Chapter 7

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Arthur's POV:

Merlin smiled, and it brought a smile to my face. I've never seen him smile... well, it wasn't real.

He was cleaning dishes, when I walked into the kitchen. He turned to water off, looking down. I could hear soft crying from him. I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"It's ok..." he turned around, shoving his face in my chest.

He pulled away, wiping the tears away. "Can you stay with me?" he asked. "I don't want to be alone..."

"Sure, I will..." he walked away.

When he came back, he had a pair of sweatpants. He throw them at me. He started to walk away, when I spoke up.

"Merlin?" he turned around, to face me. "Why don't you trust people?"

"I do..." he crosses his arms.

"No you don't... why are you afraid?"

He stairs off into the distance "I've seen what people can do, and... I don't want to be like them. I'm afraid Arthur"

I walk over to him, looking into his eyes. "Don't worry... I won't let anyone hurt you" he nods his head, looking down. "You need some sleep" he looks up, with a smile.

I walk him to his room, and get him into bed. I sit down in a chair, next to the bed. "Arthur..." he rolls over to face me. "Sleep with me, please?"

"Um... I ca-" he cut me off.

"I know. Sorry for asking..." he rolls over.

I get up slowly, and clim into bed. I wrap my arm around him, and he leans into the touch. "Good night" I say, hearing his faint snores. "I love you" I say, kissing him lightly on the head.

The next day, I wake up- the sun shining in. I look down, seeing Merlin was still fast asleep.

I get up, and walk into the kitchen. I pull out eggs, bacon, and pancake batter.

Merlin walks in, dragging his feet and rubbing his eyes. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good... thank you" he says, walking closer to me.

"Did you hear anything after you fell asleep?"

"No... why?" he questioned.

"No reason. I thought I heard something, but it was just a cat..." I lied.

"Why are you lying to me?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. I know, I'm a jerk..." I pause. "I lo-" I was cut off, by the door.

"One minuet..." Merlin said, walking away.

"Hello... is Hunith here?" I hear, as I'm walking to the door.

When I get there, Merlin speaks up. "Who's asking?"

"Please. Tell me, is she here?" The man ranted.


"Oh, God... I saw the news. Is it true?"


"Is she dead?" the man blurted out.

"Yes... she die-" Merlin's voice broke, But he continued. "Who are you?"

"I'm Balior" the man said.

Merlin must have known him, because he stiffened. "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"No. Wh-" Merlin cut him off.

"Get out" the man looked at him in confusion. "NOW" Merlin shouts. "Please go"

"What did I say?" the man asked.

"Merlin... what's wrong?" I ask.

"Arthur, can I talk to him in pricey?" I nod my head, walking away.

Merlin's POV:

I look at the man, anger in my eyes. "Your dead..."

"What are you talking about?... do I know you?"

I put my head down, tears streaming down my face. "She told me you were dead..."


I grab his shirt, and fear flashes in his eyes. I let go, backing away in fear. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..."

"It's ok. Just tell me... Who told you I was dead?"

"My mom" he gave me a confused look. "Hunith..."

"She remarried?" He asked.

"No, she never did..."

"But that means..." He stumbled to find words.

"Hi dad..."

"No, your not my son..."

"Really?... because growing up, my mom told me a man named 'Balior' was my father" we sit in silents, until I speak up once more. "Where were you?"

"Please, don't..."

"Tell me..."

"N-" I cut him off.

"I HAVE DEALED WITH SO MUCH, AND YOUR TELLING ME YOU CAN'T TELL ME?" I shout. "I wish you never came back..." I look down, realizing I hurt him. "Now go. Never come back Dad..." I say, before closing the door.

I walk into the kitchen, to see Arthur. "Harsh" he said.


"I heard you shout, and then you shut the door on him"

"Arthur, please don't..." he got up, walking over to me.

"Why?" he asked, inches away from my face. His blue eyes were looking into my soul, so I look away. "Don't do that..." he said, grabbing my chin. "Don't you want to know what I said last night?" I nod my head. He leans in and whispers "I love you..."

We pull apart, and I open my mouth to say something. But he kisses me on the lips, before I can get a word out.


Sorry for the long wait, and the short chapter.

But I hope you enjoyed it.

I will try my best to update this weekend.

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