Is this what would happen if we were in a relationship?

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I think im going to start doing that thing were every other chapter its Marcos or jean. Like this is chapter four, which will be Marcos, and then next chapter will be Jeans, and so on.

I walked out of the house with Jean in my arms, and on the way out i saw Reiner and his two friends. "Beep beep beep" Reiner said quietly then got louder as we got closer. I looked to their blond friend and she replied bluntly, "It's his gaydar" Then they all laughed. As did I, but i was wondering, were they implying we were gay 'no dumbass, the gaydar is implying that I'm completely normal, aside from the fact that its called a 'Gaydar' dumbass' i silently scolded myself. "Alright, well nice party, see ya on Monday" I said walking to the road where all the cars were parked. "Okay Jean, which car is yours" I asked shifting him a bit in my arms. 'god hes so cu- shuuuussshhh no hes not hes your friend'. Jean pulled the key from his pocket and clicked the unlock button. The head lights lit up and then Jean handed me the key. "Do you think you could direct me to your house so I can drop you off" i asked hoping that he dosen't fall asleep on the way to his house. Jean nodded his head yes and we continued into the car. We drove around, until i noticed that the Stars were really vivid that night, i pointed it out to Jean, but i could tell he just wanted to sleep. "Okay, it's the third to the... Uh... Left" Jean said stuttering. I nodded and pulled into the driveway. I helped Jean out of the car and they started to walk up the walk way when he noticed another car. "Hey Jean, who's car is this?" I asked. Jean looked up and then replied worriedly "Do you think we could go to your place to-" Jean was cut off my someone exiting the house. "Hey Jean my boy" The man said. Jean instantly threw up. I squatted down and patted his back then i looked up at the man. "Hello I'm Ma-" I was interrupted by Jean. "Do-don't tell this guy anything" Jean replied. The man who was in a button up shirt and black pants made a pouty face. The man looked like jean, but he was a little taller, and he had a beard which was a bit gray like his hair. And the first impression i got of him and Jeans relation ship, was that jean didn't really like him.. "Marco lets just go to your place tonight" Jean said standing up. "Actually Jean, I want you home tonight you've been gone too long" the man said with a snappy attitude.
"You haven't even been home, how could you know!" Jean snapped back. "You're staying here tonight" he spoke harshly. Jean looked up at me pitifully, and I knew he wanted me to stay the night with him. "Fine" Jean said with less power and force. We passed what i supposed was jeans dad and walked up the stairs into Jeans room. It was a little messy but not much was on the floor.

I set Jean down on the bed. After a long bit of silence I asked Jean "Do you wanna talk about it?" and with tears starting to build in his eyes he nodded his head no. Jean got his pj pants and long sleeved shirt on then rolled into the bed. I took my pants off which left me in my underwear, then rolled into bed too. Gosh did i feel sorry for him, he looked like wreck already from the drinking, but now with his dad here, i cant imagine what his dad did to him to make him like this. He curled into a ball with his knees to his chest and he sat there. I looked at his face, and his brow was fused together and he didn't look sad, but mad more than anything. He wasn't necessarily crying either but his nose did seem to have been a bit runny. Jean sniffled a bit and then he started to shake. 'Shit' I thought, 'This isn't good'. I thought of something awkward, but I also thought I had to do something to help Jean. I turned on my side and faced Jean. Then I wrapped an arm around Jeans waist, and whispered comforting words into his back. Thankfully he gradually Jean stopped shaking, and with the occasional sniffle Jean fell asleep. But I did not. I couldn't sleep because of the decision i had just made to wrap my self around Jean. 'No homo' I kept telling my self as I felt his chest rise and fall beneath me. The warm radiation I felt from his body as I held his sleeping body in my arms. I'm spooning my best friend i kept telling my self. I didn't know why it was such a big deal, but the thought that it did made my stomach churn. What was also not comforting, was the yells i could here from down the stairs. I heard a feminine voice yell "Well maybe he's just a friend". Then i heard a male voice, which i think was Jeans dad yell "Then why were you all over him" And that when on for a while. I thought Jean said he didn't have a sister. And he also said i was just him and his dad here. In the dark i could see Jeans face and body tense up. I wonder what hes dreaming about. And how does he even sleep through all the yelling. Either way, Jean looked like he was having a bad dream. I didn't know what to do so i just held him tighter, and he soon looked like he got over what was in his dreams. 'Ugg why the hell can't i sleep. Jeans dad and that lady stopped yelling so why can't i sleep' i thought as i laid there in silence. Finally, I pushed my head into Jeans still body and thought about him, and what his life has been since he was little. How has he been so controlled with all of this, where is his mom, oh maybe they are divorced, well whatever reason I felt bad. I figured if he wanted to tell me about it, he could, but with the thought of him in my head and the smell of his rising and falling chest in my nose, I figured that I could calm my mind, frantic blush, and steady my heart beat to soon fall asleep. The slight snore escaping his mouth reminded me that he was sleeping, and I should be too, I should just forget all this nonsense circling in my head and just go the fuck to sleep, but no, my shitty head won't let me. I pushed my head into his soft hair getting accustom to his sent and feel. And I soon relaxed everything and my eye lids drew shut to the relaxing thought of my best friend... Should I even call him that anymore? Or have i accumulated other feelings for him... Shit. Just forget about it Marco, of course you don't have feelings for jean... and his slim and hansom body that associates with his slick fa- HOLY SHIT STOP YOUR BEING WEIRD. I slowly closed my eyes again, i rested my head aginst his back and counted his heart beats until i found my self in a deep sleep with him on my mind.
I woke up to jean being ripped from my arms. As i heard him stomp down the hall i reached to grab my glasses and stand up. I looked out the window and i noticed that it was very early in the morning. I tried to focous on what was happening but the morning still made me a bit grogy. I sat up after a few minuets of him not coming back to the room, and i decided i should probably go look for him to see where he went. As i was walking down the hallway that led to his room i noticed that there was a lot of what looked like professional art work hanging on the walls and scluptures on the floor. But i soon forgot about the art when i heard a gaging sound accompied by a wimper behind a door i stood bye. When i pushed it open i noticed that he was in the same posision he was in the night before at the party while he was throwing up. But this time, he seemed more emotional. As I walked in he didn't look at me, but I know he knew I was there. When I sat down next to him and put my head against his back as he threw up. I could hear his rapid heart beat as his whimpering self begin to advance when I put my arms around his shoulder to comfort him as I laid my head on his back.
"Gross" was all he could manage.
He stopped throwing up his food after a while, but his tears didn't. I know he didn't like me to see him cry because he would never actually look me in the eyes. But in the end, after he stopped throwing up, we walked back to the room and I had him the same embrace as I did before.

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