Fucking finally

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Jeans P.O.V.

I can't believe this. This ass I'm spooning right now, this ass in mine, all mine. And this ass is attached to the most wonderful person ever. This person is the best human that has ever been created and he's all mine. Thanks to the encouraging words of Luci. I actually ended up calling her for advice. She walked me through what to do and then I did it so thank fucking god I have Luci.

Reiner was singing the spongebob campfire song with the guitar.
"Okay anyone know any songs?" Reiner asked as he put up his guitar for someone to play. I hate to admit it but after that thing happened with Marco and Creep, I decided to learn it on the guitar.
"I- I know something" I said feeling nervous. I looked over at Marco who was sitting next to me, and he looked curious but also surprised.
(I keep bringing this song up I know but it's like their thingggg) I strummed the guitar a few times and then I started to sing the words. Fuuuccckkkkk why did I do this I can't sing.
"You float like a feather in a beautiful world" I sung as I closed my eyes.
I had my eyes closed until I was almost done with the song, and when I opened them everyone was staring at me intensely. The last lyrics rang out and everyone started clapping.
"That was so goood" Marco said smiling at me.
"Sing another!" Sasha yelled clapping. I thought about any other songs I knew, and I thought about Closer by thief. I remember learning the acoustic version. I nodded yea and started that one. That went on for awhile, until I got tired, and me and Marco went back to our room.

"Jean you were really good out there" Marco said putting his pajamas on. I thought of something really funny to say, but I don't know if I should. Oh what the hell, I'll say it.
"That's not the only thing my fingers are good at" I said with a smug look on my face. It took him a few seconds to realize what I said and then his face turned red. I turned to look at my dresser that was right across from the bed and took of my shirt, and Marco then appeared behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and he put his chin on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. His breath was hot, it smelled like mint, and the way he said his words got me hot.
"Well, maybe you can show me sometime." He said still holding me. Ugg fuck don't get me hot right now. I turned around and kissed him. I pulled my head back a bit and replied
"You have no idea how crazy you make me" I said kissing him harder. I turned us around, and then I guided us backwards to the bed. We only released each other to breath. I pulled Marco onto my lap so he straddled my hips and then I grabbed his butt. Fuck his ass is fine. It's just enough to get me up. I kissed him a bit on his jaw line and down his neck a bit. I then moved one of my hands to the bottom of his shirt. I scooted one hand in the wool shirt and up his muscular chest.
*knock knock* shit shit shit.
Marco practically jumped off of me at that sound. We both laughed and Marco opened the door.
"You guys okay? I though I heard something?" It was Reiner. Marco blushed noticing that he was kind of loud.
"Ye-yea were okay thanks though." He said shutting the door. We both laughed.
"Moment lost?" I said, well more asked, then I combed a hand through my hair awkwardly, it's a trait I recently picked up. He nodded and finished getting in his pajamas.

We realized it's going to be hard to tell unsuspecting people that we were in a relationship, so we just kinda kept it to our selves for awhile. And that worked for awhile. But I hated not being able to hold his hand in public, and I hated how we had to wait for people to not be around to even show affection for each other. But today... Today I convinced Marco to at least tell our beach house crew. It was a little over a month after New Years when we pulled a few of them aside to talk.
"Reiner, I've gotta tell you something" I said pulling on his shirt. He turned around, and since no one I knew was around us I whispered to him
"Me and Marco are a thing"
Reiner shot up after having to bend down to my height.
"Really?" He practically yelled. I told him to quiet down, and we talked about it for a bit. Eren's reaction was him turning to Armin and yelling
"Called it".
Then Ymir just said "Same".
But who cares what they think anyway, I was finally able to do couple things around school with Marco. I felt so accomplished to be with him during my school hours. I could hold his hand, I could walk with him in my arms, and when he wasn't expecting it I could kiss his cheek because I loved how flustered he would get. By the time Valentine's Day came around, I had no idea what to do. I asked Reiner what he would usually do for Bertolt but Reiner ended up being no help, as he said he got Bertolt a turtle since his nickname is Bertolt-turtle. I am on my own for this I finally realized. And Luci was stumped too.

"Hey, Marco, I was thinking for Valentine's Day we could hang out at my place, or see a movie or something?" I suggested as I caught up to him in the lunch line. He nodded yes, and we set out to find our group of friends outside in the courtyard.
"Up for the movies tonight anyone?" I said as we sat down on the picnic tables.
"Yea!" I heard Armin say enthusiastically. Eren and Mikasa nodded yea. The boyfriends denied, and springles said yes as well as Ymir and Kristina. I was actually excited our group never actually has been to the movies together.
"You're not eating?" Marco said looking at my empty hands.
"Not hungry" I said lying a bit. I'm just really nervous and feeling judged and I don't want to eat. He looked at me with a mad look.
"Well you going to eat anyway, open up" He said holding up his sandwich. Marco feeding me? How could I pass that up.
"I guess" I smiled.
"You guys are cute" Sasha said looking at Marco shove half of a sandwich into my mouth. I laughed and nodded as recollection to her comment.

"Geez fuck that was scary" I said moving my arm to Marco's back.
"It's okay, I'll protect you from the monsters" Marco said grabbing my hand. We had just split up from the rest of the group after seeing Wyrmwood.
"It wasn't even that scary" Marco said surprisingly, I thought he would be scared.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" I said shocked a bit at his reaction the the whole thing. He laughed and we got into my car.
"Jean?" Marco asked grabbing my hand on the console.
"Yea?" I asked back.
"Do- do you have... Weed" Marco asked slowly. Then I think he got nervous and tried to fix his statement.
"I mean because you said Reiner had it a-" I cut him off, he was just freakin for no reason.
"Maybe, did you wanna try?" I asked in surprise. I wonder what changed his mind.
"Well, I was just thinking, what the hell, we don't have our youth for much longer, let's take advantage of it" Marco said smiling. Wow he's changed since we've first met. True I thought he was a snobby smart kid, but he is a really cool dude.
"Let's do it, but I'll take us to like, a more disclosed place." I suggested as I started to drive.
I took us to this little outlet plaza thing, and I parked.
"So this is disclosed?" Marco asked, then laughed a bit. I nodded yes, and I popped open the glove compartment to reveal a bag of green plants.
"You sure?" I asked Marco intently. He looked nervous, but he shook his head yes.
"God you're warm" I said to Marco snuggling up tighter to his back. We ended up crawling to the back seat to cuddle. That pot hit Marco like a truck. He took of his glasses because the ash from the paper ended up smudging his glasses. The shade thing on the top of my car was pulled back so I could look at the sky. I sat up and pushed the radio on to the classic rock station, and we relaxed again.
"Jean..." He whispered.
I was about to say something, but then he spoke again. He went into a common stoner ramble about the beauty of the stars, yet the sky was clouded. Then at the end of it, he finally said.
"The stars are complex, and beautiful and feel so close... Just like you." He said, his words made my heart skip a beat.
"Marco, your wonderful" I said. "I love you" I thought. Why can't I say that out loud. I do love him. It's just-
"Jean, I love you" Marco said looking up at the sky. Fuck he said it!
"Ma-Marco" I stuttered.
"I love you too" I added. I really do. I really do love him.

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