Chapter 107: A Lethal Secret

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Snape just finished giving Draco healing potions when a faint silvery light caught his eye.

Snape turned and saw Potters silver doe, but its fading in and out. "Get help!" Potters weak voice rang out.

Sprining to action, Snape abandoned his task. "Show me!" He demanded.

By the time the doe returned to a unconscious Harry, the animal almost faded away.

Harry lay face down in a pool of his own blood. Snape inhaled sharply, but once again went to work. He quickly stopped the blood loss, and worked his best to heal the superficial wounds.

"Merlin, Lily's gonna kill me!" Snape mumbled under his breath.

Taking hold of Harry, Snape levitated him to the hospital wing.


Harry found himself in a grassy field.

Two different couples came up to him. One looked similar to James and the other like Lily.

"Are you my grandparents?"

The two couples nodded.

"This is foolish to protect a boy who doesn't deserve it." The Evans stated.

"The Muggles are right." The Potters agreed.

"I don't care." Harry replied.

"You should, your at the brink of death as it is." The Potters winced.

"My 6th time here." Harry shrugged.

"We know. One more visit to limbo and you will find yourself on the other side." The Potters warned.

"I understand, thanks. This wasn't intentional!" Harry protested.

"We know, dear boy." Then the couples faded away.


Lily sighed impatiently, "Are you certain you can't get anything from him?"

"Lily, I've been trying for a month. Potters mind is too well guarded." Snape sighed uneasily.

"Whoever cursed him will be sorry!" Lily hissed.

"I doubt Potter will tell us. His loyalty is very annoying." Snape commented.

The two were squabbling in the hospital wing waiting for Harry to wake up.

The boy in question shifted and moaned slightly. His eyes began to flicker and he woke up. "Mum? Snape? What happened?" Harry asked.

"You were cursed Potter, with a lethal spell of my invention. Sending your patronus to me was great thinking. Had anyone else found you, you might have died." Snape stated causing Lily to gasp in shock.

"Harry, who is cursing the students?" Lily asked.

Harry sighed, "Its complicated."

"How so?" Snape asked.

Harry didn't answer. He stared at his bedsheets.

"Explain at least why you are protecting this person."

"They're not given a choice Mum!" Harry exploded. "They are being forced to attack students because fear is making them."

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