The best day ever

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I'm rly happy bout this chapter

Marco's P.O.V.

That campfire thing was very interesting, at it, we played strip poker. I ended up in my boxers before Eren lost. I mean that was a very weird game. I remember Jean wore like 2 shirts and a jacket, so he ended up not having to take his shirt off. After that we just kinda hung out. But now I'm feeling really awkward at this party that Reiner was hosting for the new year. And I'm on the porch at 11:10 waiting for another year to pass. I cant believe 2014 is coming to an end already, it went by pretty fast, except for the part that i haven't had a relationship since middle school and everyone else right now is in one. I mean most my friends are, the boyfriends, springles, and i don't know what is going on with Armin and Eren, because they kissed that one time, but maybe they were drunk or something, i don't know. I just feel left out. I put my legs over the edge of the side of the porch that overlooks all the drunk people swinging around fireworks.
"Here you go" Jean said handing me a drink in a red solo cup, then he sat next to me.
"Hmm wow, i can't believe this year is almost over, little under one hour" Jean said looking up at the dark sky. I nodded my head in agreement. Jean combed a hand through his hair, he looked a bit nervous.
"Do you think they are going to set off fireworks at midnight?" I asked looking at a box of decorative fireworks. Jean nodded his head yes.
"Probably" He added. We were silent for a bit, I looked around at the setting of this place. There were palm trees on either side of the porch. Along the railing there were these medium sized lights in the shape of balls that wrapped around it. There was also lights that light up the walk way to the beach. It just looked amazing, and from where we were sitting, we were above the sand on the porch by a bit, but if we jumped off of this, we would be reaching the sand no problem. The waves crashed in the distance as people danced stupidly and in no order as some stoner music played in the distance from the house. I wouldn't have wanted to spend my winter break any other way.
"Jean, I just wanted to say, this is a great way to spend new years eve" I said leaning my head on the wooden railing in front of me and the turning it to face Jean.
"Same, this is great" He said softly looking back at me. I really meant what i said, and i really hope we can be here for the fireworks later.
"I-um I rea-" Jean stuttered before Reiner came crashing through the door behind us, obliviously drunk.
"GUYS Eren is about to fight Thomas come with me" He said holding out his hand to help us up.
"We're good, thanks" Jean said looking at Reiner with a death glare. Reiner nodded his head okay and walked back inside slowly as not to fall.
"What were you saying?" I asked him.
"Nothing, never mind" Jean said pulling his phone out. Crap is he keeping something from me again. I just want to help him. I'll ask later I don't want to ruin this night for either of us.
"11:36" he said sliding his phone in his pocket. What should we do to pass the time? Jean sighed and sat down his drink.
"So before the year is over, I wanted to say thank you for being my friend and doing everything you do for me, you're amazing" He said looking into my eyes.
They sparkle like nothing I've seen. Why does Jean look so adorable right now. His perfect jaw is being reflected by the lights glistening around us, and I can see the very dark crimson color drowned by the brown in his eyes. All of his featured are really attractive. Such as his soft hair. I remember when we were basically forced to kiss, how soft his lips were and how his hair felt in between my fingers. But why am I thinking about that now... Do -I want- to kiss him again? Geeeezzzzzz fuck stop Marco he's straight stoooopppppp.
"I- well- Jean I would do anything for you, you gave me a chance, and you turned out to be a pretty cool dude, thank you." I replied putting a hand on his. Usually I wouldn't feel any different when I hold his hand, I would usually feel like I am helping a friend... But this time... It's like I'm internally screaming, like I want to have more connections with him. He looked over at me and smiled appreciatively . Omfg his smile, am I blushing? My face feels so hot, geez what's become of me.

We sat in silence again listening to the stoner music laying on the porch holding each others hand. Though neither of us needs to calm down it just makes us feel connected when we held our hands.
"So, question" Jean randomly said as he sat up a bit leaning on his elbows.
"Wou- would you ever, smoke weed?" He asked. Well that's completely random. Would I? I actually have no idea, but it is still in your system thing for about a month, so you could be tested a while after you even did it. Other than that I don't think it's that bad.
"Maybe, depends on the situation though" I replied. Jean nodded and the he looked like he was going to say something, but someone came running out the door.
"11:50" the person yelled. Everyone on the beach looked at the guy and they cheered.
"Come inside to count down" the person yelled and some people went running in, the rest stayed to set up the fire works.
Now that I look at it, there was probably 15 people that came to the house besides the crew that was already there. I started to get up to follow them inside the house, but Jean grabbed my hand again.
"Let's stay out here, it's kind of crowded in there" he said pulling me back down. That idea was good.
"Okay question for you" I said. He nodded okay.
"Have you ever smoked pot?" I asked, curious to why he asked earlier.
"No, but I was thinking we could cuz Reiner told me he's got some" Jean said wiggling his eye brows to make me laugh. It worked.
"11:58" someone yelled. I looked at Jean and smiled. I think he blushed a bit. Okay what is he thinking?
"Okay Marco I've gotta tell you something" Jean said, he wasn't really looking at me, and it scared me. What was he going to say.
"I'm prepared to get shot down but..." His words got quieted down as people started to yell.
"...and you are really cool..." I heard him say then I only saw his lips moving again.
"...I don't know if this is right..." He said louder.
"...I like you..." He said then stopped as people counted down from five.
"Jean..." I whispered. I could feel my cheeks begin to burn.
"Five four three two" people said. But they were all hushed in my mind. Everything went silent and still. It was just me and Jean. But this time Jeans hand was on my chin, and the other one was on the back of my head. He was pulling me in close. I heard him whisper "one" and he drew me in all the way. The gap between us was closed. And my world stopped. The warm presents he created heated me up. I could feel his warm lips on mine. And I realized I wasn't doing anything. I immediately put a hand on his back and another hand through his hair. I closed my eyes, and my world started again. There was a loud boom in the back around. I realized it must have been fireworks.
"I- Je-" I stuttered looking at him as his smiled stopped and he let me go.
"I'm sorry I sh-" he said looking away before I grabbed him again and kissed him again. This time it was a quick one, but I didn't know how to talk at the time. He just... I like him... But how do I say that.
"Jean no... Wait I mean yes... Well I-" I said then stopped. I was holding his wrists tight. Why can't I say it, I'm so frustrating.
"Jean I like you too." I practically yelled finally able to get it out. My face burned. It's not just me though, his was bright red too. He shook my hands off his wrists and grabbed me for a hug. I smiled and laughed a bit rubbing my head into his soft hoodie. This was amazing, a great way to start off the new year, 2015 will be different. I mean like really different. How do I explain this to people? Do I have to explain this to people. Actually who the hell cares, I'm with Jean and that's all that matters.

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