I'm so fricken sorry, I gotcha tho

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Marco's P.O.V.

Weeks went by, a few times Jean gave a pleading call to me for help. And though most were late at night calls for help, I still went out of my window and drove over to Jeans and comforted him. And after a few weeks winter break rolled around and Jean got a call from his dad to come home. We were sitting on his bed talking about a thing Reiner is hosting for a few friends. We would basically spend a week at his beach house for New Years (we as in like the crew or whatever) but the mood dropped to a depressing low mood when he hung up the phone with his dad.
"I've gotta go home... No no I can't-" tears started to fill his eyes. He had his hands on his eyes and elbows on his knees. I crawled over to him and put my head on his back.
"It's okay" I said moving off the bed and to the front of him. He sat on the edge of the bed and I had my knees on the floor looking up at him.
"You don't have to-" He interrupted me,
"But I do" his shaky replied.
"Wait..." He said sniffling.
"Can you come with me for like 2 days, then we can comeback here" he suggested. I thought that was a wonderful idea, I mean, he could spend the rest at my place and we could have winter break together.
"Yes, I promised I would always have your side remember? So of course, and when we comeback you can spend the rest with my family, they love you already!" I reminded him. He smiled and nodded his head yea.

"Jean... It will be okay" I suggested grabbing his hand. We were on a train because taking our car would have been more expensive, and it's easier for overnight travel. He was worrying about seeing his dad and his dads's girlfriend. Its been over a month since they have seen each other face to face, and years since they have seen eye to eye. But I wanted to help him.
"Hey Jean?" I asked about to dig in my bag. He looked up "Yea?" He said.
"Can i draw you" I asked pulling out my sketch paper as well as a pencil. I remembered back to the first time i explained to him drawing. He laughed.
"So do you understand me now? I mean is that what you're hinting at, or do you actually want to draw me." He stated. "Both" I replied, my face started to feel really warm. But i started to sketch anyway. About 30 minuets later I had portrayed Jean perfectly on the paper. I looked over at Jean a final time and his eyes were slowly closing, so i grabbed his head and moved it to my shoulder so he could relax. I took a slow breath, finally being able to relax for the time being. I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful thing. The sun was just setting, and it reflected off the lake we were driving over. There were some cabins surrounding it, and they had docks connecting them. The lovely sight soon faded as we sped into a tunnel, a very dark tunnel. The lights above us flickered on and off, and our seats bounced a bit. I looked at my phone and i noticed it was already 6:00. And as hungry as I was, i was so much more tired, so i shifted my weight to Jean so i could drift off too.

The train came to a hard stop and i bolted up. We were cuddling in the seat with Jean below me, and i held a blanket in my hand. It was light outside, i guessed we slept the way through the night 'Shit this is our stop' I said stretching. I shook Jean awake and we got our stuff together. I pulled out my phone as we stepped out of the train, and i read 12:26 A.M. and i realized we haven't eaten in about 15 hours.
"I think i see a donut shop down the street, do you want to get some food then go to my dads?" Jean asked looking down the street waiting for the cars to pass.
"My thoughts exactly" I laughed.

"You were really out yesterday" Jean laughed with a mouth full of food. I looked at him because i thought we were both out for the full night.
"I tried to get past you to go to the bathroom, but wouldn't budge" He laughed taking a drink of his orange juice. Maybe it was Jean that gave me the blanket then.
"so did u give me that blanket?" I asked. He nodded his head yea looking out the large window we were both leaning against, and he took another bite of his donuts.
"You okay?" I asked, referring to his troubled look. His eyebrows were pulled together and his mouth was in that same straight line. I hate when he does this because he looks so cute, so god damn helplessly cute but i cant say that. He nodded his head yea again, and spoke up. "Yea i just thought about a lot yesterday, but i wanted to say, thank you for coming with me, i really appreciate it." Jean said.
"Dude no need for thanking, i always got your back." I reminded him.

We paid the taxi driver and walked up the long driveway to the house. Holly crap the house was huge. It was probably 3 stories, it had 4 garages, and by the looks of it, a huge ass lake behind it. I just thought, wow his dad is like a huge gold digger, i mean like wow, his girlfriend isn't even that pretty or nice. Jean breathed in really deeply and i could tell he was nervous, I looked over at him and grabbed his empty hand then intertwined it with mine to let him know hes not alone.
When we knocked on the door, a cleaning lady opened the door and let us in. Then she spoke up "Mrs. Hanson and Mr. Kirschtein are working, but allow me to show you to your rooms" She said. Oh great were being split up. I blushed a bit realizing that I actually care if were being split up. I looked at Jean as we started to walk up the marble staircase and he looked as if he had the same thoughts.

"Do i even need to unpack were probably going to be here for like 2 days" i questioned as i unzipped my suitcase. There was a large closed next to a brown dresser, and across the room there was a small twin bed. 'These guest rooms are really boring, and they do not match at all' I thought referring to the green blankets and the orange-ish pink closet door. Someone knocked on the door and then spoke out.
"Dinner will be out in 10 minuets. Mr. Kirschtein and Mrs. Hanson have requested formal wear" The cleaning lady said. Maybe she is more of like a butler or live in maid or something. Oh well, I'm glad I brought my suite anyhow.

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