ... .

"Hey, General Daymond."

Erilot smiled secretly.

'If there is no evidence, you can show it in person.'

public opinion? That being said, recordings and recordings are useless even if there is only one.

'Idiot, it's raining, so will your father continue to inspect?'

I thought you would come back early.

Perhaps around this time.

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