Chapter 9

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EJ arrives at The Palace and enters through the bathroom window again, and falls to the floor again, and then he turns around... and looks up

Cash: *crosses arm* you're late *Antoine does the same while Seb just waves to EJ, smiling, with his hand slightly upwards to not be noticed*

EJ: ummm *checks watch* nope 58 seconds to spare *cash checks his not believing it*, soo, if you'll excuse me *walks out of bathroom and the three of them follow him*

Cash: *takes out of EJ's back pockets the invite* what's this? *EJ turns around* invitation to M-Majesty Records m-masquerade ball? *EJ crosses his arm*

Antoine: that's when they announce the winners of the talent search

Cash: EJ did you steal this?!

EJ: no, I didn't steal it, Ricky Bowen gave it to me

Antoine: *thinking he's lying, makes fun of it* right, Ricky Bowen gave it to you
Seb: *smiling* Ricky Bowen?! That's so cool! *Cash and Antoine turn to him so he can shut up* *smile fades* it is...

EJ: just give it back *tries to grab the invite*

Cash: *backs out his hand with the invite* oh, oh EJ, I'm sorry, I can't let this go to waste!

EJ: excuse me?

Cash: B-Boys, your stepbrother has given you the opportunity of a lifetime *turns to face them* You are gonna go to that party and you're gonna show Michael Bowen, that he made a big mistake rejecting your CD

EJ: *raising his voice* that is my invitation!

Cash: woah, EJ, this is your opportunity too *EJ tries to grab his invitation but fails again* you, you can stay behind and you can uh, you can run the karaoke machine *during this, Antoine looks at him feeling victorious over EJ, while Seb looks to EJ understanding his point of view and feeling bad* consider it a promotion *pats his shoulder* Boys, get to bed, we gotta get up early and rent ourselves some costumes *Cash leaves, while Antoine and Seb excited for the party* (we know Seb would feel otherwise but doesn't dare to do anything, that's why I put him as Lloyd)

Both of them start an improv with Seb doing some sort of beatbox (at least I think it's beatbox... I'm not really sure)

Antoine: Masquerade
Seb: We going
Antoine: Popularity
Seb: Is growing
Antoine: Our lyrics
Seb: Are flowing
Antoine: The ladies

Seb: *stops him* there's gonna be ladies? *Slightly nervous* there's gonna be ladies? *still nervous, getting a bit worried*

Antoine: I can't do this anymore *walks away*

Seb: but is there only gonna be ladies? *Still worried goes after him*

At the same time, Kourtney stops eavesdropping them after hearing the whole conversation and goes to Kaden who's trying to fix a bike

Kourtney: Kaden, get my sewing machine

Kaden: *stops for a moment* you mean that sewing machine I found on the street that you didn't want, even though I told you it could help you to start making your own brand of clothing?

Kourtney: Yes, finally one of your pieces of junk is gonna be of some use!

Kaden: heh *continues with the bike* I'll get it in a second, can you believe someone threw away this perfectly good *front wheel falls off* bike...

Kourtney: stop messing with the garbage we gotta get EJ into that party!

Kaden: *confused, looks to Kourtney* what party?

While EJ is sleeping in his room, Kourtney looks at a silver curtain that's on stage knowing that it's gonna be useful to make EJ's outfit, so she pulls it down, as she then proceeds to make the clothes out of it, looking over to Kaden for a moment who fell asleep still working on the bike, now painted silver.


EJ was coming out of the bathroom he just had to clean due to a clogged toilet and throws the plunger away disgusted, and then walks into the back of The Palace, where Kaden is waiting

Kaden: hey, done with your chores? *says a bit excited*

EJ: *finding his reaction suspicious* you're smiling... nobody smiles about chores

Kourtney: *appears* Ta-da! For you *says while holding the suit jacket and pants that she made for EJ*

EJ: *still a bit sad about what happened* to work the karaoke machine?

Kourtney: For the Majesty Records party!

EJ: *looks away for a moment then back at them* Cash gave my invitation to Anteb

Kaden: Come on! You're gonna let a detail like an invitation stop you?

EJ: No I'm gonna let a billion other things stop me... Cash will destroy me if he found out that I went, I have school tomorrow, there's tons of security maybe even an X-ray

Kourtney: Silence *hands him the clothes* for you *EJ grabs the clothes* you're welcome

EJ: Thank you... it's awesome but... Who's gonna MC karaoke if I'm not here? *Kourtney points to Kaden*

Kaden: I'm your man

EJ: seriously?

Kaden: yeah, I've always wanted to do this job and I know I can do a great job too... besides if I didn't do this, then I shouldn't be considered your best friend

EJ: well, what if I see Cash at the party?

Kaden: oh, we thought of that *Kourtney grabs a mask she made for EJ* you may see Arthur, but Arthur will never *Kourtney and Kaden put the mask on EJ* see you (the mask is sort of similar to the mask worn by "El Zorro")

EJ: *smiles and whispers* game changer!


Antoine and Seb are using some lint rollers on each other, switching back and forth, but Seb gets a bit carried away and goes over Antoine's hair for a bit, to which he receives a smack in his arm from Antoine using his lint roller, meanwhile EJ is plugging in what's necessary for everything to work that night, and then Anteb appears in front of him

Cash: *near the entrance* Boys *Anteb turns to him*, let's go!

Antoine: *turns to EJ, making fun of him* have a nice pity party *starts to walk away*

Seb: *surprised but happy* you're having a party? we're- *turns to Antoine who's now looking at him, and stops talking*

Antoine: I was making fun of him idiot *walks away*

Seb: *turns to EJ* I gotta- *points to the exit* I'll bring you some cake *goes after Antoine*

EJ finishes setting up everything and keeps looking their way for when Antoine is already out, now worrying about Seb, and as soon as he sees him out, he sprints out to go change

Once he got his outfit on, he went outside of The Palace with Kourtney standing in front of him

EJ: I still don't know how I'm gonna make it home before Cash

Kourtney: It'll be easy, you're gonna take the fastest transportation there is in this city

Kaden: *walks out with the bike fixed, ringing the bell* Ta-da! *EJ smiles* my trusty steed, is now yours

EJ: Perfect! *Grabs the helmet*

Kaden: *worried* you got the mask?

EJ: yeah *puts on the helmet, gets on the bike, and makes his way to the party*

Kourtney: do you think he'll get in?

Kaden: ...Not a chance

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