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George POV

Before I knew it, it was another week at school, my alarm rang and I reached over to turn it off. I stayed in bed for a few more minutes and then I got up, I walked over to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and went back to my closet to change my clothes. I got a green sweater (which looked piss yellow to him i know) and a pair of jeans, I changed and went downstairs.

"Ok, George. Another week of school... you can survive, besides you now have a friend." I told myself but at the mention of Nick, once again the thoughts came rushing back. I groaned and walked outside the door. (he had breakfast but im too lazy to write that)

Nick POV

My alarm rang for the 5th time, I groaned and checked the time. I realized that I still had time to get ready for school. I winced but then I shook off the pain from my arm and got ready.


3rd person POV

Nick and George met up in front of the school, the first thing George was that Nick's arm was wrapped around with gauze, George's face went blank.

"Oh, your looking at my arm huh?" Nick asked, George got red and rubbed the back of his neck, Nick chuckled a bit and told him everything as they walked into the school. About his arm, his dad, everything.

"So, back when I was 3 or 4. My family were pretty much fine, we were pretty happy but... that only lasted till I was 14 or something (in the fanfic, sapnap and gogy are 17) my dad started to change, it fine for a few days until one day he came back home like a complete mess. My dad had lied to us saying that he was working late but he actually was cheating on my mom but we didn't know that until a few weeks later, anyways he started to do this more often and soon he became way more distant. Sometimes he wouldn't even get home, and now just yesterday right after you left he twisted my arm completely." Nick explained as they walked inside the classroom, George was in pure shock as he sat in his desk and took out his textbook and pencil.

Nick POV

As soon as I finished, George was really shocked, he had no idea because I never liked talking about this to anyone but I trusted him and then class had started.

The day was going pretty slow, I mean mondays were always slow and boring. Around 3rd period, it started raining really hard, the lights flickered a bit as we learned about math. I looked out the window and zoned out, next thing I knew the bell rang and I got up my chair, grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door.


i rewrote this entire chapter bc i didn't like the wording :D

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