Chapter 2

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*music of the end of previous chapter starts here* (start the video here)

Love you Hate you:

I love you so much
I hate you so bad
Said "I don't miss you"
You know that's not true
Boy I want you bad
I hate you so much
But I love you oh so bad
When I say I'm leaving
I don't mean it
I just want you back

Got my hopes up
When we broke up
That we would get back always said that
No matter what we would be together
I want you back now more than ever
Feels like we on a roller-coaster
You take me up high then take me down low
There go them games boy
You think you're clever
You try to play me it's so whatever

Some days we on the same page
Then we go our separate ways
And our loves down the drain
Then I'm calling you again

Some days we on the same page
Then we go our sep-our sep-our sep *keeps repeating and everyone's confused not knowing what to do*

Director: woahwoah cut CUT!... what's wrong with playback?

Gina: ummm, working on it boss, I don't know this computer had a panic attack or something

Director: ...unreal

Gina: Just give me a minute.

Director: alright everyone take ten!*bell rings*

*Ricky walks off stage only to be greeted by his dog*

Ricky: Trumpet! *giggles*

???: *GASP* *pushes off random person and stomps towards Ricky* GET THAT DOG, OFF OF MY COUTURE!. *Trumpet goes to the ground while Ricky looks offended*

Jennifer: why can't you have a purse sized dog, like all of the other stars? MMM. This horse dog doesn't fit your image!

Ricky: Trumpet doesn't care about "my image", he loves the real me, and I love him *starts petting him* isn't that right boy? isn't that right... should I rub your belly? should I rub our miss' belly?

Jennifer: No one touches, my belly. *Trumpet growls a bit while Ricky continues to pet him*


*EJ arrives in his skateboard and enters, inside, we see Kaden is cutting the tips of some hot dogs, while Kourtney arrives with a plate for EJ as he "drums" the bar a little bit, now weaing a white tank top*

Kaden: Hey!

Kourtney: Grilled cheese with pickles. On rye.

EJ: MMMMM you are the best Kourtney. If you were looking for a man and I was straight I would propose to you right now.

Kaden: that'd be great, maybe then she would stop bugging me about what I do in my free time.

Kourtney: *scoffs* This guy, he brings in stuff he finds in the street everyday to see if it's useful. *sarcastic* Why don't you find a new hobby in the street? (it was the only thing I could think of)

EJ: Or maybe some customers

Kaden: Customers, that's what we need. If your mom only knew Cash turns this place into a ghost town. *sigh* I should do something about it *cuts another tip of a hot dog*.

EJ: Kaden's not gonna have to do anything. Cause things are not gonna be like this for much longer.

Kourtney: Really? Well alright, EJ, you got a little plan brewing?




EJ: nope I got nothing.


Ricky: I can barely move in this outfit

???: *stops texting and turns head to face him* well you look amazing

Ricky: Thanks, Carlos. (feels weird seeing a friendship between the two of them for how little they've interacted on the show)

Jennifer: It's the latest design by GG le Tron

Ricky: What about GG le Normal? *Carlos giggles and resumes his texting* GG le Clothing Wearable by Humans? Did we put any outfits from anyone like that?

????: There's my boy.

Ricky: Dad! *MTV reporter: Ricky, Ricky! MTV* I didn't think you'd make it *hugs Mike*

Jennifer: No hugging it'll wrinkle!

Mike: I think he'd survive a wrinkle or two. (can't tell if the dad was talking about the outfit or Ricky)

Mike: Come here! *hugs Ricky even more*

Jennifer: That's what I was gonna say, go for it you only live once.

Mike: *break hug but keeps an arm over Ricky's shoulder as he turns around* The biggest star in Majesty Records and I remember when he was singing in diapers. How's the shoot going? You're killing it?

Ricky: The only thing getting killed are my feet *chuckle* it's going fine, can I talk to you please?

Mike: yeah, hey guys why don't you get a shot of that set that I'm paying so much money for. *goes after Ricky* what's up?

Ricky: Dad, don't you think this is all a little... much? Like maybe I should be singing my own stuff

Mike: I don't know if that's the best idea

Jennifer: Best idea, Jinx!

Mike: Ricky, I just want you to be protected, that's why I gave you the best songwriters money can buy. Don't worry, your new single's gonna be a hit, trust me *incoming phone call* oh I gotta take this ok? We're announcing the talent search today *walks away as he answers*

*Jennifer looks at Ricky for a second, rolls her eyes and leaves, at the same time, strange noises start coming from somewhere and Ricky wonders what is that*

Gina: *slides in* Ricky, you're dog is chewing on the microphone *points towards trumpet as Ricky looks at him*

Ricky: Trumpet! That microphone is not a dog bone! *goes after him*

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