Studying? I think not

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Sorry this chapter is rly long, but after this one i will space it out so they are shorter, Hope you enjoy!

Feeling like he was sweating a pool, Jean looked down at a paper his teacher just handed him.

"Now I am very proud of most of your tests scores... Others not so much" Mr. Smith said looking at Jean. He flipped on the over head turning on the late afternoon announcements.

'Thank you Thomas, now here is a clip from the math league that took place last night' the persons voice echoed around the room, mina he thought her name was. Jean watched the freckled brunet on the screen solve a very complicated math equation. He thought he remembered him from his 2 hour class.

"Hehehe, maybe you should get him to tutor you" Connie laughed as Sasha punched his arm

"Hey, Jean doesn't need a tutor... He needs to go back to middle school" Sasha said laughing with him.

"Fuck off I don't want a tu-" Jean said before he was interrupted by his teacher

"But you need one" Mr. Smith reminded him as the bell rang.

"Mr. Kirstine may I please talk to you before you leave"

Jean walked over to him hoping it wasn't about his grade

"I know you like being on the football team and they like having you, but if you keep this grade then I'll have to tell Mrs. Ral" Erwin said with a blank expression and no real suppressing tone in his voice. Jean nodded and left the class noticing the hall empty of students except for a few. One in particular stood out talking with his friend. As Jean walked over to the brunet boy and his blond friend, the brunet flinched. Bing a nerd approached by jock is never a good scenario.

"Please don't hurt me!" Marco shaky said as he put his hands up to block his head.

"Chill man I just wanted to ask you something" Jean said putting his hands up. Marco lowered his arms reluctantly and nodded.

"So... Well... I know me and my team are all d-dicks to you and your friends so I understand if you don't want to but... W-well I'm kind of failing math and I really need help" Jean stuttered embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

'The hell are you getting so nervous about' Jean thought to himself.

"You need help from me?... Um yea sure I'll help" Marco said surely. Marco smiled and his eyes looked as they lit up excitedly. Jean smiled at the kind boy.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were gunna' say no, but I get if you don't want to I'm no-" jean said when he was interrupted by Marco.

"I said I'll do it" Marco said as he squeezed the books in his arms.

'Really, what are you nervous about' Jean thought.

"so here is my number, text me tomorrow or something to make plans" Jean said handing him a little slip of paper with 10 numbers on it.

"I have to go to football practice... But thank you so much!" Jean said as he ran off.

Marco retuned to his locker putting books in his backpack. A short blond boy walked up to him from behind Marco.

"Dude, the hell was that" the blond boy asked.

"What?" Marco said adjusting his back pack. The short boy placed a hand on Marcos shoulder.

"Are u really helping that duche bag" The shorty said. Marco laughed,

"Armin, It's ok it's just a little math, plus we've never had a problem with him before. "

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