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 you were always a subject of kindness, and empathy but you were more sensitive than anything. the smallest inconvenience would cause you to burst into tears as a child. something as simple as accidentally stepping on a bug sent you into utter and complete chaos. growing up teaches you many things though. most importantly, it teaches you coping mechanisms. it teaches you to supress everything you feel and in your case, it taught you how to turn it off.

 you were an expert at turning off your flood of emotions as soon as you could feel a big shift in you. you would press your hand to the floor, or to a wall, or to any object within reach and push or squeeze or any action you could to get rid of the feelings brewing inside you. this time, your object was tomura.

"oh! y/n, we just keep running into eachother huh?" he smiled before passing you on the street.

"wait." you called to him and he immediately paused. 

you couldnt control yourself. you were manually breathing, a strong, hot feeling brewing in your stomach. 

"what's wr-" before he could finish you had pressed a hand to his chest. he stared at you in bewilderment while you stared at your hand placed on his chest. he didnt move. he didnt ask. he just waited. 

And then, you squeezed. 

you squeezed his shirt into your fists and breathed out, mentally letting go of everything you felt, and everything you didnt want to feel. everything that had happened the last few days. it was too much, too much for you to hold in this time.

And then you let go.

tomura shigaraki had never been more confused. he was buzzing with warmth and a boost of adrenaline. his hands were tremoring. he couldnt stop moving. he was tapping his foot, blinking excessively, and his mind was running with ideas he had never had before. why was he thinking up a business plan while waiting on you to open your eyes? 

to him, it felt like time was moving so slowly. it felt like forever and an hour before you looked at him again.

"tomura?" you called. 

"y/n? what did you just do to me?" he asked, still moving around like a maniac. 

"i.. i dont know. im sorry." you rushed out, trying to appease him. you were scared that once again, you had ruined a friendship.

"dont be. dont be sorry. it feels amazing." the surge of power gave him a high that he had never felt before. he was buzzing with happiness, with creativity. 

you didnt understand.

"you have a quirk, y/n. and i know exactly what to do to give you control over it." he grinned. 

"tomura, i dont know what you're talking about but i want nothing to do with a quirk that i may or may not have." you backed away a few steps, making sure you couldnt touch him again. 

"im sorry again. and thank you for everything today. im going. ill be going home now." you said trying to take your leave without hurting his feelings. 

"you are exactly what we need. i knew i had a good feeling about you. divine timing." he looked up to the sky and smiled. you watched how he kept opening and closing his hands. 

"we? what are you talking about?"

"come on. i know you're lonely. you have no one. you have nothing. you cant live off of your mothers scraps forever. how about you come meet my friends? work with us. learn to control what you have." he smiled at you again. he was charming, none the less. 

"ive known you for a day. its getting late. how about tomorrow." what else did you have to lose? you had been through the wringer these past few days. maybe a new opportunity was exactly what you needed. 

you and tomura agreed to talk in the morning and meet up the next day. so, you started on your way home to an empty house where a small black cat was curled up, asleep on the sofa.

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