Reunions and a Story

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TW// implied kidnapping, implied torture

"what kind of name is 'Mr Slab'?! "

Scar, Etho, and Grian just burst into laughter while Techno and Dream stood there oblivious.

The three calmed down, moving their attention to the very confused pair.

Grian wiped a tear off his face before explaining, "okay okay so, the guy you were looking for was Etho?. ".

Techno and Dream gave each other a look, "yeah?. '' Dream replied.

"wow Etho, didn't know you were a mentor at some point. "

"Well you know me, always unexpected." Etho jokingly replied, though his tone may have said otherwise.

Grian then pulled out something from his back, a half of a wooden plank, a slab.

"hey look Etho! it's you!. ", he nudged the mask-wearing male, which he though would spark some laughs from everybody, but instead he got some deadly as murder glares from Techno and Dream. they didn't look happy at all.

Grian quickly backed away, he could smell the pair's high respect for the male in front of him. what if he could piss them off further.

he whispered a plan to Scar in secret, which the male nodded excitingly in having a chance to cause some chaos.

getting back into the group, the winged duo feeling they are intruding into a reunion, which it is, Scar brought up an interesting comment.

"So Etho. We have been friends for a while, right? ",

"We literally have been friends for only 20 years but sure. ".

Techno's and Dream's jaw dropped at the subtle mention of Scar and Etho being older than what they seem.

shaking the thought off, Techno also noticed a strange thing. 'Mr Slab' had black colored irises on both of his eyes, but now, one is red with a scar across it, the scar even looks recent.

He thought about whether he should ask about it, but decided it's best to ask him in private to not ruin the mood.

focusing back into the chat, Etho's tone seems happier. He still has that smooth soothing voice, but now with a bit of cheeriness, which isn't a bad thing!.

Techno things to himself, maybe this isn't too bad.

Maybe things are okay for once.


After the day was over, Techno asked Etho if he could chat with him privately, which he agreed to.

they went to find a place suitable for a small chat, and found a little cafe with not so many people and went in, sitting at the table far away from the crowd.

Etho coughed a bit, "uh so, what did you want to talk about?. ". Techno took a sec to think about his choice of words.

"apologies if this sounds insensitive but if it's not too much, may I ask what happened to your left eye, Mr Slab?. "

Etho was a bit stunned back, but quickly recovered and chuckled a bit.

"I knew you would ask that, it's a long story. " "I don't mind. " Techno replied instantly, curious about his mentor's scar.

"Well then, get your snacks and make sure you sit down for this, cause it's not a pretty story"


There once was a little boy, a hybrid, who lived in a village far away. until the beings who watched the whole world destroyed it, and the little boy ran.

Unfortunately for the little boy, the beings found him, and put him into the void and kept him there as he weakened.

though the beings didn't realize that during the little boy's runaway, he met a lot of new friends, who were loyal.

they fought the beings, even if they were permanently scarred.

but they succeeded, when a couple of those lovely friends found a way to defeat the beings.

sneaking in, the friends were greeted with one of the beings. black wings, and light blonde hair.

one of those friends took a hit, his face forever full of scars that will never heal.

another one got hit, half of his face now covered by mechanics and tech.

and the last one of those friends also got hit, his left eye forever scarred and blinded for eternity.

though, they pushed on, and killed the being, with their swords and bows, the being fell.

The other beings were terrified at their determination and strength to push on, and released the little boy in fear that they would too get slain.

the little boy then got the strength to be the boy he always wanted to be and lived happily ever after with his friends.


"I.. I don't understand, how is this related to the story of your eye?. ",

Etho chuckled at the piglin's confusion.

" Would you risk your own life for the people you care about? That's the real question, Techno, because for me, I would,

because I already risked my life for that little boy, who's name you already know of. ".

((implied angst oop, it gets worser from here.

Etho the Rivalsduo's mentorWhere stories live. Discover now