Chapter 50: Diagon Alley

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The day after Harrys birthday, the small family of five made their way to Diagon Alley.

"I need to get you some new robes." Sirius told Hermione.

"Thanks Dad, but do you mind if we look in Flourish and Blotts?"

Sirius laughed, "go on Ravenclaws!"

Harry, however, stayed with Sirius and Remus. Since he heard about the dementors, he had refused to leave their sides.

Remus looked at Harry, "dont you want to join them?"

Harry shook his head. "I'd rather stay with the two of you."

The adults frowned, Harry has never passed up looking in a bookstore.

"Sirius, Ill be right back." Remus said walking in. A couple of minutes later, he emerged with a book on protection spells.

"Who is the book for Remus?" Sirius asked even though he knew the answer.


The raven haired boy wasnt paying attention, his eye was caught by the broom on display in the Quidditch Supply shop.

Sirius chuckle tapping Harrys shoulder. This caused Harry to flinch violently. He looked up to find Sirius looking at him expectantly.

"Sorry Sirius, did you say something?" As Harry asked this, his eyes roamed once again to the broom on display.

Sirius revealed a sneaky expression. Remus noticed this, and his eyes narrowed. "Padfoot, no."

Sirius looked like a kicked puppy. "Come on, as a back up."

"Sirius no, we need to get the other two their supplies. How about in a year?" Remus asked trying to distract him.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at the twos exchange. "Whats that book Remus?" His eyes finally landed on the book in Remus' hand.

"it's for you, Harry." Remus handed the book over. "Its on advanced defense magic."

For the first time since learning about the dementors, Harrys eyes lit up. "I cant wait to read it!"

Remus had to smile at himself, he knew how to cure Harrys blues. Sirius however, dragged Harry over to the Quidditch Supply window. There on display was a brand new broom. Etched into the handle in gold letters was the word; Firebolt.

"Sirius, I have a broom already. My Nimbus you gave me has never failed me." Harry protested.

Sirius sighed knowing he would never win the battle. Hermione, he knew would go ballistic if he bought her the Firebolt, and Draco didnt like flying.


When the family had returned home, Harry found a letter on the entrence table addressed to him.

"Whos writing to you?" Sirius asked coming up behind Harry.

Harry jumped at Sirius' touch, then turned to face him. "I really have no idea." Harry replied keeping his face expressionless. However, he knew it had to be Snape writing. He never wrote to anyone else but the dark man.

"That writing looks familiar." Draco frowned.

"Ah, its no one. I'll be back soon." Harry ran up to his room with his wand out. Quickly he warded the door to stop anyone from coming in. He tore the envelope open and read;

Dear Potter,

With Lupin acepting Albus' teaching proposal, we can not continue this secret allience without telling Lupin of our intentions. Do you deem Lupin trustworthy not to tell anyone especially Black? Owl me back with your answer.

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