Part Six: The Party

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We were walking through the Scorch and the sun was rising. Newt and Minho walked by my side while my father lead the way. My feet dragged through the sand and I was limping through the pain. I noticed as well that Newt had a limp. I chose not to ask anything about it, not wanting to open any old wounds that I didn't have to. The morning humid air was making me sweat and I wiped my brow. Strands of hair stuck to my face and I had already finished one of my waters. This heat, however, was something that I was used to.

We had been walking for a good hour, and the boys had elaborated more about the Maze and how they only escaped because of Thomas. I still couldn't believe that WICKED could do something like that to teenagers. They were killing the very teenagers that could save the world because they are Immune. Well, not all of them were Immune. I also heard about their friend Winston who succumbed to the Flare just like the majority of the world. I couldn't even begin to understand why they would put non Immunes into those Trials, but I couldn't care less. All that mattered was that WICKED put them in there, and that's what pissed me off.

My mind drifted over to Brenda and what she could be doing right now. I didn't know if she was safe and a part of me wished I had gone with her. But I knew that girl, she was more of a sister to me then anything else. She knows what she's doing, and I was going to continue telling myself that until I found her.

As we walked farther, I continued to keep my eye on my father, not knowing what to do. I knew that he knew exactly why I was stealing those supplies, so that also meant he knew I planned to leave without him. I took a deep breath.

"Go talk to him." Newt said and I jumped a little. I guess he noticed me thinking.

"I don't know..."

"Go." Minho instructed, and with a second of hesitation, I walked faster to catch up with Jorge.

Once I was by his side, he didn't even look at me. We walked in silence for a minute and I turned to the boys behind us. Newt mouthed the words, 'talk to him!' and once again I took a breath. I turned to face forward again, but before I could speak, Jorge started.

"After your mother," he began and I felt a shiver run down my spine at the mention of her. "I thought we were supposed to trust each other. We are all we have left."

"I know, but I tried Dad. I've tried to tell you but you didn't listen." I told him and we were silent for a second. "Mom is the reason I wanted to leave so badly." After saying this, my dad turned to me and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Were you planning to leave without saying goodbye?" He asked but I sighed.

"I was debating whether to even go, but when WICKED arrived I realized that I couldn't go without you." I told him, taking a deep breath. "I remembered that we both lost her and that being alone is way scarier then being with you because you make me feel safe." The two of us fell silent.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)." Was all he said. "I should have listened to you."

"I'm sorry too. I should have been more open with you."

"Then we agree to forgive each other?" Jorge asked and I smiled, hugging him as we walked.

"Of course." I told him and then released the man, feeling a lot better then I did before. Then I looked back to the ruined city we were nearing. "You think he'll help us?" I asked but Jorge scoffed.

"No. But I think you and I can change his mind." He said and I smiled. "We are a very persuasive family, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes we are."

Minho was at my side again, obviously making sure I could still walk properly. He didn't want me to know but he was worried, I could see it in his face. Luckily, the burning pain in my leg had been relieved slightly and I wasn't wincing every time I limped across the terrain.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now