Chapter 74: The Third Task

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FYI: I have Harry do what Newt Scamander did.

Anticipation was once again in the air. Harry had blown through the 5th and 6th year curriculum like it was childs play.

However, no one knew about it. Once Harry had finished with all the spells, he began to practice them nonverbally and he began wandless practice. He could do all 4th years spells to his satisfaction. It only took him 3 hours as he bleq the cirriculum to smitherens.

Whenever Harry wasnt in class or at meals, he was in the RORs made up library practicing all the spells he ever needed to know.

Harrys friends had all decided to give him some space, they knew he needed to train hard. Harry has bedn getting phantom pains from his scar which is another reason hes been working so hard.


"Harry?" Hermione called two days before the Third Task.

"In here." Harry called devouring a chicken leg. He sat on a couch in the middle of the ROR' s library with a plate of food next to him.

"Are you taking meals in here now too?" Hermione joked.


"Harry, you need some interaction. Im worried about you. The staff is too." Hermione said.

"Whenever im not in class Im here. I just didnt want anyone to see my abilities before Im ready." Harry stood up waving his wand as he created a backpack from the torn up cover of an old book silemtly. Another wave, all the books around him duplicated and soared into the backpack.

"What?! How did you do that?! We're not supposed to learn that for another 2 years!" Hermione squealed.

"Practice, thats how." Harry smiled. "I found there isnt much that limits our magic."

Hermione eyed the bag. "Let me guess, Undetectable Extention Charm?"

"More than that, follow me." Harry opened the bag and stepped inside, his legs and chest disappearing into the depths.

Wide-eyed, Hermione followed. Her feet found a ladder as she landed into a replica of their Common Room. The shelves reached up to over 20 feet high.

"I already duplicated all the books from Hogwarts and our Common Room library. Sirius' and Potter Manors are the only ones I dont have yet." Harry explained.

"You have a manor?" Hermione asked dumbstruck.

"Yes, you do too, but Sirius says I cant go there until my Inheritence Test that I take at 15." Harry continued.

"Wow." Hermione breathed amazed. "Will I be taking one too?"

Harry smiled nodding.


"Come on, eat up." Luna encouraged the day of the Third Task.

"Not hungry."

"Potter, the Champions are meeting in the room up front." McGonagall announced

"The Tasks not until tonight!" Harry exclaimed.

"I am aware, but the families of the other Champions are here. Come on." McGonagall said shortly.

Harry shot Hermione a confused look, but still followed McGonagall.

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