Scars an↸ ⊣⚍╎ꖎℸ ̣ ᓭ

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// description of scars and body horror. 

Techno was shocked, a bit stunned back. 

he felt sympathetic towards the man in front of him, his face softened as he nodded. 

"oh.. sorry for asking, I shouldn't have aske-" Techno tried to apologized but was cut off

"It's fine Techno, I wanted to tell you anyway. ", said Etho. 

Techno looked down, thinking about how painful it is to have your scars forever engrained to you. and through those thoughts, he got reminded of Phil's scars. 

The scars on his back never healed, it was still the same dark red color, but with dark veins surrounding it. the skin feels soft like this part of Phil is forever young

He felt sorry for his ╎ᒲᒲ𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ᔑꖎ friend. 

"something in your mind?. " the white haired male asked, kicking the piglin out the horrible thoughts. 

"ah nothing. ". Etho only scoffed. 

"I know a liar when I see one. ", Etho took Techno's hand and gently caressed it like a mom. 

"It's okay, I'll listen", Techno wasn't even mad that his own mentor used his words against him. his respect for the male only increased, so he opened his mouth and started talking. 

and after that, he went home happier, he felt happy. Which is a feeling that he hasn't felt for a long time. 

he hopes that feeling stays. 


the next day, when the sun is still rising. The group planned to get breakfast at a local diner. 

the group walked in, the smell of pancakes and eggs immediately made them wake up. 

Grian and Scar immediately went to the waffles and pancakes section and started debating which is best, causing a bit of ruckus and then ending up just sitting and eating. 

Techno went to get the hash browns and stir fried spicy potatoes, and then went to make his tea as the diner didn't make pre-made tea but did serve tea bags so the customers could make their own. 

Etho went to get eggs and the maple syrup covered bacon. When asked why, he said it's because he's Canadian and he needs to. He also grabbed some more maple syrup and sat down at a near table. 

Dream only grabbed the cinnamon bites and some apples, though, instead of sitting by himself, he sat down at Etho's table, getting the attention of the other male who's currently eating. 

"Hello Mr Slab! . "

"You can call me Etho y'know. "

Dream laughed, knocking some apples to the floor which Etho picked up for him. 

"Mr Slab! I wouldn't dare to do something as disrespectful as that, you are my superior and I shall treat you like one. " 

Etho was a bit confused, but was flattered. 

"Well, I'm not your superior anymore right? I don't fight as much as I did back then. fighting standards since then has changed and I simply don't enjoy that much anymore, but I am getting interested again. " the white haired male explained, and then went back to eating. 

realizing that this probably isn't the best moment to ask what he wanted to ask, he just kept quiet and ate the 'breakfast' he got. 


After they were all done, the group decided to go to the flower field that's famously called 'the field of eternal beauty' which they were right, it was beautiful. 

different kinds of flowers planted in a beautiful color scheme, the light bouncing of each petal was out for this world. 

the fragrant smells, the flowing leaves in the air, the bees and butterflies that flew around. It was gorgeous. 

The group stared in awe, the moment feeling like something out of a story book, they all cherished the scenery and-

"so.. Mr Slab, if you don't mind me asking, what's with your left eye? the scarred one? . "

Etho the Rivalsduo's mentorWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt