Save The Queen Part 6

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The thunderstorm and heavy rain continues over Ithaquack. After taking a ruthless beating from Hades and almost drowning in the water Della has miraculously survived after being saved by a shadowy figure. She lies on the beaches of Ithaquack injured and unconscious, her sword and hat lying next to her.

She's literally been through hell. Her outfit is tattered badly, she's soaked to the bone, she's covered in a lot of bruises, burns and cuts, she has a black eyes, the centre area of her forehead is red and her hair is still messy and dishevelled.

Her eyes move a little as she dreams and cries.


Young Della presents the Blue and Brown Wayfinders to Young Donald.

Della: Tada! I made the both of us good luck charms. Here, catch!

Donald catches his Wayfinder to admire it.

Donald: Whoa! Way cool. When did you make these?

Della: About a couple of hours ago. I read in a book that somewhere out there is a tree with star-shaped fruit… and the fruit is supposed to represent an unbreakable connection. It's said if you and someone else carries good luck charms shaped like it nothing can ever drive you apart. You'll always find your way back to each other.

A couple seconds later Donald couldn't help but burst into laughter much to Della's confusion.

Della: Come on, Donnie I'm telling the truth. I know it seems a little far-fetched but…

Donald: No, no! It's not that! He stops laughing but still speaks in a laughing tone. Sorry, sorry. It's just that…sometimes you can be such a girl!

He laughs once again and the statement prompts Della to playfully put her brother in a headlock.

Della: Hey! Watch it! What's that supposed to mean!?

Della gives a little noogie and Donald playfully pushes her off and they go into hysterical laughter.

Donald: So these aren't real good luck charms?

Della: Who cares if they aren't real good luck charms? They don't have to be real. I thought it'd be nice to make something that represents the bond you and I have.

Donald: Donald has a satisfied expression. Yeah. That's fair enough. I can see your point. Our bond is way too strong to be broken forever.

Della: Exactly. Besides, I doubt any good luck charm can save you from your bad luck.

Donald: Oh ha ha! Very funny! They laugh again for a bit.

Della: So what should we name these charms?

Donald: You said these charms would help us find our way back to each other no matter where we are, right?

Della: That's right.

Donald: Donald looks at his charm before coming up with a name. Wayfinders. It's nice, simple and makes sense.

Della: Wayfinders. Yeah, that's a nice name.

They look up in the sky again and the Duck Twins hold up their respective charms in the air. They admire their Wayfinders as they glimmer and shine under the moonlight. They both soon turn back to each other.

Donald: Della, these are great. Thanks.

Della: We'll always be together, right bro?

Donald: Of course we will sis. We'll always been there for each other. I'm not leaving you Della. Not this time. And even if we're in completely different places far away from each other you'll always be in my heart. You're my precious sister, the other half of me and I'll always be there to protect you whenever you need me. No matter what, that'll never change.

Ducktales Movie 2 - Save The QueenWhere stories live. Discover now