IIIII -The bedroom

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A/N, 19/12/21-I added a bit so the next chapters made a bit more sense. (...) =added part

"Hi boys, foods ready if you're hungry!" Lisa said as the two walked in, deciding not to press on where they went.

They both sat down and The johnsons ate their food, Travis didn't as he "wasn't hungry".
"Are you sure you don't want any dear?" Lisa asked
"Yes, I'm sure" Travis assured her
"If you say so..." Lisa said, not entirely believing him
"Is it okay if I wait in your room Larry?"
"Yea, it is" Larry said, smiling slightly
"Thanks" Travis hesitanly got up and walked over towards Larrys room, leaving the two brunets together.

"What mom?"
"I haven't seen you smile like that since Rebecca"
"My middle school crush?! No no no" Larry said, a blush appearing on his cheeks [[and his long dildo ass nose💀]]
"I can see you're blushing son, it's fine, you both are cute together anyway."
"Oh, thanks I guess, I'm just wayyyy to awkward to ask him out" Larry said chuckling nervously.
"If you really want, I can talk to him tomorrow, before you two head of to school"
"Really?! Thanks mom, I don't wanna leave him for too long"
"Okay, goodnight, and tell Travis I said goodnight and sweet dreams"
"Will do, night!" Larry said happily, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Travis! I'm finished" Larry said, slightly loudly as he closed his bedroom door. Travis flinched.
"Sorry, force of habit I guess" Larry said as he sat down on the bed next to Travis and gave him a small hug, being careful to not touch any of Travis' wounds, which proved very difficult due to the amount of them.
"I-its fine"
"You seem uncomfortable, is it that there's only one bed in here? I can sleep on the sofa if you want." Larry stood up quickly, wanting to make Travis as comfortable as possible.
"No no no! Thats fine I promise" Travis said, doing those little jazz hands things infront if his torso.
"I was just thinking about... something..." Travis responds, sadness evident in his tone.

"Was it about your dick of a father?" Larry said as he slumpes back down onto his bed, glad he was okay with it.
" No it was about... Ummm"
"You don't have to talk about it if you want to, just know I'm here if you want to"
"No, I want to, you might be able to help me, considering you'll probably know more about it then me"
"Sure then! I'm all ears"
"It's about.. Ummm.. How do I say this, my i-identity? I think... "
"Hmm? What about it"
"I think I might be in that community thing you and your friends talk about"
"The LGBTQ+ community?"
"Y-yea, that..."
"Really? Cool, what part?"
"That's what I'm confused about... I was hoping you would tell me"
Travis said, looking down, wishing he hadn't confessed this but at the same time glad he might finally get some answers.
"Sure! Is it like sexuality, like who you wanna have relationships with or gender?"
Larry asked, glad to help, but expecting that Travis was just bi with a strong preference for women or something similar and was completely cisgender.
"Umm... Both?"
This answer, shocked Larry a lot, still he continued, wanting to help and not misgender the person say next to him. "Let's start with sexuality, as it's often easier. Just remember that you don't always NEED a label, you can just be you" Larry said smiling
"Thanks, you've helped me so much already. " Travis said appreciately.
And with my father constantly controlling and watching my search history. I couldn't really do my own research"
"So, do you know which gender or genders you like orr"
"I think it's boys, I can't really see myself ever dating a girl." This answer once again shocks Larry as he was expecting at least some attraction to girls, the blond continued "but then again, my father says I need to date a girl."
"Fuck what your father says, he can't force you to date anyone." Larry blurts out, "sorry, I didn't mean to say that" Larry says after realising what he said
"It's fine, you have a point..."
"So, back on track, that sounds like just gay which by definition means just non woman loving non woman"
"Okay, that makes sense"
"But now we have to get to gender, cause you said you were also having problems with that?"
"Yeaaaa..." Travis mumbled hesistantly, worried that Larry would just completely reject him.
"Soo, do you not feel like a dude orrr??" Larry asked nonchalantly, not entirely sure on how to act. The calmness in the brunets voice shocked the blond and slightly eased his anxiety about the whole thing.
"I'm not sure, it's really confusing. Sometimes I do but sometimes I feel more like a girl? And sometimes I don't feel really like either" The anxiety instantly coming back, afraid that Larry would think he was a freak.
This only made Travis' anxiety worse, which was not good considering he also slightly dysphoric at that moment, as the random dysphoria spikes was the thing that made him think about gender identity.
"I think I know what that is lemme make sure first" Larry pulls his phone out of his pocket.

~-°Once he'd searched it up°-~

The two sat, the blond sat, fidgeting with his hands nervously. "Ummm, oh!" Larry exclaims suddenly. Travis quickly darts his head up "yes?"
"Theres this thing, called genderfluid. The definition says that it's when someone's gender fluctuates and changes." A wide smile plasters across Travis' face, happy he finally finds a label that fits. "Thank you!" Travis pulls Larry into a tight hug, small tears occasionally falling from his crystal blue [[are they blue😭]] eyes.
"I'm glad to help! So, do you wanna make something so I know which gender you're feeling each day? Like today? Which gender are you feeling like today?"
"I guess it couldn't hurt, and I'm not really feeling like any gender right now.."
"Noted. What you're feeling is probably non-binary,which means you arent a girl or a boy by definition.
" and are you okay with still using the name Travis orrr?"
"Oh! That's cool, and ig when I'm feeling like a boy or something, so right now it's fine. But when I'm feeling more like a girl, it makes me feel all icky and weird."

[[This is the best description of how being deadnamed/misgendered feels that I could come up with]]

"Okay, so we could come up with a different name for you to use when you're feeling like a girl, or non-binary" Larry said wholesomely.
"Y-you can do that? Just change your name like that?" Travis said, shocked at this revelation.
"Yea, it's pretty easy socially, if you're around supportive people, which in your case, you haven't really been during your life... But you're with me now, sooo.. Do you have any names you like"
"Umm... Not really..."
"You look kinda like a Lydia, not sure why though.. " Larry said, absentmindedly
"That's a... nice name"
"So, that's settled then! Lydia it is when you want!!" Larry exclaimed, happy his friend found happiness, at least to some extent in his tragic life.
"Okay, now when youre feeling non-binary, I guess we could go online, there's usually loads on there"

~-°a few minutes later~-°

"Yooo, Lex is a cool name and it suits you." Larry said, looking up at Travis sweetly, who had leaned his arm on the brunets shoulder.
"Yea!" Travis sat down on his knees and slowly scooted forward, leaning into a hug, hesistately, because he's #touchstarved, Larry noticed this and closed the distance between the two. Travis fully put his arms around Larry and buried his head into the crook of his neck. "Thank you! Thank you! You've helped me so much, you've cleared so much confusion up for me, it's just..."
Travis blurted out between sobs and cries. Larry just silently rocked them and spoke softly in their ear "just what?"
"It's just I know it's a sin and I'm going to hell and it isn't right and god doesn't love me" Travis said, breathing starting to quicken.

"Hey, hey, hey it's fine, if you're god doesn't love all of their creations equally, they probably aren't the best god" Larry said, hoping it wouldn't offend them.
"I.. I guess so? I've never really thought about it but you're right, the Lord says you should love all equally, and lying and being hypocritical are both sins..."

Larry sighed happy he didn't hurt them in any way. Travis' breathing slowed back down and Larry continued to rock the two.
("Could I get changed? But then again I don't have any clothes"
"You can take some of my clothes, if you want."
Larry stands up and searches around for some at least semi-clean clothes that are fit first being pj's to give Travis. After a few minutes he finally finds some and hands them to him
"You can go change in the bathroom again."
"Okay, thanks"
"No problem"

~-°After Travis Changed°-~

Travis walks back in and joins Larry in the bed, sorting out the top, which had the SF logo on it and was too big for him, and so were the trousers.
"O-oversized clothing fits you" Larry states, blushing slightly. "Thanks..." Travis lays his head on Larrys shoulder and pulls his arms around him, closing his eyes and drifting off to dreamland)

Lisa walks in quietly after hearing Sobbing from the blond. She goes to speak but her son quickly hushes her and points to the now sleeping boy hugging him. Lisa gives a smirk [[😏]] and leaves closing the door slowly. Larry lays the boy down calmly, putting him under the covers and gets in next to him. Stroking their hair and falling asleep.

Approx-1700 words

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