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I sat down near a tree since I was exhausted from the amount of $#1× I had to do all day

Wilbur:"Get up and continue getting materials, You're being so lazy."

Usually I stay silent but I was beyond tired at this point and I snapped

Fundy:"Excuse me? I've been working my @$$ off everyday doing what you tell me to, And I take one quick break and suddenly I'm lazy??"

Wilbur:"Don't talk back at me! You have no idea how much trouble you got us into when you started hanging out with that-that hybrid! I had to risk everything to get you out of trouble."

Fundy:"You mean give Dream all MY stuff so you can protect YOUR country! And don't refer to Y/N as 'that hybrid' they have a name!"

Wilbur:"You're so ungrateful! After everything I've done for you!"

Fundy:"Okay! Since you've done so much for me name one!"

Wilbur:"I took you in after your mother died."

Fundy:"Yeah, After you left me in the first place! And it's sorta your job y'know since you're MY FATHER!"

Wilbur:"Well you're lucky I didn't throw you in the sea as a kid!"

Fundy:"Maybe throwing me in the sea would've actually been a better fate than having to deal with you!"

I said getting up, I felt my fur stand up as the sound of a metal piercing through wood registered into my ears

He threw a F#(<1NG axe at me


I yelled at him, He stayed silent and walked away, I grabbed the axe and went to chop trees to calm down


I was walking and walking until I found myself in a field and realized, I was lost. I had no idea where I was, I checked if I had a map or a compass with me but I didn't. I decided to sit down and try to remember the directions I took to get me to this place but as I tried recollecting my memory I started remembering what they've done to me and what could possibly happen if I came back considering it's turning dark and I shouldn't be outside right now.

That's when I stood up and decided I'm leaving, I'll go look for a village and hopefully live there, I continued walking and walking, Until I found myself in a snow biome

Fundy:"Snow, I've never experienced it before, It's so cold yet so beautiful this place seems so peaceful..."

I got lost in my train of thought as I continued walking, I became more and more tired as I did considering I've barely rested up until this point then I bumped into something or someone, I fell to the ground and I dropped my axe and I quickly started looking for it

/////:"Ow! Watch where you're going!"

The figure said, I found my axe and kept a firm grip on it

Fundy:"Sorry, Sorry I didn't mean to-"

I stood up and brushed the snow off of me then I looked at who I bumped into and we made eye contact

Y/N:"Oh my god, Fundy?!"


I said excitedly as my tail wagged in excitement, I could see theirs did too they stood up and hugged me but I lost balance and fell, We were both giggling like two idiots

They got off of me and I sat up, We looked at each other and just stayed silent for a bit

Y/N:"Oh, Wait you must be freezing! Let's head to my house so you can warm up"

They stood up and I did too, They took my hand and dragged me to their humble abode, They invited me inside and I sat near the fireplace as they lit it up, The moment the fire started I felt the warmth come over my body, It was comforting

They came into the room with a blanket and put it around my shoulders, I was so mesmerized by the fire I didn't even notice they left my side

Y/N:"So Mr.Fox why are you here?"

Fundy:"I was doing chores then I got lost"

Y/N:"So you ended up here? We're like thousands of blocks away from L'manburg"

Fundy:"That's the point"

Y/N:"Ohh you ran away, I see"

As they said that my stomach grumbled and they snickered a bit

Y/N:"I'll go get you something to eat"

I put the blanket over me in embarassment, A few minutes later they came back into the room and I took the blanket off

Y/N:"Here I cooked some steak and made hot coco!"

Fundy:"Oo yum!"

They put 2 plates of steak down and they started eating, I did the same, Then we both just had random conversations until we finished our food, I helped them clean up and after that I took the blanket and placed it on the couch

Y/N:"What are you doing?"

Fundy:"Getting my sleeping area ready?"

Y/N:"Uh, You're not sleeping near an open fire, And you're also not sleeping in a cold room in this weather."

They grabbed my arm and lead me to the bedroom

Y/N:"Look, I don't have room for another one but the bed is big enough for both of us"

Fundy:"Oh, This is like our sleepover back then!"

Y/N:"Hah, Fun times before we were being hunted"

Fundy:"I wish they'd all just stop with their childish bull$#1×"

Y/N:"Same here, Then we'd be friends without needing to worry about our safety."

They slipped into bed under the blanket and laid down, I got in beside them and put the blanket they gave me earlier over me

Y/N:"You should live with me!"

Fundy:"That would be nice, Then I can help you make an extension of the house so I have my won room!"

Y/N:"That would be so cool!"


I said falling asleep

☆~YN'S POV~☆

I continued to talk about what we could possibly do together then I looked over at him and realized he was asleep and I should probably shut up and go to bed aswell, I stared at him a little more and noticed how peaceful he looked, It was like he hasn't slept at all, with that I drifted off to sleep

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