Save The Queen Part 4

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Donald was storming off through the corridor with the need to get as far away as possible from his sister and uncle. Della catches up to him and desperately tries to talk to her brother.

Della: Donald! Please, wait!

Donald: Leave me alone!

Della: Donald let's talk about this! You're my brother, I want to help you!

Donald stops cold where he is when they get near the exit and he turns with a dark glare that makes Della a little scared.

Donald: Oh, so now all of a sudden I'm your brother again! You're supposed to be my sister but you don't act like it at all!

Della: W-what are you talking about?! We're twins, I-

Donald: That's what we're supposed to be! But for a whole year that's what we haven't been at all and you haven't even noticed! At first when we went on adventures with Uncle Scrooge it was fun and I had a blast with you guys! But for over a year now you and Scrooge have completely ignored me! Donald edges closer to Della with a vehement expression. Whenever I bring something up you both never listen to me but when you bring something up Uncle Scrooge gives you his full attention! On adventure I mean nothing to either of you!

Scrooge: But lad! He looks to see Scrooge appear with a desperate expression. That's not true! You've always been a valuable asset in all our adventures!

Donald: Oh, so that's all I am to you, just an asset! Della and Scrooge can see he's taking it the wrong way.

Della: What, no!? Donnie, he didn't mean it like that, he-!

Donald: You're right. I'm not even an asset either! He puts on expression that looks like he would peel varnish. I'm just trap fodder to the both of you! Della and Scrooge are caught off guard by this remark.

Della: Donald…you're not…

Donald: YES I AM! They stay silent and watch Donald getting angrier by the second. You always do this to me! On every single adventure I've went with the both of you over the year you force me to go through embarrassing stunts that either almost got me killed or badly humiliated me! When things get rough you use me as the scapegoat, without second questions! You don't even consider who should do it; you just pick me out of the 3 of us all the time. While you enjoy the adventures, I'm always having to suffer! Della and Scrooge could only stand in complete shock as Donald rants. He immediately looks to Uncle Scrooge and points at him. YOU took me for a sheep and pushed me in a vortex which could've potentially killed me!

Scrooge: But you survived!

Donald: Did you even know that!?

Scrooge: Well…I hoped that…

Donald: Just say yes or no! Scrooge reluctantly slumps down.

Scrooge: No. I wasn't sure if you'd survive or not.

Donald: There you go! You knew there was a possibility I could die but you threw me in any way without even thinking of the consequences or what would happen to me! Because of you I got frozen in a block of ice while you and Della enjoyed water, a sheep and a Viking hat. Do I look like a sheep to you!?

Scrooge looks down, disappointed with himself for not considering how his nephew truly felt and for being willing to risk his life without thinking about his nephew's own life. Donald then turns his attention to Della.

Donald: YOU used me as guinea pig for some seeds that you forced feed into me, completely shrinking me!

Della: I needed to know what those seeds do!

Ducktales Movie 2 - Save The QueenWhere stories live. Discover now