Chapter 93: Running Away

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Harry came onto the train the next day, but he was very depressed. It would be the last time he is with his friends again. He put up the strongest shield up to block out Hermione, he was tired of looking over his shoulder all the time. "Who wants to play Gobblestones?" Harry smiled bringing out his set.

"I will!" Draco exclaimed.

"What did you tell Dad to get him off your case about that gaudy locket?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, uh...that his brothers dying wish was to have it destroyed. He shut up after that. Wait, how did you know it was destroyed?" Harry asked.

"Sirius was not quiet about it. He went screaming through the whole bloody house about it." Draco snickered

"You had best be careful, or else I will see you get pranked mercilessly this summer." Harry sang as Draco paled and widely shut his mouth. When the train was slowing down, Harry was wanting to cry on the inside. He could not join them. He had Death Eaters to round up and Voldemort to kill. He was very slow getting up. He looked out the window to see Sirius and Remus for the last time.

"Harry, are you coming?" Hermione asked turning to her husband. She was confused why he was stalling.

"Yeah, Ill be right out." Harry smiled. As soon as Hermione was gone, Harry shrunk his trunk and shut the shades. Then he pocketed his trunk, became the signature phoenix and disappeared in a circle of flames.


"Where's Harry?" Remus asked when Hermione and Draco got off the train.

"He said he would be right out." Hermione frowned as all the other students left and Harry was no where to be seen. Draco had volunteered to go on and search.

"Ok guys this is weird, the trains empty. I told the driver we are missing a student and for him to stay put. Look, the shades are drawn where we were." Draco frowned when he returned a couple minutes later.

"Ok, that's it! Screw the rules about no parents on the train!" Sirius roared storming on to physically look. He was searching frantically for some sign that his godson was playing a practical joke.

"Sirius! Did you find him yet?" Remus called.

Sirius returned to the platform and shook his head. "No and believe me, I looked." He felt as if he had done something wrong.

"I'll look, he might have left a clue to where he was going." Remus boarded the train and went straight to where the shades were drawn. He lit his wand as he searched. He then noticed a small pile of ash. Wait, ash?! Harry must have finished his Animagus transformation.

Remus came off the train. "Draco, Hermione, did Harry say anything to you about Animagus transformation?"

"He did Uncle Remus, he showed me all his forms. But he did disappear for about a week before we left. Only emerged for meals. I don't know what he was doing. Remember Draco?" Hermione asked

"Yeah, 5he Map showed us he was always with Dumbledore! That's where we should go." Draco suggested


Harry had appeared back in his Ancestral Home, Potter Manor. When he became human, a female house elf had arrived. "Master Harry! You've returned at last!"

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Mitzi sir."

Harry then thought of binding Winky to his Potter Manor. "Winky!"

The elf appeared. "Yes Master?"

"Mitzi, how do you bind a house elf to a home?" Harry asked

"You could just order her to never leave this house." Mitzi suggested.

"Thank you, Winky, I don't want you to leave this house unless I tell you so ok? And on no circumstances are you to tell anyone where I am. Mitzi, can you please cut off the Floo network and seal the house? I want no visitors, understand?" Harry asked firmly.

"Of course Master." Both Winky and Mitzi said.

Harry sighed as he went up to the master bedroom and penned a letter.
Dear Dumbledore,
I am far away from London. Im not telling you where. Please let me know if I can aid your Order in any way. I heard Death Eaters are growing larger again. How can I help?

"Mitzi, can you deliver this to the Headmaster of Hogwarts but don't tell him who your Master is. And please disguise yourself, in case Sirius is there. You are not to speak to anyone there." Harry held out the parchment.

"Yes, of course, Master!" She disappeared.


At Hogwarts...

"Sirius, now don't do anything stupid!" Remus could be heard from inside Dumbledores office.

"I won't, I'm just going to ask where the bloody hell Harry is!" Sirius growled and moments later the door flew open. He came in with a red face, while Remus just looked worried.

"Hello gentlemen, how can I help you?" Dumbledore looked the picture of calm.

"Can you tell us where Harry is? He ran away!" Sirius bellowed.

Dumbledore frowned and turned to Fawkes. The bird nodded. Before the two men came, Albus and Fawkes came up with a story.
"Sirius, Harry is merely continuing the treasure hunt. He will return after he has completed it. I'm so sorry, I thought I had told you."

"He better return. I give you a week or I will think Harry ran away!" Sirius growled.

Just then Mitzi arrived in the office. "Headmaster of Hogwarts?" She turned looking around.

"That is me. How can I help you?" Dumbledore asked.

"My Master asked me to deliver this to you sir. Read it and tell me if you want to reply." Mitzi stated.

"Hmmm.. tell your Master, yes we could use his help. Tell him to meet me in Diagon Alley in three days time." Dumbledore waited until the elf had vanished. Then, "looks like we have a new ally. Now excuse me, but I have paperwork to do."

Grumbling, Sirius and Remus left the office.


"Dumbledore told me to tell you to meet him in Diagon Ally in three days time." Mitzi announced.

"Thanks Mitzi, you can go take a break. I'd like dinner by 7 30." Harry smiled.

Mitzi bowed and disappeared. Harry sighed as he took out his wand. He flicked at his hair changing to red and he changed to hazel and his dads eye shape. He then pointed his wand at his throat hoping that he could create American accent for himself. Lastly, he concealed his lighting bolt scar. Satisfied, Harry turned into his phoenix form and flame traveled away.

He only hoped that Sirius and Remus had left.

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