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Nick POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I turned over and checked the time. "OH GOD, 8:15 ALREADY????!!!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed and got dressed, 10 minutes later I was outside, walking to school and I hadn't even brushed my teeth.


"You're late Mr. Armstrong." The teacher said as I rushed into the classroom. It was a small classroom with a lot of paintings hung on the wall. I took a seat next to a brown haired guy who was staring at the board.

Blah blah blah, the teacher went on and on about herself, talking about how long she had been teaching other stuff then all of a sudden, she called my name.

"Mr. Armstrong, are you listening?" The teacher asked as she tapped on my desk lightly.

"Huh? What, sorry I wasn't paying attention..." I said as I looked around nervously.

"I was asking you to tell the class your name and what you did this summer and don't worry everyone else is going to be doing the same." The teacher explained. I nodded and started to talk.

"Hi everyone, I and Nicholas but you can call me Nick. What I did this summer was go to the beach with my best friend and played video games." I introduced myself.

"That's awesome. Ok, Mr. Davidson you're next." She said.

"Hi, I'm George and one thing I did this summer was... um I- uh I moved here, well I came from the UK so- uh yeah." George stuttered, he looked like a cool dude then the next person started talking and then the next and then the next.

It went on until the bell rang. I jumped out of my seat, picked up my backpack and left my first period class.

George POV

I was the first person to walk into my 1st class of the day. It was the first day of school for me in Florida and for everybody else it was the last first day of school. (if you get what i mean)

A few minutes later a lot more people came in groups or waving to someone good-bye.

"Hello, class! I'm very excited for this school year because you will be the first group to get IDs!!!" The teacher exclaimed, for a lot of people that was kind of boring including me.

Everyone was talking when a short raven haired guy ran into the classroom, the teacher called him out.

"Mr. Armstrong, your late." She told him.

He walked over to me and took a seat next to me, then he looked at me and looked back at the teacher.

The teacher talked about random stuff nobody really cared about I just stared at the paintings on the wall, once she stopped talking she called on the guy next to me, I could tell if he was confused but the teacher explained.

"Hi everyone, I'm Nicholas but you can call me Nick. What I did this summer was go to the beach with my best friend and played video games." he introduced himself.

"That's great! Ok, Mr. Davidson, your next." She said as the whole class looked at me.

Oh shoot, I had no idea what I could say right there it was happening so fast so I randomly blurted out something I didn't want to say.

"Hi, I'm George and one thing I did this summer was... um I- uh I moved here, well I came from the UK so- uh yeah." I said as I looked down at my black Adidas shoes.

As everyone else talked about themselves and what they did in the summer, I just stared out the window, watching the day move on slowly. I slumped into my seat.

Once the bell rang (which happened after 15 minutes) Nick was the first person to leave the room. I quickly got up and didn't even realize my backpack was open when I ran for 2nd period.

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