Chapter 11

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EJ is going as fast as he can to get to The Palace before Cash and Anteb, with luck being a bit on his side since he doesn't have to go through any traffic on the way. However, Cash and Anteb arrived first because they left early and took a taxi, so now they're walking out of the taxi until...

Taxi driver: *honks* Hey you're gonna pay me or what?

Cash: *goes back to give him money while still being mad about what happened in the party*

EJ finally arrived at the back of The Palace and once he lets go of the bike, leaving it on the ground, he tries to enter through the bathroom window a third time, however...

EJ: *tries to open it* Oh, nonono *runs to another window, that's barred, knowing Kourtney would be near that window*


EJ: Kourtney! It's me!

Kourtney: EJ! *Opens the window* you scared me!

EJ: ok, I'm locked out

Kourtney: after the other night Cash nailed the men's room window shut... so how was the party?
EJ: Ok, later, Cash, Keep him distracted *runs to another part to find a way to get to his room*

Kourtney: KADEN! *goes to tell him the plan*

As EJ makes his way on the back of The Palace, he sees that his only way up is climbing up a pipe that's near his window

Cash: *still with the driver* Hurry hurry! Come on! *grabs the change*

Driver: woahwoah what about my tip?

Cash: No! *Cash and Anteb enter The Palace*

Kaden: *while juggling* dararadara- Hey Cash, check it out!

Cash: *unimpressed* yeah, Idiots straight to bed you two I'm checking on EJ *notices some dirty dishes* What is this?! *throws the dishes* This place is a mess! (drama queen)

Meanwhile EJ looks a bit worried about the climbing he has to do but proceeds to do it since he has no other option

Kourtney: *gets in Cash's way right in front of the stairs* Cash, Hungry? Thirsty? I made you your favorite, I'm sure the food at the party was awful *keeps getting in his way*

Cash: *getting frustrated* NO, thank you *tries to get past her*

Seb: *peeks his head out* I'm thirsty

Cash: *quickly moves avoiding Kourtney and starts going up the stairs*

Kourtney: *watches Cash start going up the stairs* *quickly turns around* KADEN! HURRY UP! *Kaden jumps over the counter and sprints as fast as he can* Come on! Go.

Kaden: *catches up just before arriving EJ's room* Cash CashCash waitwaitwaitwait *stands in front of him on the stairs*. I must ask you something

Cash: what, now?!

EJ keeps climbing up the pipe on the background, visible through a window and looks to Kaden for a moment

Kaden: yeah, I uh, I-I-I I need to know something *stays quiet stalling as much as he could*

Cash: *losing what little patience he has left* OUT WITH IT KADEN!

Kaden: What do you want for breakfast?! *Cash is visibly confused* yeah, yeahyeahyeah th-the omelette you had the other day was so very tasty right? *slightly smirks*

Cash: Yeah sure fine, whatever

EJ is getting closer to his window, his foot slips for a bit, but he manages to stay in place, and he keeps climbing up, but the pipe doesn't take it anymore and ends up separating from the wall and going back a bit, with EJ still holding on, and as it goes a bit to the side, in the direction of EJ's window, EJ takes that risky chance, jumps, and manages to hang from it

Cash: No- move! *tries to get up the stairs past Kaden*

Kaden: move? Move... th-this way? *goes to his left not letting Cash pass*

Cash: *grabs Kaden by the shoulders and moves him to the side* MOVE!

He keeps going up the stairs, leaving Kaden hoping that EJ made it, and as Cash got to EJ's room...

EJ is laying on his bed, reading a comic book with only a white shirt on and his blanket covering his lower half.

EJ: *turns to cash* I didn't hear you knock *says cheerfully*

Cash: *starting to lose his shit* That's because I didn't!

EJ then looks to the window, then back to the comic book as he switches the page and looks back to Cash, as Cash tries to find something incriminating on EJ's room, EJ keeps looking at him, and then Cash points towards him as a warning and then leaves

EJ: *breathes and takes of the blanket revealing he still has the silver pants on* *sigh* CD! *starts patting around his pants trying to feel the CD and then checks the suit jacket which he left under the pillow* nononononono, oh no...

EJ: *lays back* ...that's not good


Ricky: Dad, if you could just, please! *begs him while holding the Rags CD on his left hand*

Mike: I don't have time, Fay Train is thinking about signing with another label, I'll have to meet with them.

Ricky: but this is the Rags guy from the party last night, and he had-
Mike: Really? I am the guy that's always looking for the best next thing, but clearly Rags isn't ready for the big time, otherwise he wouldn't have run out like he did. Besides, I'm more concerned about you *Ricky looks a bit confused* Jennifer tells me you've been missing meetings.

Ricky: Jennifer needs to mind her own business... look, you're changing the subject, Rags is amazing and if you just give him the chance, you'll see he has a lot to offer.

Mike: Ricky, I don't want to talk about Rags anymore, we're about to launch the biggest record of your career and you're getting distracted.

Ricky: and you're not listening

Mike: *sigh* It's my job to make sure my son's head is on straight

Ricky: your job as my dad? Or chairman of Majesty Records?

Mike:*sigh* We'll talk about this when I get back...

Rags (HSMTMTS version - RJ/Caswen edition)Where stories live. Discover now