Chapter 6

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Ricky and Lily are in front of a few photographers and some other people because of Ricky's fragrance and he has to deal with two things at the moment that are getting to him, Jennifer going through his outfit to fix any little detail it could have (luckily she finishes fast), while Lily is trying to pose while caressing Ricky in different ways

Ricky: *frustrated enough* would you- *starts spraying Lily with a bottle of the fragrance so she can stop*

Lily: Ha! That's funny, I could do that too we're playing *starts spraying Ricky*

Ricky resumes his spraying with a forced smile (he was getting even more irritated about Lily) while two of the paparazzi take a few more photos.

Jennifer: *whisper yelling* INNAPROPRIATE *goes back to where she stood*

Lily: *puts bottle back where it was* How adorable, are we right?! *Proceeds to hug Ricky and kiss the side of his forehead*

Ricky: *still frustrated but having to control it* Just. Adorable.


EJ is coming back from Majesty Records after his turn was over, but after he sees a magazine, he decides to check his watch... and realizes that it's past his curfew so he hurries to The Palace to enter, but then sees Arthur near the entrance, so he decides to go through the bathroom window in the back

EJ: *grunts* WOAH *falls to the floor* ugh

At the same time, a random man is coming out of the stall and sees EJ

EJ: Oh, there's a spot there *starts "cleaning the floor" *

He then stands up and grabs a paper towel for the man who's now washing his hands and waits patiently for him to finish

EJ: heh... *man grabs paper towel* hope you're having a good night, sir *the man is weirded out and proceeds to exit* how about that weather we were having huh? Ve-very nice *chuckles and then runs out of the bathroom*


Trumpet is laying on Ricky's bed while Ricky is playing his guitar next to the bed

*Starts playing Stand out in the guitar*

Stand out:

When I see myself in the mirror
Is this really me?
When I take off all my make-up
That's the person I should be

Ricky: *stops playing* what do you think Trumpet?

Trumpet: *barks three times*

Ricky: *smiles for a bit* ...someday


EJ is putting some stuff back in his cart when he sees Ricky walk in

EJ: Hey Ricky!

Ricky: Hey!

EJ: How's your dog?

Ricky: He's good, he misses you

EJ: I miss him too; I think I'm falling for your dog

Ricky slightly giggles... and then EJ literally falls to the floor bringing down the cart

EJ: *stands up* somebody'll... somebody will clean that up

Ricky: somebody like the janitor? *Starts to walk away and pats EJ's shoulder on the way*

EJ: hey that's me. I should probably get, started on that. *Ricky looks back and giggles*


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