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   after ridding yourself of the hard feelings you just experienced, the last thing you expected was a surprise celebration from your friends. you walked into the bar halfway soaked, slipping off your shoes and starting to make your way to what you called your room. nothing was weird until you realized five bodies at the bar and one empty stool in the middle. 

 there was a happy song playing quietly from the juke box and nobody noticed you had come in yet.

"guys?" you called and the all turned around at the same time, with surprised expressions on their faces. they all tried to spit out a coordinated 'surprise!' but it all jumbled together. shigaraki tried to start a count, while toga yelled and dabi tried to say something along the lines of 'happy first year'. you couldn't really pick out what twice and compress said. 

toga rushed out of her seat to hug you, and say how much she missed you. she and twice had been gone on a mission for a short while. she was warm and kind and a little eccentric, but it was just who she was. 

"you guys did not have to do this," you said to everyone else over toga's shoulder.

after she finally let you go, you went to join the others. you were smiling from ear to ear.

"happy today, blue?" he asked, putting his arm over your shoulder, and you immediately shrugged it off. 

"tomura, thank you for everything." you turned to him, "this means so much to me." 

he smiled and put up a finger, signaling for you to stop. he pulled back his jacket and revealed a familiar face. it was the kitten from a year ago. you could tell it was her, just by the feeling. you started to cry. you had forgotten about her.

"soul." you didnt know how else to react. 

"i went to your neighbors house and took her," shigaraki laughed, "she was safe while you were gone, i made sure." he said shrugging off the fact that what he had done was so kind. 

"th-" you started, but he cut you off by raising his hand and shaking his head, and he handed you something else, wrapped in black paper.

"y/n! come look at the cake." toga told you from behind the bar. 

you laughed the hardest that you have in weeks. the cake was green and pink in the shape of a heart with the words 'happy anniversary.' written in white icing. 

"whose grandma did you steal this from? come on." you breathed out when you finally stopped laughing. 

"i thought it was cute." compress said matter-of-factly, "not that i picked it or anything."

you cut your own slice and put it to the side on a napkin.

"does anyone else want me to cut a piece?" you asked.

"yes, please" toga smiled hard.

"a big one... a small one" said twice.

"i would like that miss y/n" said compress.

"no thanks. im leaving soon." shigaraki said getting up from his stool with soul pouncing at his toes.

"me too." dabi stood as well.

"wait. can i come?" you frowned. you already knew the answer.

"never." shigaraki said without even looking at you.

"thats not fair! come on, please. you never let me go." you pleaded. you grabbed his arm and tried to make the saddest face you could. he still didnt look.

"alright. get dressed. all black." he caved. you heard dabi scoff from behind you.

"you are not ready." he said close to your ear so nobody else could hear.

"shut the fuck up. im going." you sneered and walked away to get dressed. 


 you settled on an all black, oversized crewneck and black mesh tights and black docs. you pulled your hair up into a mussy bun on top of your head and stepped out.

    dabi and shigaraki were waiting in the hallway for you, just outside of your room.

"ready, princess?" dabi laughed, and you could tell he was poking fun at you.

"im nervous. can you tell me what were doing?" you ignored dabi and started to follow shigaraki, who was already heading towards the door.

"expanding," he put simply.

shigaraki walked so fast down the sidewalk, and to dabi's car. 

"nice ride, where'd you get it from." you said from the back seat.

"guess," he said starting the car and pulling off into the street. he drove like shigaraki walked. 

"rich family member? who died? you have a secret job stripping?" you kept adding more hypothesis. 

shigaraki laughed a little bit.

dabi looked at you from the rear view mirror.

"all good guesses, blue, but all wrong. i stole it." he pursed his lips and nodded like it should be obvious. 

"from who?" you asked, eyes wide and interested.

"number one hero." he smiled, turning to look at you quickly before turning his attention back to the road.

  you were starting down a unpaved, dirt road. it wasnt somewhere you had been before. there was nothing but fields upon fields to look at for a while until you had reached the end 15 minutes later. the three of you pulled into a long, dirt, driveway with a huge metal storage building at the end. you could also see a small barn in the field far behind it. 

"stay in the car." both of the boys said in unison. 

you definitely did not plan on staying in the car.

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