Chapter 3

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*writes something in his notebook and proceeds to sing the first song while moving chairs for when the place opens*


I'll follow my dreams
you'd think they were nightmares the way they scream
I'll make them believe   Woo!

Someday Someday
I'm gonna be the next big thing


*Jennifer walks towards Ricky with some costume designs*

Ricky: *looks at them smiling, but then frowns and looks at Jennifer* These are different from the ones I liked

*Jennifer notices the reporter walking to Ricky*

Jennifer: *whisper* look it's MTV *grabs the designs and walks away*

MTV Reporter: Ricky, Ricky after 6 number 1's. *Ricky stands up* Ricky!

Ricky: *to the beat of Love you Hate you*
Hate these clothes so much.
Why can't they all see.
The more I go through, I don't want to...
Just want to be me


EJ is now cleaning the stage as he continues with his song using the broom as a mic stand

EJ: You can follow me
If you want to go
I'mma take the lead
I got the star road

Twinkle in the night
Like the star goes
When you see us you know.

Someday, Someday
I'm gonna be the next big thing.

???: Who do you think you are? *EJ turns to face his stepfather* I don't pay you to waste your time.

EJ: Actually you don't pay me at all.

Cash: Are you sassing me EJ?

EJ: *shakes head* No sir

Cash: Good

EJ: My mom, used to let me sing whenever I-
Cash: YOUR MOM. not only left me in charge of you but also of this dump which I now have to run, it's time to open let's go

*a random woman walks in*

Woman: um, a-are you guys open yet?

Cash: uh not quite, but w-we have a special treat for you, EJ! why don't you introduce the opening act, huh?

EJ: ladies and gentlemen please give it up for Antoine and Seb

Antoine: *peeks his head out* psst, it's Anteb

Seb: *also peeks his head out* see when you combine Antoine and Seb you get "Anteb" *smiles proudly* (seriously, if someone comes up with something better, please tell me)

Antoine: *a bit irritated looks at Seb* I hate you so much Seb

Seb: *smile fades* ouch, harsh much?

*both proceed to walk on stage as Charlie places the mic and goes to play the music track they have*

Cash: *proudly claps* Yeah!

Word up: (cover of an old song, and I'm glad I didn't find a video for this scene because I can't imagine Seb in this)

Antoine: Yo pretty ladies around the world
Got a weird thing to show you,
So tell all the boys and girls.
Tell your brother, your sister
And mama too, cause they're
About to go down
And you'll know just what to do. Cash: *to the woman* My boys!

Seb: Wave your hands in the air
Like you don't care, glide by
The People as they start to look and stare.
Do you dance, do your dance
Do your dance quick
Mama, come on baby, tell me what's the Word,
Anteb: ah – word up,

*continues in background*  (skip to Cash's dialogue)
Everybody say when you hear the call
You got to get it underway,

Cash: We're submitting a CD for the Majesty Records talent search, search over am I right or am I right?

Anteb: Word up, it's the code word- *Seb hits his head with the mic and falls to the ground while the music stops*

Seb: oh I'm hit... Antoine! *extends his hand for Antoine to help him up, but Antoine walks away*

Woman: uh do you take requests?


Ricky and his girlfriend (once you see how the character is, you'll understand why I chose this character for her) get to an event where they are greeted by many of their fans

Ricky: Hiya! Hi! Reporter: Ricky, hi! how are you? I'm good

???:Hello! Let's go! it's the fans! *slightly pushes Ricky to them*

*both walk up to some to give a few autographs*

???: Lovelies! you got pens and stuff, this is great!

Ricky: Thank you *says to a fan as he hands over the notebook with autograph*

???: Oh, you want a hug? *hugs and gives a kiss in the cheek* thank you, you're beautiful *proceeds with other fans* how are you?

Ricky: *signing another autograph* Can we just get through this, Lily? Remember, we agreed to keep this one short

Lily: But they love us, look at it! *crowd cheers* No?

Ricky: *slightly tilts his head*

Lily: Alright, fine. Let's go.

Jennifer: (who was waiting for them whole time) You look fantastic, you both look amazing

Ricky and Lily: Thank you/Thanks!

Lily: Let's do a couple of photos

Paparazzi: Ricky, Lily, over here! *continue taking pictures* How about a kiss!

Lily: Alright, you better show this one, boys! *leaves a kiss on Ricky's cheek, then hugs him, and leaves another kiss in his cheek*

Paparazzi: Oh yeah, that's good.

Lily: Could you move over a bit? I just want the lights to hit my cheekbones *Ricky starts moving to the side while his smile goes away* thank you so much, love!

Lily continues taking photos while posing.

I'm sure the character fits Lily a bit well, not exactly, but I can imagine her like that

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