Chapter 59: Quidditch Final

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FYI: I have Cho be two years older than one year older.

When classes had resumed, Harry was beyond happy. He was getting tired of how quiet the castle became.

Lessons with Remus and Hermione had continued on. Harry was struggling on dialing back the intensity of his patronus while Hermione still searched for the right memory.

"Thats good Harry, but if you are with dementors, you dont want to drain yourself. Think of a different memory." Remus advised.

Harry sighed, hed been using memories of him and his parents. Wracking his brains he finally thought of the right one to use. When he first met Sirius and Remus.

"Expecto patronum!" Out burst the beautiful silver doe, but the intensity wasnt as bad and Harry was feeling ok.

"How was that?" Harry panted as his doe cantered around the room once before vanishing.

"Amazing! Nice job. Hermione?" Remus turned to the young witch.

"Im still struggling, why?" Hermione was furious with herself.

"Ok, first off, relax. Second, think of something really happy." Remus coaxed.

"Ok, expecto patronum!" Out of her wand blossomed a bright silver light, too blurry to depict an animal though.

"Nice try, but now tap deeper into the feeling your memory gives you." Remus advised.

Slowly the light began to take shape. Finally an animal could be seen; an otter. Moments later, it vanished. "I did it!"

Good job both of you." Remus grinned at the pair. "Now you had best get going. Ill see you later."

Harry and Hermione smiled and walked hand in hand back to Ravenclaw Tower.


"How are the lessons coming?" Draco asked when Harry had returned.

"Going good, I finally got the right memory. What are you working on?" Harry asked as he set his bag down.

"Essay for Sprout. I still have 4 inches left for Ancient Runes." Draco sighed. "What about you?"

"I finished it all." Harry replied stretching out.

"What?!" Dracos jaw dropped open and Hermione dropped her bottle of ink.

"Reparo!" Luna cried fixing Hermiones bottle.

"Thanks Luna." Hermione saod distractedly.

"I see huge potential in you Harry, but you choose not to harvest it, why not?" Luna asked in her dreamy voice.

"Dont know what you're talking about." Harry answered heading fir the stairs.

"Harry!" A voice called from behind.

The boy in question turned to find Cho looking at him


"I heard Professor Lupin is teaching you the Patronus Charm. Can you help me?" Cho batted her eyes.

"Uh.. Why do you want to learn it?" Harry asked confused.

"Im reliving unhappy memories every time I pass the dementors, like you." Cho blushed.

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