Part 9

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Lillian's POV
We were at there headquarters. I was introduced to a Jacquelyn Scieszka. I said I know you you were working for Mr Poe. She said yes and I'm sorry I couldn't stop you from marrying him. I said no need to apologize it wasn't your fault. She smiled at me. She said come with me I'm sure your hungry.

After eating she showed me to the library. She left me to read for a while. After a few hours the doors to the library opened. I saw my siblings I ran to them and hugged them. Klaus said we are so happy to see you. I said so am I.

I went and stood out on the balcony it was night. I was free but for how long. I looked out and saw Count Olaf's car. I went to warn everyone. I found Kit and told her. She said well deal with him I want you to go get off this mountain and run. I nodded my head went out one of the secret passage ways. My siblings joined me soon after. I said what do we do? Violet said I don't know. We ran and came across a sign that said Lemony Snicket. I said look let's go. We opened the passage door and were in a house. I said hello please Lemony Snicket. A man walked in he said you look like your mother. I said you knew our mother. He said yes I did now please come sit down. I said Count Olaf he's looking for us. Lemony said how much does he want to get his hands on you. I said he wants me he won't stop till he has me. Lemony all of a sudden got a call. Lemony said he burned down the headquarters and killed everyone except for Kit. Lemony said you need to go Olaf is on his way. Violet said let's go. Lemony said no just Lily he won't kill us if he can't find Lily. I said ok and left.( oh how wrong Lemony was)

I was now wondering around the secret tunnels. I got out if there knowing Olaf would probably look there. It was night time. I really didn't know what to do.

I had no where to go. That's when the worse thing happened I saw Olaf's car. I had no where to hide. He saw me and stopped I went to run. Olaf's henchmen the hook handed man caught me. He threw me in the car. It was just him and Olaf. Olaf said I'm disappointed countess. Olaf said killing Lemony and your siblings was a breeze. I said what. He said yes died in a fire no one survived. I started crying. Olaf said now now countess don't cry now your going to need those tears when I'm done with you.

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