Chapter 108: Betrayal of a New Kind

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"Lily, your son needs help with a new project." Snape sent his patronus to his
old friend, however this time his patronus changed. Instead of a silver doe, a phineox appeared.

When Lily received the message, she apperated to Hogsmead immediately. She could tell that this project circulated around the mysterious attacks.

Harry returned to classes to the relief of Daco and Hemione, but they could tell hes distracted. Instead of chatting in free periods, Harrys nose is on is book and hes reading far too much for a normal Ravenclaw.

"Harry." A voice pulled him our of his book.

Harry lifted his head to see Lily in the courtyard, arms crossed. "Hi Mum, did Snape tell you?"

"He did. What are you working on?" Lily asked.

"Strong Severing potion. The strongest one I can make." Harry sighed

"To sever what?" Lily asked.

"Can't say." Harry flipped a page.

"Does this have something to do with the attacks?"

Harry nodded, "I made a promise and I'm keeping it."

"Thats very good of you, but what your trying trying seems impslossible." Lily stated.

"Im aware. If I don't do this, I'm afraid a lot of harm could come to others."

"How can I help?" Lily sighed heavily.

"Have you ever made a Severing Potion?"

"I have."

"Have you ever tried to break a bond with it?"

"No, I haven't. Some bonds aren't meant to be broken." Lily stayed

"Some bonds should be though." Harry replied.

"What are we talking about?" Lily asked

Realization hit Harry and his eyes widened. By breaking the Vow of killing Dumbledore, they could break the Vow of killing all their families. "You're right Mum, some bonds should not be broken."

"Why the sudden-"

"I gotta go. Research to do!" Harry sprang up and ran to the library.

Harry never told anyone, but he and Ron are bound by a life debt. Ron pushed Harry out of the way once when Molly's plant became vicious and lethal. To repay this debt, Harry has to do all he can to save Ron.
It was right before Ron began to hang around Dean Thomas and his ideas corrupted Rons mind.

Harry skirted around the castle tuning into Rons emotions. "ROR!" Harry breathed. Harry walked to where the door exists and asked for a room to find a confused boy.

The door opened, and Ron stood there. "Harry."

"Ron, if I break the Vow, I could break the promise they made you, sparing our families. We can't risk it!" Harry panted.

"Then why are you trying to help me?!" Ron screamed.

"I owe you. You saved my life from your mothers lethal plant, so now I must return the favor." Harry stated.

"Favor?! Do me the favor and turn me in!"Ron wailed.

"If I get Kissed by demenors I will have deserved it! My family will be safe and it will be like I never...existed." Ron deflated.

"You disliked being overshadowed, I understand. Ron, you do matter though. I'm sorry you never felt that way, but your parents never gave up on you. Ok, youre right. It's time to end this." Harry replied before leaving.

"Thanks Harry."

"I hope this will help, Ron." Harry sighed before leaving. He went to the Headmasters Office and knocked.

"Harry, we've been expecting you." Dumbledore opened the door to reveal Lily, James, Rwmus, Sirius, and Snape.

"I see you've invited everyone, wish choice." Harry nodded.

"Potter, we all know you know the person behind these attacks. Are you here to turn them in?" Snape asked.

"Yes, but it feels like a betrayal."

"Its not!" Lily, Remus and Sirius said in unison.

"Before I do, I need to explain something." Harry stated.

"Fair enough, go on." Dumbledore nodded.

"We all know fear can drive someone to insanity and back right, Professor Snape?" Harry turned to face him

"Your point?"

"When your enemy knows your greatest fear and is able to ensure it will never happen. What will you do so they keep that promise?" Harry continued.

"Anything." Snaoe answered at once.

Harry grinned, "exactly! This person is a victim. They were smart enough to get a Unbreakable Vow to keep the Potters, Weasleys and Blacks from harm. In exchange he must murder a person."

The adults gasped in unison.

"I already knew what was happening. The attacks were feeble attempts to off their target; that's you, Headmaster." Harry grimaced.

"I tried, believe me I tried to stop them. They had begged me to turn them in. After two unsuccessful attacks on my closest friends, the culprit attacked me. In hopes of getting caught." Harry shook his head.

"Who is this person?"

"Spmeone I owe a life debt to. He saved me when I was yiun from a lethal plant. I thought by mot bringing him to justice was protecting him. Now I see j was condoning his bad behavior I letting him get away with it. " Harry sighed heavily.

"Potter a name, please!" Snape hissed.

"Merlin forgive me. Ron Weasley."

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