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it was almost annoying how often izuku was on the news after that day. for 5 months, he was on the news atleast once a week. it had almost been a year since you had last seen him. you had been almost a year with the league, who trained you relentlessly. it felt good to be finally in control of your quirk.

your quirk was a wonder. it was an endless display of power that could be used in many ways; in destruction, creation, in healing, in murder. shigaraki called it energy manipulation, but you could only manipulate the energy that came from emotions.

"everything is made of energy, y/n" he smiled with his eyes hidden behind his hair. he was kind in the most cunning way. he really did care for everyone. you were all friends.

it was a beautiful day. the sky was bright and full of kind clouds. it made you smile and hum. today, it was your turn to pick up a few things for the hideout. you were happy today, soaking up the energy from the warm air and soft wind. a short walk never failed to boost your spirits.


izuku patrolled the area around him with watchful eyes and a kind heart. he smiled at children passing by and helped elders with bags and other things they were carrying. his hair was over grown into a natural, and messy mullet. the wind blew his hair, kindly tossing it form one side to another as he walked. he didnt think of you often. not as often as he wished he did, but he did dream of you from time to time. pushing you to the forefront of his mind until he had no choice but to push it to the back again for the sake of others.

sometimes, he thought he'd see you, in the most normal of places, but upon second glance it was a completely different person. he'd often wondered what you looked like now, looking at traits in others than he thought you might like. he saw ways that you would wear your hair, and sad smiles shared between random people, and things that you loved as tattoos and posters. he remembers how he had watched you help a turtle in the road, get to the pond on the other side.

he stopped looking for you, but he never stopped seeing you.

"in another life." he thought often.

it was stupid of him to think that he would run into you and just pick up where you left off.

"in a perfect world." he said, continuing his patrol.

his eyes darted across someone who made him look twice. a girl with skin like yours, and hair like yours, but a different length and style. a girl with white, braided side burns, the same length as her waist length curly hair, stood picking though a fruit stand. she had a moth tattoo peeking from the hem of her white, crocheted dress. he watched and waited, to see a familiar smile, or frown.

he watched you turn and smile to the old man selling fruits. he watched you decline a bag and slip the fruits into a brown satchel. he watched your eyes dart directly to his. he was about 20 feet away, watching you like he was in a trance. you dropped your bag and immediately scrambled to pick up the rolling fruits.

izuku snapped out of it and rushed to help, not noticing the apple rolling toward his foot. he squashed the apple. he quickly disregarded that and got on his knees to help you.

"hey. how are you?" he asked standing in sync with you, with his eyes wide and expectant.

"um.." you started, avoiding looking at him in his eyes.

"y/n... i'm so sorry i-" he continued, bending down and leaning forward to get on eye level and putting his hand just below your shoulder.

you started to cry. you could feel every part of his emotions pushing into your skin as energy. the anxiety, regret, love and joy all bleeding into you as something so uncontrolled and powerful.

"i just need to talk to you. i need... hey. dont cry," he softened his grip on you and rubbed the spot where his hand was, "i just missed you."

"deku, thank you, but i have to go." you said slowly, trying not to get more emotional. he dropped his hand from your arm.

"oh, right." he tried to smile, "ill see you around... please?" he tilted his head.

you mirrored his actions with a small smile and turned to walk away and the beautiful day turned slowly sad as rain subtly started to fall on your walk home.

energy ; i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now