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Next day morning cavya, manan, are in living room. karan and krystal too are with cavya and manan.

Manik and nandini are eye talking everyone was confused seeing manan like that whereas cabir got a slight idea what's going on so cabir was relaxing eating his chips.

Na : guys what's going on

K : nandu you need to share some thing

M : actually guys I.. I mean we need to share something

All nodded to continue, manik held nandini hands tightly taking a deep breadth,

Manan : guys we are together

K : yeah you two are together so what in that

Kr : idiot manik proposed nandini

K, Na : what

M : umm yes

K : wow I am happy for you both

With this all pounced on manan, congratulating them.

Manan : guys we cant breath

Kr : sorry we got excited.

N : its okay

With this all are chit chatting and watching TV but the advertisement in TV caught the attention of manik. Hearing the advertisement manik posture and his facial expressions changes this was observed by all.

C : what happened manik

M : nothing

N : manik look into my eyes and say that nothing happened, manik you can share anything and everything with me without any second thoughts.

Manik sighs and spoke by holding nandini's hands and looking straight into her eyes, manik spoke,

M : umm actually I have heard the music competition in TV which is conducted by radio O2.

N : so what's the problem in that you can participate na

M : I wanted to participate in that but right now I don't want to face my fans or anyone which my past includes.

C : it's a blind audition and competition right

M : yeah but we should perform as a band and also should upload our videos in YouTube

N : you need a band right I can join you in that as I can play guitar and veena

K : I can also join you in that as I can play electric guitar

C : I can play drums

Na : I can play keyboard and piano

Kr : band problem is solved then what about You Tube

N : that is also solved

M : how?

N : simple we can hide our faces and will not reveal our identities

C : that's a great idea I will apply our band to that competition then as one of the radio O2 RJ is my friend.

M : what will be our band name then?

All are thinking one name for their band


All : perfect

Kr : okay then I will record and upload your videos in You Tube. And will be as your band manager.

Na : okay then cabir contact your friend and take the details about the competition.

Cabir nodded his head as yes and called his friend to fetch details, in all these while manik was impatiently waiting the call to end and his nervousness is clearly visible on his face to nandini as manik is tapping his left foot impatiently so to support him nandini held his hand and gave a small smile.

Cabir after completion of call came manik spoke impatiently,

M : cabir what happened, when is the last day to enroll did they informed any rules did they agreed for hiding our identities say something why are you silent

N : calm down manik let cabir speak

M : sorry

C : its okay I understand your nervousness so yeah I spoke with them and they agreed to hide our identities

N : what are the rules bhai

C : we have to perform our own song and to upload it in social media, who will get more number of views and likes they will get a chance for an album from Q-label, and if they are satisfied then they will offer international concerts too.

M : that was huge man

C : yeah they are in the search of young talents.

M : what shall we do now are you guys in

All : yeah


Here fab5 and abhi are chit chatting, with their partners

A : guys there is a competition going on in radio O2 did you guys applied

D : applied for what abhi for that stupid albums and competition

Mu : abhi baby did you forgot we are FAB5

Al : yeah we don't need that stupid competition

Ma : we can get any concerts or albums here

H : to get those albums we don't need to take part in any of these

A : okay I thought it will be helpful for you but no problem


PRECAP : will dazzlers get succeed



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