Chapter 13

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Once again, Ricky's music video is playing in the background, but this time, the floor is completely filled with a ton of guys who claim to be Rags, fully knowing they aren't, while the receptionists of that floor are trying to handle them, the elevator arrives and Mike walks out of it, noticing the crowd that is there, not knowing the reason as to why, three guys notice him and try to talk to him but he pushes them aside, and continues his way to his office.

Jennifer: *waiting outside the office* THIS is WHAT is happening *hands over flier of the audition and Mike grabs it as he enter to talk to Ricky... Lily is also present but doesn't care to butt in at the moment*

Mike: There is a mob scene in the lobby

Ricky: since you were too busy to listen to the CD, I'm holding auditions to find Rags.

Mike: Yes, Jennifer has made me aware

Jennifer: RICKY, this is a complete Fiasco! You are putting your music in Jeopardy!, and you're relationship with LILY!, she's a MESS!, LOOK AT HER! *Lily is literally acting the same way she does, not caring for anything except herself, so she's looking at her phone, but probably looking at the magazines where she's no longer on the cover*

Ricky: relationship?!

Lily: yeah, this guy Rags is kicking me out of all the magazine covers... but more importantly I miss you, I miss us... we don't talk anymore.

Ricky: *shrugs his shoulders and looks at her* because we never talked! This is a business arrangement!... and none of you ever listen *says as he turns to his father and Jennifer*

Jennifer: because you're too busy running around with that kid! *EJ convenientely stops at that exact moment in front of the office to grab something from his janitor cart*

Ricky: Who EJ? *EJ turns his head to his office*

Lily: aahhh, see? He's cheat- you're trying to make me jealous! *has a smirk thinking she figured it out* he's trying to get my attention! (it would be the other way around Lily) *EJ turns his head back to the cart* I've got it, you hear I'm here, hello! *still thinking she knows what's going on*

Mike: Ricky. Is this true?

Ricky: *sarcastic* you're totally right *EJ turns around thinking he's telling the truth* what was I thinking? Why would Ricky Bowen the biggest star in the world, hang out with someone who scrubs the floor I walk on? *EJ is hurt and leaves*

Mike: it's not like that, we just want you to focus on your music.

Lily: yes! *smacks the chair she was laying on and stands up* your music! I and US, I think we should do an exclusive, with Hollywood VIP *says as she looks to Ricky*

Mike: why can't you be more grateful? *says to Ricky*

Ricky: people are always telling me how grateful I should be, but how can I be grateful when I'm successful at something that my heart's just not in? *Lily tries to hug him, but Ricky back out of it causing Lily to back out* ...look EJ is cooler than everyone in this building combined!... and he's gonna help me find Rags, we're gonna prove you guys wrong *starts to leave* *turns around* and Lily?... Here's an exclusive, we're done (FINALLY, *Breathes in* DING DONG THE BLONDE JUST LOST, WHICH OL' BLONDE, THE WICKED BLONDE, DING DONG THE WICKED BLONDE JUST LOOOOOOST) *Mike smirks due to his son's decision, and is honestly proud of that*

Lily: someone got his crabby pants on today, hey?! *smiles at what she said*

Mike: *not being able to tolerate her anymore* Lily, go make a record or something... *leaves the office*

Rags (HSMTMTS version - RJ/Caswen edition)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora