III-Over The Phone

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A/N- Whenever Travis talks it will  be underlined to differentiate between characters and over text Travis will be on the Left →

"Travis. Travis! TRAVIS!!" The teacher screamed. Pulling him back to reality. "S-sorry miss..." He stuttered.
"Please stay back after class, this is the third time this week you've fallen asleep."
Travis' eyes widened slightly "b-but miss! I have things to do!"
"I don't care, I have to talk to you about this unacceptable behavior" The teacher demanded.
"Okay miss..." Travis sighed

~-°After The Teacher Talked To Him~-°

Travis speed walked home as he was later then usual to lessen the punishment that was ought to occurr when he stepped in the house. He opened the door slowly, hoping and praying he would get away silently. Which sadly didn't happen. "Where. Have. You. Been."
"M-my teacher wanted to talk to me... Sorry Sir..."
"I-i fell asleep in class sir."
Kenneth walked towards his son and slapped him. Travis cried out due to his fathers sheer strength. "Stop being weak. ONLY WEAK BOYS CRY" Travis attempted to stop crying but failed, angering his father even more. He continued to hit Travis, stepping on his stomach a few times before walking away from his son who lay there, coughing blood as a result... He slowly grabbed himself up and limped to his room. He grabbed his phone out of his bag and grabbed the piece of paper from his pocket.





You okay?
Why are you texting me

Just my Father

What do you mean?


Are you sure?
You seem sad..
You can come to mine
you want??

If your parents don't mind
I'll have to sneak out though

Woah, goody-two-shoes
Sneaking out?

Shut up >:(

You use emoticons?

Just gimme a minute!
Gotta jump out the window

Ain't your room on
the 2nd floor?


Be careful..

Will do :]
See you soon I guess

Sys. <3


Travis blushed slightly at the heart as he opened his window, readying to jump out. He then suddenly gets a message


Wait if you can
I wanna see this lmao


Text you when I'm here

Okay! :)


Travis waited at his window for the long haired boy to appear below his window. When Larry appeared he looked mortified
"How the FUCK are you gonna jump down?!"
"Like this." Travis said smugly as he climbed out.
"Nahhh, you can't do that, you'll fucking break your goddamn legs"
"I won't! Just stand back and be quiet, my father will hear us!!"
Larry stood back against the fence. Travis swiftly jumped and landed perfectly, brushing himself off. Larry stood there, dumbfounded. "You do that often?" Larry questioned
"Yea, I have friends outside school y'know?"
"You do? Surprising"
"Wow, rude"
They start walking but they notice Kenneth Phelps in their living room.
"Fuck, where can we go?" Larry whispered,
"Don't worry, Stoner boy, I know another way"
They walk the other way behind the house.
Travis then jumped a fence, then helped Larry over.
"Woah, Christian boy jumps fences?" Larry Joked.
"A surprising amount how d'ya think I get away from my parents? Genius" Travis snapped back "Arent you supposed to be with Sal and the rest of them? Couldn't be bothered to know their names"
"They went out without me, and it's Ash and Todd, fyi."
"That's rude as fuck." Travis scoffed.
They were now walking on the pavement (sidewalk) and talking,
"So your fashion sense?" Larry said, looking in Travis' direction.
"Definitely not what I'm wearing right now, that's for sure." Travis said, laughing silently to himself
"Oh, that's good, if I'm being honest, it's completely shit"
"Agreed, my father makes me wear it."  Travis sighed.
"Is there anything about your life that isn't forced by your father?"
"Ummm, I honestly don't think so"
"That's real sad man" Larry says pitifully.
"Yea, as soon as I can I'm fucking leaving and cutting him off"
"I mean understandable, I guess I could ask my mother if you can stay at our apartment" Larry says.
"Really?! Do you think she'll let me"  Travis said, his eyes lighting up.

Sal, Ash and Todd are walking back from the forest towards Sally Faces apartment. "wait. Is that Larry and Travis?!?!" Sal says, shocked. The other two swung their heads around to look at the duo walking in the same direction as them. "Definitely is" Todd says, keeping his composure as per usual. "Why is Travis there, and why is he limping?" The masked boy questioned. "I don't give a shit" Ashley snarled

Approx- 780 words

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