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George POV


Everyone rushed to doors to exit the building, I stayed in the corners because everyone was running over to the doors, I get it. School wasn't the best thing in the world but it did let me out of my chaotic home.

Nick POV

I tried to look around for George but I couldn't see him, not even Clay even though he was one of the most tallest kids in the school.

There was so much screaming going on that I almost went deaf, as soon as I was out of the building and got into my car... I was free.

As I drove home, I put on some songs and listened to them. As soon as I arrived home, I unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I called out, I sighed, my parents were probably at work still. I ran upstairs and threw myself on my bed. All I heard was the hum of the air conditioner. I got up and grabbed my phone and started to text Clay.

Dream :p



you wanna stream?

ummmm im a bit busy

oki bye :)


End of convo 

George POV

Since I didn't have a ride home, I walked. My house wasn't that far away from school. As I walked in, my mom greeted me with a hug.

"How was your first day of school?" Mom asked, I hesitated, I didn't want her to know I had a interesting one, she would doubt herself. I didn't want her to do that again.

"It was good." I lied, I plastered a fake smile on my face and took off my shoes.

"Let's get you something to eat," My mom said as she walked over to the kitchen and started to open up the cupboards. "Ok, what you want?"She asked me. I walked over and sat down in a chair. Um... can I have something salty or something?" I told her. She gave me (insert something salty that u like) I took it and started to eat.

"Eat up, I got to go and meet someone!" She exclaimed. I got confused right away, she was seeing someone... I thought, I couldn't believe that she didn't tell me but I couldn't mad at her, she's been through so much already.

"Ok, that's fine..." I told her as I finished up and ran upstairs.

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