II-The Bathroom

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The duo snuck into the bathroom, being as quiet as possible to not alert Travis. They hear quiet sobbing and look at each other in a mixture of shock and confusion. Larry glances over and see a note and picks it up.

They continue listening in silence and start to hear shakier, shorter and quicker breaths. Larry whispers "Yo, is Travis having a panic attack?" [[That autofilled cause I have them so frequently lmao]] "I think so, we should help him" Sal Whispers back. They rush over, not caring about being quiet. Larry picks the lock (he's not sussy I swear) and pushes the door in. This startles Travis and he flinches. Larry hugs Travis and Sal starts saying for him to take deep breaths.

Once Travis had calmed down he shrunk into himself, embarrassed as he had been taught to not show any emotions other than anger. "Hey, it's okay Travis" Larry softly said. And hugged Travis a bit tighter, to which Travis winced then leaned in to it, this surprised the other two as they were expecting him to pull away and shout slurs at them, even though they had just helped him.

The bell rang and the three stood up. "You two can go to class, I'm gonna stay here for a bit" Travis mumbled.
"Okay if you need me, just text me" Larry said as he grabbed a scrap piece of paper and scribbled his number down and shoved it into Travis' hands and walked out with his Short Friend. Travis was left astounded but tucked it into his shorts pockets nonetheless. The rest of the day went as normal but Travis and Larry kept lookin at each other in the halls and whenever they had the same class.

Approx- 300 words

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