under your skin.

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there was so much shining good in him. you watched the street lights flicker as the leaves crunched beneath your soles. it was cold out. you replayed the phone call from earlier when he asked you to meet in your head as you walked. smiling at how he rushed out and fumbled over words and almost laughing at how excited he was to show you something.

the snapping of a twig made you jump out of your thoughts.

"hey!" izuku called in the biggest coat you've ever seen. he was nearly swallowed by it.

"hi," you beamed, smiling from ear to ear, your curly hair blowing in every direction. you didn't notice how his eyes softened when they met yours.

his cheeks were red from the pang of the cold wind hitting them. you wanted to somehow swallow him whole. the energy he put off was so attracting. he smiled as he bounced towards you. he took one final step towards you and pulled out a young kitten.

"for you. we're not allowed to keep them in the dorms so..." he trailed off.

the kitten was solid black with shining blue eyes. you stood outside, freezing, after curfew, staring at the small creature before you.

"what is it? are you okay?" he questioned, sliding the kitten back under his coat to keep it warm. you shook your head.

"i'm fine. i love her! i was just surprised." you smiled softly. his face went from worry to ecstatic in an instant.

"i love you." he breathed, "i gotta get back, okay?" he held the kitten out for you to take.

"i love you." you said, not making eye contact, and taking the kitten into your own hands.

he hugged you quickly and started to jog away. you watched him leave, wishing, hoping, and dreaming, that one day you could be like him. you admired him. you wanted to go to UA. you wanted to be beside him. your brain screamed at you to follow him. your body stood stiff, unmoving, with a kitten moving against your chest.

"im insane." you whispered before turning the other way.

the walk home was surprisingly quiet. the kitten had fallen asleep in your coat. you sighed. the air from your nose formed a small cloud.

you passed the corner store. you passed the playground that you met izuku at, smiling at fond memories. you started towards the wooded area near your home. you felt connected to the trees and somehow to the kitten. you could feel their life pulsing. you smiled at the thought. it was something you had always felt. there was one more thing you could feel somewhere. you looked around for what it might be.

a twig snapped from behind you.


"you caught me." a darkly dressed man moved from the trees.

you tried to stay calm as he walked towards you. you spread your hands over the kitten close to your chest, pulling it a little closer. he was the embodiment of creepy. he was slouched over, hands scratching at any uncovered skin, including on his face.

"is there something you need?" you tried asking kindly, but your voice still shook.

"well, aren't you nice?" he smiled ,"how about you humor me for a little."

did you have a choice? there was no way that you did. he was not good news, you could feel it. you were lost in your thoughts, looking at the ground.

"may i ask what you're holding inside your jacket?" his voice strained.

you pulled the kitten from your coat. you didn't trust yourself to speak without sounding completely weak.

"ahh. do you have any means of caring for it? i could buy you some food at the store over there." he suggested smiling warmly.

he looked nothing short of a villain but genuinely seemed to be kind towards you. he genuinely looked at you kindly and spoke to you kindly. you lowered your guard. you were never the type to judge by looks.

"okay." you said, "but i need to be home soon. how about we meet tomorrow?" you said to him starting to smile.

"yea. yes. that sounds great. after school?" he scratched his neck.

"of course."

you started on your way home again, leaving him standing by some trees.

when you stepped into your home, you could hope for nothing but the best. nothing could go wrong. you expected to be yelled at for breaking curfew and maybe for the kitten but, nothing could be worse than that.

energy ; i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now