Amazed and Ambitious

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the sound of laughter and screaming can be heard near the hill. 

two kids, with two swords, chasing each other with a huge smile. 

that's until one of the sword handles snapped, leaving the wooden sword unusable on the ground. 

one of the kids pouted and crossed their arms, a boy with dirty blonde hair and lime green eyes. 

the other kid, a boy with pink hair and red eyes, and also a pinglin hybrid, was laughing at his friend for being so careless with the wooden sword. 

"What has happened here?. "

the kids turned their heads to see the unfamiliar voice, only to meet more unfamiliarity. 

messy partially slicked back white hair with a headband around his head, dark as void eyes, wearing a fur collared jacket and a mask.

"Oh, hello Mr! We were just playing but my sword's handle broke" the boy with dirty blonde hair frowned, crossing his arms tightly around his chest making it look more like a self hug. 

"Well it's your fault for not being careful! " the other boy said, trying to keep himself from giggling. 

the mysterious person only laughed, and patted the bitter boy's head. 

"What's your name kiddo? ". the boy tilted his head up with confusion, "'s Dream".

the person hummed in acknowledgement and grabbed the miserable wooden sword (and it's broken handle) and pulled out what seemed to be tape. 

carefully matching the shape of the handle to the rest of the sword, they taped together the handle, and then put stronger tape over it so it doesn't break again. 

after they finished, they gave the sword back to the boy, who's name that they now know as 'Dream'. 

Dream looked at the duct taped sword with a big grin and hugged the unfamiliar person who fixed it. 

"Thank you Mr!. " Dream thankfully yelled. 

the mysterious person chuckled, giving back the hug. 

"You can call me Mr Slab, kid" 

"Okay Mr Slab! Thank you for fixing my sword!. ".

They stopped hugging when they both heard a 'hmph'. 

"Kiddo you okay? ''''i-im fine" the boy with pink hair stuttered out, seemingly being the shy one of the duo. 

"Don't mind him Mr Slab! he's probably jealous he didn't get a hug. " Dream said, making his friend tackle him. 

luckily 'Mr Slab' didn't get caught in the crossfire and settled them down enough so they won't beat each other up. 

"Okay then, what about you kiddo? What's your name? " he looked at the other boy, who's now looking away shyly. 

"It's Techno.. ". Mr Slab hummed in acknowledgement again. 

"Alright then, now-" before 'Mr Slab' could continue, he heard a grainy groan behind them. 

turning his head at the noise, he only sighed. Zombies. 

he looked back at the kids, "maybe you kiddos want to close your eyes on this one". The young duo only looked at him with confusion and secretly curiosity. 

the male stood up, and pulled out a sharp diamond sword out of thin air. and went straight to the zombies, swinging his sword and instantly killing a lot of them. The sound of the sword slicing through the rotten flesh is gruesome and a bit gross. 

after all the Zombies were cleared, with the aftermath being him and his sword bloody and dirty. 

He took off the dirty bloody jacket and made it disappear into thin air along side the dirty sword. 

glancing back at the kids, who he only realized now was watching the whole time and didn't listen to his warning. 

but instead of fear, both of them looked at him with an amazed look. 

"Wow Mr Slab, that was so cool!. " Techno excitedly said, throwing his arms in the air. 

Dream nodded in agreement "Yeah! Can you teach us how to do that?! we really want to become the strongest fighters in the world and you seem really strong!.".

'Mr Slab' looked at the kids, going into a thinking position. 

"Eh, sure, I don't see why not. " 'Mr Slab' concluded. 

the duo jumped in excitement with the thought of their new cool mentor. 

but 'Mr Slab' only hoped that they would use this training for good. 

((Hope you guys enjoy this! idk if there's going to be another chapter but we'll see

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