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Imma start making the chapters more like 1500 words rather than 1000 words, hope that's okay!

Jeans P.O.V.

It was fucking crowded as hell here. And hot. I should take off my jacket. I slid my black leather jacket off of my tan sweater and then stepped into line to pay for my stuff. Aw Marco is going to love what I'm getting him. I'm getting him a new sketch book, as well as some pencils and a record. I don't know what record yet, but i saw a record shop on the way here that I'm going to go to.
It was warm in the record store too, but it was not at all crowded. I took off my jacket again and then i picked up a record to look at. The man at the register politely greeted me, and i greeted him back.
"Your songs are pretty nice" I said looking at the Metallica record.
"Thank you, what brings you to my store?" He asked. I laughed and replied "Records..." I paused because he was nice. "for a friend for Christmas" I said adding to my earlier statement trying not to sound like a duche bag.
"Ah the classic case, its so crowded, why didn't you come earlier?" He asked.
"I was at my dads with that friend, now I'm staying at his house for Christmas" I replied picking up the black parade album.
"You and your friend have a very similar taste in music" He said. But how does he know Marco.
"Your friend came in earlier and looked at a few albums" He replied trying to fix his earlier statement.
"Really? do you remember what he looked at?" I asked, maybe he can help me decide. He walked out from behind the table.
"Yes, the Mayday parade, as well as beach boys" The man said pulled out the records.
"I'll take them both" I said smiling.
"Your going to love my gift" I said to Marco. He smiled and situated himself in the sheets. Wow i can't believe Christmas was 2 days away I mean tomorrow is Christmas eve! But that also mean with each day it will get a bit warmer, because we've already hit the coldest it gets... I think.
"Your house is cold" i stated shivering a bit.
"Yea, colder than skinny dipping in that lake" He replied. Then he looked like he was thinking,
"Wait" he said scooting out of bed. "That's why" He laughed closing the window. It wasn't to long after that we fell asleep.
I sniffled my nose from the runny mess the cold made. "Have you thought about Reiner's beach house party thing?" Marco asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "Yea, it sounds so fun, do you wanna go?" I reminded him. He nodded his head yea and then set down his hot chocolate. We both sat there on the porch looking at the small amount of snow fall from the sky. I could feel the small resonance of heat stirred from him, and I just wanted to get close to him and feel his warmth. It was quiet and nice for awhile.
"Why are we out here, it so cold." Marco asked shivering a bit, and putting his arms up to shield the cold. Why were we? The view is nice, i mean we are sitting on his front porch steps looking out at the road filled with cars for the holidays. But across from that, is a park, not like the one near my house, this one is filled with life, i know why "Because it peaceful and pretty" I said "Just like you" I then mumbled so quiet he didn't here me. I'm glad it was cold, because i could start blaming my blush on the cold...
"Should we go inside?" I asked looking at Marcos red nose and ears.
"Nah" He replied starring blankly at the road.

"You did not" Marco said smiling a huge smile. "How did you know!?" He asked in surprise at my disc choices.
"Whatcha get hun?" Susan asked pulling her thick red glasses down a bit.
"Some more records! And a new sketch book plus pencils!" Marco said enthusiastically. Marco was wearing the most ugly sweater I've ever seen. I've also seen his closet choices, and they were all a lot better than this one. It was this blue sweater and it was decorated with a Christmas tree, and the tree even had little lights on it.
"Alright alright, open yours" He said handing me his gift. It was kinda plush, and i ripped the paper open and found something that made me laugh. I was sitting cross legged on the floor and when i saw what was in the box i fell back on the floor laughing.
"Go put it on bro" Marco said seriously. I untraveled the sweater, and i noticed it had a snow man on the front. It was blue like Marcos and it had the same kind of decorations. I slid it on and Marco's mom stood up.
"Ohh guys picture! That is cute" She said grabbing her camera. I nodded and wrapped one arm around Marco and smiled. After the picture they continued opening presents, and we excused our self's.
"Okay so I also go this for you" He said handing me a little booklet. It was kinda thick, and on the cover it said 'Why you are great'. Oh god. This. Oh my god this is amazing.
"With each page is a reason you are awesome, and why. I made it so it's n-" He spoke, but he stopped when I grabbed him. I wrapped around him so tightly, tears started to fill my eyes.
"This is the best thing anyone has ever given me, you are amazing Marco" I spoke shakily. He really is the best person ever.

That was a fun day, but our vacation was just about to start. When we decided to go to Reiner's 'Party beach house thing' We thought it was going to be a small house. But it was about three stories, just not as big as my dads house. There was an empty beach right behind the house, that had some sort of pit in it, and there was a big garage and front lawn.
Most of the group arrived at the same time. Except for the three trio Armin Eren and Mikasa. Armin explained that Eren wouldn't listen to him or Mikasa about Reiner's confusing directions.
We all sat on the living room couch with our bags awaiting Reiner to give us directions of our sleeping quarters. I looked around and saw everyone socializing. I saw that cute little blond girl talking to Ymir like that first time me and Marco did that project. Sasha and Connie were as always making absurd comments at things. And Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, were talking about some subject i didn't understand. Bertolt and Annie were also sitting with each other, but not exactly talking.
"Alright were going to have lots of fun on this trip" Reiner said suddenly appearing in the room.
"But we need everyone to have a partner for most of these activities, so choose now" Everyone seemed to know who they were going to be with, but there was a problem with some groups.
"Only 2 people per partnership" Reiner said smiling.
I'm at least okay, but it looks like Annie and Armin were pushed out of their three way group.
"Okay loners your together now" Reiner said referring to Armin and Annie, then pushing together the two.
"Now if i may, you and your partner are sharing a room, and i will now show you which one" He said smiling at us. It was just kind of logic me and Marco were partners, as well as springles, and the boyfriends, we were a bit surprised when Eren choose Mikasa rather than Armin, not too much though. But to see that Ymir and Kristina were partners kinda surprised Marco and I.
I never realized how late it was when we got there in the first place, because by the time we were unpacking the sun was starting to set. It has also been about 4 days since Christmas, and yet the snow has begun to stop. I can't deny it is still cold but the snow factor sucked, and I'm glad its gone. I was sitting on the bed while Marco was in the bathroom brushing his teeth with a towel wrapped around his waist... Is it bad all I'm thinking right now is, when is that towel going to drop. I mean I've already seen him naked once. And at that time in that place, we were just friends, and I'm really disappointed that i didn't take that chance to, you know... Look at him. But now I'm fully aware, and I reeeeeeeeeeeeally wanna look. But still, what has become of me. Thinking of my friend like that. It's not like he thinks of me in that way. I could see his reflection in the mirror because the door was open, and it was just enough to make me leave the room.
"So Bertolt told me to tell you we both have to go to the beach, because we are all going to go to the campfire and hang out. And for the new year, they have a few more friends that are meeting us here." I said loudly so Marco could hear. All i got back was a muffled 'Ngh' Then he spit out the tooth paste.
"Got it, I'll be ready soon" He said back as he peaked his head out the bathroom door. Okay this is going to be awkward, so I'm going to get a drink and hopefully hes done when i get back.
"I'm going to get some beer, do you want some?" I asked as i put my jacket on.
"No I'm good" He said. And that was it, i then walked to the kitchen to get the drink and waist time.

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