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~3rd Person POV~

Y/N was walking through the forest, Trying to forget about the feelings they discovered a few days ago. But despite trying to forget about their feelings they ended up thinking about him even more, They thought about how he was doing.

It had been a while since they last saw him. They wondered if he was okay, if he was still grounded..Or if he even still remembered them. He used to visit atleast once a week, but suddenly stopped. They started to worry, they started spiraling.

Then a snowflake fell on their nose breaking their train of thought, they looked around and noticed it started snowing! They smiled softly, they turned around and started walking back to their cabin. On their way back they came across Technoblade gathering fire wood.

"Hey Techno! Over here!"They exclaimed running over to him.

"Hallooo"He greeted in his usual monotoned voice.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you out in like 2 weeks, and your house has been empty."They asked the pink haired piglin-human.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I've just been working on a little project."He answered, vaugely.

"Ah, I see! Well if you ever need any help with anything, feel free to ask!"They said happily, taking off towards their cabin.

As they climbed the hill, they regretted choosing to build their home there,. It was a hassle to go up and down everytime they choose to go outside. They arrived infront of the cabin, Warmth greeted them as they opened the door it was as if the wooden building gave them a warm embrace. Though the cabin was small and messy, it was home. 

And as most people do at home, Y/N put pillows and a blanket on their couch and snuggled up near the fire. 

It was the perfect temperature, the warm crackling fire in the fireplace and the nice cold snow outside the cabin. With that said, they slowly drifted off to sleep..


This is the last happy chapter ya'll are getting <3

Other side of the warKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat