Chapter 12

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Merlin' POV:

I woke up the next morning, my head in the nap of Arthur's neck. He was still sleeping. His breaths were even, and shallow. And his eyes moved behind his eye lids. He looked so peaceful...

I kissed his cheek, and slowly got out of bed. Trying not to wake him. I went to my jeans on the floor, and pulled my phone out. 12 new messages: all from my aunt. They were questions about the funeral next week. Like: who I wanted to come (other than all our family members)? What flowers? Inside or outside? Open casket or no? What was wearing? Ect.

I sighed, when my phone buzzed. New message. From my dad... He wanted to know about the funeral...

I ignored him, shoving my phone in my sweatpants pocket. I went and laid back down, and snuggled into Arthur again. "You do know we have to get up soon?" He said, his eyes still closed.

"Oh, can we just stay here? I mean your parents won't know, they're already gone." I said, "plus, I can think of better things to do..." I trailed off, kissing his collarbone.

"I would love to stay here with you all day, but we have to go to school. I mean my dad would know, because he's the priceable." Arthur smiled, still keeping his eyes closed.

"Fine." I said, jumping up leaving him to freeze. I grabbed my jeans and shirt on the floor, and got changed. When I looked back at Arthur, he was staring at me. "What?"

"Your going to ware that again?" He asked.

"Yeah... I mean I have no other clothes..." I said.

He stood up and walked over to me. Grabbing the hem of my shirt, he pulled it off of me. He then reached over to his dresser and pulled out a clean shirt and pair of pants. He pulled the shirt over my head, and smiled. "Do you want me to help you with your pants?" He asked. I blushed, snatching the pants from him and turning away. "You're cute when you blush..."

"Shut up..." I mumbled, pulling on the pants he gave me. "Get ready for school."

After Arthur finished fooling around at his house, we went to my house. I grabbed my bag and rushed back out to the car. Then we finally made it to school.

At school Arthur messed around. He got in trouble a few times, but once the teacher saw me with him, they said, "carry on..." And walked away. So that just got Arthur to mess around more, and do even more stupid things.

He ran up and down the halls, and got everyone rowdy. I think you could say, he started a mosh pit. The teachers had to shout to get people to stop.

I guess Arthur was just irritable. He couldn't stay still. Even in class. He did the opposite of what the teacher said, he got the students rowelled up, and he spit spit balls at the posters on the walls. It got so bad that the teacher finally snapped.

"ARTHUR PENDRAGON! LEAVE MY CLASS IMMEDIATELY, AND SIT IN THE HALL!" He shouted. Everyone went silent. No one moved.

"Yes sir." Arthur smiled, getting up and leaving.

When he was gone, I raised my hand and said, "sir, may I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course Merlin..." He said, not looking at me.

I jumped up and ran out of class. When I got to the hall, Arthur wasn't there. I went down the hall and around the hall, finding him. "Arthur!" He turned to me. "What's going on with you?"

"I'm board. I want to go home." He said, "can we just leave. You were right we should have just stayed home..."

"No, we can't go home. You have to get your grades up, and go to class. And you can't go to class, if the teacher kicks you out. So you know what? Go back to class, walk right up to the teacher and say you're sorry."

"But what if he-" I cut him off, pushing him agents the lockers and kissing him.

I pull away, and look into his eyes. "Do it for me...?" He nods, and I push away.

We walk back to class, and he comes in with me. He says he's sorry and that it will never happen again. The teacher forgives him, and Arthur goes to sit down. And for once he actually takes notes in class.

Arthur drives me home after school. He said he had to go straight home after school, but he ended up coming in and staying for the whole night...

We went to my room and laid down in my bed. I asked him, "are we a... thing?"

It was silent for a second, then, "do you want us to be?" He asked, turning to me. I nodded, not looking at him. He grabbed my face, and turned my head to face him. He was smiling. "Then were a thing." He kissed me passionately.

Then we talked-and kissed- for awhile. We talked until we got tired, and fell asleep. I woke up first, and laid there, watching him sleep. I loved how peaceful he looked when he slept. And I loved how his chest rose and fell, every time he breathed in and out. How his shallow breathing stayed even. And the way his eyes moved under his eye lids. And the way his lips moved when he talked in his sleep. I loved it all...
Arthur's POV:

I had a bad day yesterday, but today was going to be good. I knew because I had Merlin.

I accidentally stayed the night at his house, but my parents were fine with it. They were just worried, not mad. Well, they were a little mad, I didn't call or text, saying I wouldn't be home.

So when I woke up Merlin was gone, and I had a phone full of text and missed calls, from my parents, and... I was cold...
We got to school on time, and had to go our separate ways. He had history and I had algebra. Besides, even if we did have history at the same time, we'd still have to be separated, because we don't have the same history teacher.

So we both said goodbye, and headed our separate ways.
During lunch, when I heading to the field- to meet Merlin- I ran into Morgues. She was happy to see me, and offered to walk me out to the field. I agreed, think nothing of it.

"So how are you?" She asked.

"Good... You?"

"I've been good." She replied. "So I hear you and Merlin are hanging out... A lot..." I couldn't decipher the tone in her voice, but it didn't sound good.

"So? Merlin's nice... Not like you would know, because you beat him up instead of getting to know him." I said, as we walked up the steps to the bleachers.

"That was before we were friends." She hissed, grabbing my arm and pulling me down with her. We sat in the middle of the bleachers.

"You don't actually care for him..." I said, looking away.

"Not as much as I care for you..." She said, grabbing my face, and turning my to face her. She pulled me close, and kissed me. I tried pulling away, but she just kissed me more, holding my face. When she pulled away, she said, "oh no..."

I looked behind me, I got to my feet. "Merlin..." He looked me straight in the eye, tears beginning to fall from his eyes, before he ran off. "Wait! Merlin!"

"Let him go." Morgues said, grabbing my arm. "You two are just not meant to be..."

I yank away. I give her a hard glare before running off. I run off the way Merlin went, to the school. When I got inside he was nowhere to be seen. I lost him...
Both mentally and physically...

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