Coincidences and Nostalgia

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The very next day, after Techno and Dream got their rest. They set out to meet up with Grian and Scar. 

They walked around town for a bit, tasting some samples until they reached the fountain, noticing that the duo they were meeting up with were already there. 

Dream was the first person to say good morning, followed by Scar, Grian, and lastly Techno. 

after talking for a bit, Techno mentioned that thru should get going so when they reach the city it won't be too dark, which they all agreed upon and set out, making the most chaotic trip ever. 


after walking for a bit, Grian started out a conversation. 

"It's pretty cool we are going to the same city, even cooler if you guys are also visiting someone. ", the male said jokingly, not knowing the context of Techno's and Dream's trip. 

Dream chuckled, "actually we are going to visit someone, what a coincidence?. ".

Grian gave a little surprised 'mhm', not expecting his joke to be actually true. as he continued to walk. 

It was silent for a bit, but Dream was getting bored of the silence and revived the conversation. 

"Who are you guys visiting?. ''''just some friends. " Scar replied to the masked man. 

"how about you guys?. ", 

"we're visiting an old mentor of ours. ".

Techno would've slapped Dream for revealing information, but he gave himself some optimism thinking that the tidbits that Dream gave out wouldn't put them into a vulnerable spot.

Well, time will tell if it will end badly. 


after a while of not stop chatting between the group. they arrived at West Central, which to be honest wasn't too far from the Central. 

after showing the guard their traveling id, they went in with Techno and Dream instantly getting hit with nostalgia. 

unlike Central City, the West Central always stayed the same, something with preserving history, but being honest, there wasn't much history with the city. 

walking around town, Grian asked the pair if they want to join the winged duo on meeting some of their friends, which Dream instantly replied with yes. 

Techno and Dream followed the winged duo into a part of the city that both knew very well. 

their hometown. 

Both were very surprised at the coincidences during this whole trip, and decided to forget about it as they took in the nostalgic feeling from the area. 

they didn't know at the time that they were going to be hit with more nostalgia. 

but they did notice Grian's and Scar's joyful look, who then proceeds to call out an unfamiliar name. 

"yo Etho!. " both yelled, grabbing the attention of a white haired person that instantly catches the eye of Techno and Dream. 

The mask-wearing stranger walked up to them and gave a little hello two the winged pair. 

Dream and Techno took in the appearance of the stranger, white hair, with a headband around their head. 

wearing a fur collared jacket with a lot of little nick nacks.

but the thing that gave away who this person is was their eyes, one being colored red with a scar over their eye. and one being black as a void which was a feature that their mentor only had. 

which means… 

"Mr Slab!. " the pair yelled, receiving confused looks from the winged duo, and a look from their mentor that screamed 'oh. '

Grian stammered for a bit trying to say something, before pausing. 

"what kind of name is 'Mr Slab'?! ".

((a bit of filler chapter, but I kinda like it, also, credit to V10l3t_wr1t3s for some inspiration on this fic lmao

Etho the Rivalsduo's mentorWhere stories live. Discover now