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Jean's P.O.V.

"Got plans this Spring break?" Reiner asked while we walked to our social studies class together. What was i going to do, sleep probably, maybe hang out with Marco? I don't know.
"Nothing really" I replied. Reiner opened the door and we sat down at the big tan tables. I pulled my text book out of my back pack and set it down on the table.
"You?" I asked him as he did the same as me.
"Yes, and they may involve you" Reiner said shushing himself as the teacher walked into the class and sat at her desk. I remembered the last time we talked in this class. Our teacher scared the shit out of us, we both know he is not physically aloud to harm us, but sometimes we question if he follows those rules or not. So we just shut up anyway, but no matter what, Yeager always gets it hard. Mr. Ackerman always says he goes hard on his students to make them better, but he goes beyond hard on Eren, sometimes i feel bad, but most the time he deserves it. I look at Reiner and whisper
"Tell me what you mean later" I say quickly while teach goes into the closet to get something. Reiner nodded his head okay and I then try really hard to concentrate on his lesson.
"So Reiner said something about spring break, and he mentioned his plans involved me. But i have no idea what they even are" I said to Marco in the hallway. Our classes are in the same hall, so i always walk him to class. Marco laughed a bit and squeezed my hand which was around his.
"Hmmm" Marco only said in reply.
"Well i told him to tell me later" I added before stopping in front of Marcos class. I sneaked a quick peck on his cheek before letting his hand go.
"Talk to you later" I yelled to him as i walked to my class.
It was my French class. I didn't mind it, it wasn't bad but I don't like it because of the fact I got my Frenchness from my mom, and I dunno walking into that class reminds me of her.
I also don't know anyone in here except for Mikasa, and I'd rather not interact with my first day of school crush (it's over with but she knew and it embarrassed me). When the bell rang and everyone pooled into the room. We noticed the room was rearranged. The desks were positioned into a circle and there were guitars in the middle, four large ones. Everyone took seats at random, and we waited for our teachers instructions.
"Alright class" Miss. Brzenska said stepping in the middle of our desks and making people quiet down.
"Can anyone play guitar in here?" She asked. I can but I'd rather not raise my hand. No one raised their hand. Miss. Brzenska looked disappointed. Then I heard someone yell "Jean can" I looked over to see Mikasa smiling at me. Fuck why did she do that. I don't think she knew I didn't want to, fuck.
"Great! Come play a song" Teach said. "Wait like a French song?" I asked walking to the middle blushing a bit.
"Nah, any song, testing is comming up after spring break, and I'm basically done with your lessons so we're talking a break." She said. The class all looked relieved a bit because half of them understood nothing from these lessons. 'Well fuck.' I though as she handed me a guitar. I can play something from the campfire a bit back. 'Why don't I play creep, I know it well enough.' Memories of that night surged my brain. I felt happy because that trip was the best thing that ever happened to me. I stepped back and sat on my desk. The class looked intently at me, 'that person at the back of the class is finally speaking up' I thought mimicking what they would say. I strummed out the notes and began singing, though I'm not that good at sining, they still clapped as if I was.
That went on until someone suggested we watch a movie. And when the bell rang, I went straight to Marcos class to walk with him to lunch. This was us almost everyday. And I enjoyed it.
"I'll talk to Reiner today, let's see if the crew wants to hang at the court yard." I suggested putting my arm around his waist and grabbing Marcos hand with the other. Marco smiled and looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped and kept walking.
"Wait what?" I asked as he turned around. "Nothing its stupid" He said. I shook my head no and swoop in for a kiss. "Come on nothing you say is stupid". Marco sighed "Well... This is random but... would you want to blow off the rest of class and just enjoy today?" Marco asked looking hopeful. What's with him? To want to skip? Somethings not right.
"Why all of a sudden do you want to do something bad?" I asked looking skeptical.
"No reason, i just want to spend the day with you is all" He said looking at his black Vans. Who would pass up this opportunity. But I hope my not too good record isn't rubbing off on him.
"Just this once" I said holding his hand. Marco smiled and laughed.
Do you ever have that self satisfaction that you feel at peace with your self and the world? Yea well that's how i feel, its like nothing in this miserable life can push me down right now in this moment. I don't feel that regular sinking feeling in my chest, and i don't feel like i have any obligation to move or worry about anything. I feel at home? No I've been at home while with Marco this whole time. I feel like I've reached what the Buddhist religion calls nirvana. Like i have reached a state in my life that makes me okay with everything and makes me happy. I feel safe right now sitting on this grass field hill over looking our town wrapped in each others warmth. I would have never known the great pull depression held on me until it was lifted, even if this is just for the time being. And for this person i am now sitting with, to just be able to convey these emotions to me is amazing. Marco makes me feel the happiest i have ever been in more than 10 years. And this is a person who has fixed and mended my broken parts all the while making my best parts even better is the one i want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to be able to convey these emotions to him, yet i am unable to say anything but a choke that escapes my throat each time i try to talk looking at his beautiful eyes.
"Marco... I have to tell you something" I say struggling to sit up. "Yea?" He asked looking at me. Here it goes "Marco... I love you, I love this person sharing the air i breathe, and i love this person who's humming makes their chest rumble which i can feel beneath my head" I heard Marco laugh a bit and then lets me continue to talk. "And i love this person who's eyes gaze the same beautiful stars my eyes dare to even glimpse at because they have seen even more beautiful things than I, and i love this person that makes my heart swell up even just when their eyes just skid mine. I love you Marco, I love my soul mate that was kind enough to allow me to take a pick at their knowledge by tutoring me. And with out that tutor lesson, i don't think we would be here, i don't think I would love someone this much, hell i don't even think id be living here. But most important, i think i would be ODing in some alley way, or bleeding to death in some bath tub some where" I stopped to gaze at his face. His eyes were watering and he was smiling like crazy. "So Marco i love you, and i hope we can spend eternity together. I'm crazy mad for you, and I love you" I finished. Marco just leaned in and kissed me softly and slowly, it was quick and it felt right to be quick. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Jean i love you, you are amazing i love you" He said holding onto me.
That is all i needed. I felt at peace and it felt great, nothing else was needed to be said, so we sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the time. I love him, and that's all that matters.

So that's my end, thank you for all the reads you guys are amazing! I'm starting a new fic for ereri, and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to call it, but I'm excited! Again thank you for all the support you guys are awesome!

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