Chapter 47: Harry Helps Out

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Harry was worried about telling his two best friends and members of his family what his upbringing really was.

He knew he needed to tell them. So when the black haired boy came into the Common Room he tried to act normal. "Hi, what are you two working on?"

"Charms homework, Im almost done." Hermione answered.

"Light reading." Draco closed his book sensing Harry wanted to talk.

"Ah I see." Harry replied allowing his mind to be open.

Draco looked up, "ok, what do you want to talk about?"

Hermione put her homework away knowing it would be an intersting conversation. "What is it Harry?"

The raven haired boy took a deep breath, "I didnt say much about my Muggle uncle did I?"

Hermione and Draco glanced at each other then looked around the room to ensure that their friend had his privacy.

"Nothing is more like it. Why didnt Remus and Sirius immediately take you in?" Draco asked furrowing his brow.

"Why would Sirius and Remus have rights to Harry?" Hermione asked confused.

"I overheard Lucius talking to my mother about Harrys realitives. He is very high up in the Ministry. Anyway, he said something about Sirius being Harrys godfather and he wondered why Harry had to live with the Muggles to begin with." Draco commented.

Harry sighed, "My mothers sister, Petunia is a Muggle. While my mother was a Muggle-born. I think she wanted me with her sister so I could be with my blood family."

"Thats not right, Petunia shouldnt have had any rights to you if she wasnt your godmother." Hermione said shocked.

"Do you want to know what happened while I was growing up or not?" Harry asked irritated.

The pair shut their mouths immediately and nodded.

"Dumbledore happened, he believed I was safer out of the wizarding world. Those first 7 years were not happy." Harry explained.

"I remember when I first met you, you were so shy." Hermione said at once.

"I was taken from my aunts house just 2 weeks earlier and brought to Uncle Remus and Sirius." Harry replied.

"Im so glad Dad and Uncle Remus got you out of there." Hermione smiled.

"You dont have to say anything else." Draco said smiling up at Harry.


"Ginny!" Harry called out when he looked up from his book.

The redhead stopped in her tracks to turn around. She looked exhausted, with dark circles under her eyes. But she smiled when her eyes landed on Harrys. "Hello Harry."

"Are you ok?" Harry questioned.

"Ive been better, I havent been gettkng the best of sleep." Ginny admitted.

"Why not ask Madam Pomfrey for a Sleeping Draught?" Harry asked confused.

"I would, but if you take them every night, you can soon rebel against them. Then it would be useless to me." Ginny sighed.

Harry walked over to the young girl. "I learned something that helped me out. I casted those memories away."

"Ive heard about that, but I dont know if that can help with the nightmares. Every night I go to bed I see Tom in front of me." Ginny shivered.

Harry gestured for the girl to sit down before she collapsed from exhaustion.
"It does, trust me. I had some very bad memories that caused horrible nightmares. But I took away those memories. Im only left with a wisp of them and no emotion is with it. Does that interest you?"

"Yes, anything!" Ginny replied desperately.

"We should do this in an empty classroom. Do you want to do it now or after you nap?" Harry whispered. He noticed Ginny was slowly falling asleep.

The young girl disnt answer. Harry sighed as he picked up his book on magical creatures. He made sure to keep an eye on Ginny though


As soon as Ginny closed her eyes, she found Tom Riddles face right in front of her.

"Ginny, how nice to see you again." Tom hissed his eyes glowing red.

Ginny tried to move, but became too scared to. Tom took Ginnys wrist in an ironclad fist and began to drag her away.

"Let me go!" Ginny yelled all while struggling agsinst the handsome boy.

"Ginny!" A voice called from far behind.


Harry was thanking Merlin that he had put up privacy wards so no one could hear Ginny crying and moaning.

"Ginny! Its not real!" Harry yelled trying to rouse the young girl.

However, Ginny was too consumed in her nightmare to hear him. Harry sighed as he gently brushed
Ginnys long hair away from her face. He leaned forward giving the redhead a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Wake up Gin."

When Harry kissed her cheek, Ginny instantly calmed down. She then continued sleeping on. Harry couldnt help smiling. He saw Ginny as the younger sister he should have gotten. 

Harry knew his mother was pregnant with a girl when she was murdered. Harry couldnt help wondering what his parents would have named her.

About an hour later, Ginny began to stir. "Go back to sleep Gin." Harry whispered into her ear.

Ginny then slumped back into her nap. Harry wondered of she ever got a proper nights sleep since she had been possessed. Judging by the dark circles under her eyes, obviously not.


"There you are!" Hermione explained around dinner when she found Harry burried in a book.

Harry looked up glancing at Ginnys sleeping form. "Shh! Someone is catching up on some much needed sleep!"

Hermione nodded then whispered, "I'll get you two a plate. See you later."

Hermione tried not to feel jealous when she left the pair in their cozy corner. Yes she is one of Ginnys best friends, but she felt hurt that Harry had overlooked her. She could hardly blame him. After all Sirius told her that all Potter men were attracted to redheads.


It was about 2 hours later, that Ginny awoke. "Where am I?"

Harry looked up from his book. "You fell asleep in the library. Come on, lets go back to the Common room."

"Oh, right...thanks." Ginny couldnt help but be embarassed that she had fallen asleep in front of her idol.

When the pair had gotten into the hallway did Ginny try to talk. "Thank you. I really needed that nap."

"No problem Ginny." Harry replied.

"I domt want to get rid of those memories yet..or lack of. Riddle always erased my memory of what I did."

"Its ok, whenever you want to get rid of those memories, just tell me." Harry replied as the two walked back to their common room.

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