Forgive me?

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Merlin's point of view:

I ran to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. All I could see was a... wimp, useless, and powerless person standing there. I punched the mirror it shattered all over the floor, I looked down at the glass. I picked a pice up, cutting my finger a little bit. A drip of my blood falling to the ground, I set the pice of glass on my wrist 'should I do it' I ask myself 'it's not like anyone would care' I slide the price of glass across my wrist, leaving a trail of blood.

"MERLIN" Arthur shouts from outside the bathroom door, I drop the blade of glass and hank my sleeve down. Arthur comes bursting through the door "there you are" he said worried "Merlin... you have to forgive me"

"I don't have to do anything for you"

"Merlin please"


He takes a deep breath, slowly walking towards me "forgive me?"

I take a long moment, I look down and see the blood. He didn't notice the blood or the broken mirror yet, so I put my foot over the blood, there was nothing I could do about the mirror.

"... Merlin... say something?"

"Sure... I'll forgive you"

"You won't regret this, I promise you that" he said really happy, with a cheeky smile.

The bell rang, and he started dragging me out to the hall when he turned around, he looked from me to the mirror "did you do that?" I nod my head looking down "well we should at lest pick it up" he said letting go of my arm.

"No no... I'll pick it up I mean, I did it after all"

"Can I at lest help"

I put my foot where the blood is "sure" was all I said as I crouched down.

When we were done Arthur asked "what happened today?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like... do you 'have' a girlfriend or was that a lie?, why were those people beating you up?, why wouldn't you tell Gaius where you got those scares?"

"Some secrets are supposed to stay secret" I say patting him on the back.

"Merlin... want to go get a milkshake?" I turn in his direction to see he's not looking at me.

"Yes" he looks at me with a fake smile.

He grabs my cut wrist and yanks me out the door, we're running down the hall and I can hear teachers yelling at us. I want to pull my arm away, but he would suspect something.

We get to the parking lot, and he pulls me to a '1969 Maserati Ghibli 4.7' it was painted with a beautiful silver color.

"You coming?"

"Uummm... yes" I jumped I the passenger side, I looked over at him and he had a cheeky grin on "What?"

"Have you ever been on a date?"


"Good, on word" he put the car into drive, and pulled out of the parking lot.

About 5 minuets later, we pulled up in front of a cafe. He put the car into park and jumped out.

When we walked in a beautiful girl walked up to us "hey Arthur, does dad know your skipping school?"

"Hi Morgona, and no we had a little..."

"Fight?... Arthur, I won't tell about this" she looks over at me.

"Oh, sorry... this is Merlin"

"Nice to meet you Merlin" she gives me her hand to shake, I grab it leaning down I kiss it.

"It's nice to meet you to, my lady"

"Oh, he has manners... And I'm Morgona" she said with a smile.

We go sit down and Morgona comes to take our order.

"We'll take a plate of fries, and two milkshakes..." he looks over at me "what flavor do you want?"

"Vanilla, please"

"And I'll take a chocolate"

"K, I'll be right back" she walks into the kitchen, looking back once.

"So Merlin, what do you like to do i your free time?"

"read, What about you?"

"oh, I love to read... I read all the time" he gives me a look that says, he really hates reading.

"No you don't, why are you lying?"

"ok, I never have free time, and I hate reading, he looks down smiling.


"nothing, just... I love your smile" I start to blush and look down, but i was saved by Morgona coming back.

"So Merlin, I'v never seen you around... did you move?"

"No, I'v always been here I just... like to keep my head down, stay low"

"Wel maybe you should keep that head up" she lifts my chin to face her better, and kisses me on the lips.

------Arthur point of view------
(sorry for the change in point of views)

When I saw them kiss, I felt...I felt something I have never felt before.

Merlin pulled away, looking down then back up at me.

"Hey, Merlin... call me" she handed Merlin a slip of paper and walked away.

Merlin didn't say anything, he just sat there. He looked up, with a tear treating to fall.

"Merlin... are you ok?"

"... Yeah, Yeah... it's Just... I'm ok" he stuttered, not knowing what to say.

I took a frie and bright it to my mouth, I took a small bite of the frie. I decided not to question Merlin, so I changed the subject.

"So, Merlin... What's your favorite book?"

"The hobbit"

"Cool" I say grabbing another frie "what's your family like?"

Merlin didn't answer, he just took a frie, rolling it between his lips a little.

"Merlin, is something wrong?"

"No, I just need some air" he said getting up.

I looked outside and it was dark out. I got up and throw some cash on the table, and ran after Merlin.

When I got outside, he was nowhere to be seen.

"MERLIN" I shout.

I look around the dark street, and see he's long gone. 'I'll just talk to him at school tomorrow' I said to myself.

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