heart of gold.

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 "breaking news, reporting live from a normal neighborhood in musutafu, japan where an abnormal situation has occurred. authorities say that a teen girl is missing, not even a week after the untimely death of her mother. her status was realized when officials went to the home on grounds to questioning the young girl about her mothers death, although autopsies report no indication of foul play."

         with a click of the remote, the tv was off. izuku watched the black screen as if it were still on. with furrowed brow and his mouth tight, he got up from the common room couch and practically ran to his room. he was filled with regret, anger and confusion. 

"how hurt is she right now? physically and emotionally. she's being blamed murdering for the last person she had. but she had me. until i.. i need to find her. i need to save her. i will save her

   izukus mind ran with thoughts like this. his mind ran for days, which turned into weeks. he couldnt focus, he could barely eat. he called your phone. he texted. he sent many messages about how his day went, about how he worried for you. he left voicemails telling you that he missed you. but the activity, with time, slowly dwindled away.

"-and now on the continued investigation of the missing teen and her deceased mother, it has been 6 months since her disappearance and investigators still report no leads. for any leads, tips, or sightings, please contact the local police station."

     you watched the reporter talk about you as if you were already dead, and maybe you were. maybe the old you was dead and buried somewhere, somewhere no one would ever find, deep inside of you. so much changed in 6 months. you had a family, now. you remember how on the first day meeting everyone, you knew you had no choice. you didn't know if you joined the league of villains out of fear or obligation, but you knew one thing, it was the best possible decision at the time. you weren't yet accused but after you decided to stay, everything fell apart. 

  you thought of izuku more often than you thought he'd ever think of you. he was graduating soon. you smiled at the thought of his obtaining his dreams. before, you thought he could never truly love a girl without a quirk. now, you know, he could never love a girl deemed a fugitive. 

"what's with the gaze, blue?" dabi called from the other side of the bar. you hadnt realized he joined you. you smiled at his, without the smile reaching your eyes. he had always called you different variations of blue, like gloomy, and sad, to which you always offered him a soft smile. 

  "nothing." you scoffed, returning your attention to the news. 

"for our new and upcoming hero of the week, we have deku, a young hero attending his fourth year of ua, who saved an elderly couple and their dog from their burning home just yesterday..."

"turn it off." you got up from the stool that you occupy majority of your day. your were eyes glued to the screen as you walked away and into the backroom. dabi continued to watch when you left.

"that's some hero, blue. you must know him, huh?" he yelled loud enough for you to hear in the other room, laughing between sentences. 

"you must wanna take a long nap." you said coming back out. 

"oh, please. just come sit back down." he dismissed. 

and you sat. 

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