Save The Queen Part 11

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After Della finished telling the full story of their first visit to Ithaquack the kids were in sheer awe and amazement of what they heard, Donald pulling out Save the Queen, the battle against Hades, Donald and Della making amends and their uncle's resolve to become a multi-world mage. She's left out telling them anything about the Infinity Stones.

Della: So you see now, kids, that's how your uncle became the mage he is today, how the two of us got out weapons and he defeated Hades. After hearing his story on how he became a mage Scrooge and I were pretty amazed! It made us wonder how we ever ignored him.

Dewey: That story was…AWESOME!

Webby: Best story ever!

Huey: So that's how Uncle Donald became a mage!

Violet: I feel like I understand you three better now!

Louie: WHOA! Talk about cool! Now this was worth listening too!

Lena: That was the only and most beautiful story I've ever heard. I'll cherish this forever.

Louie: You know during the 10 years he looked after us we never would've thought the accident prone uncle we were so used to had such a cool past.

Della: Yeah. My brother is pretty amazing even if he tries to hide it from people.

Huey: Though, we can understand why he never said anything about it in the first place.

Dewey: Yeah, what with you disappearing and all.

Della: Della saddens in regret over Donald's depression during her absence. I wonder if he'll ever forgive or trust me again. My brother…he did everything he could to protect me…he loved and supported me in any way he could. And how do I repay him? By blaming him for what happened to our parents, making him feel underappreciated after our college years and then those awful things I said to him before I took the Spear. I had three chances to do things right with my bro…and I failed thrice…It's my biggest regret and I don't think I can ever redeem myself. How can I even face him after so long?

Webby: Simple you face him with a big smile and a big hug!

Dewey: And I think Uncle Donald has already forgiven you Mom. You have redeemed yourself to him.

Lena: You may not know it Aunt D, but you have.

Della: How do you know?

Huey: After the Shadow War and before he left for the cruise Uncle Donald kept talking about you a lot. He finally told us stories about you.

Della: This takes Della aback. Really!? He did.

Lena: Yeah. And it was pretty cool…and very sweet.

Violet: Clearly your brother had so much care for you, Aunt Della. He missed you more than anything in the world.

Huey: And he believed you were alive.

Webby: He never gave up hope.

Dewey: He kept believing Mom and waiting for you.

Louie: You may not know it Mom but Uncle Donald isn't mad at you anymore. For years you've been fighting the entire moon just to get back to us. And now you're here, trying to re-adjust to Earth and getting to know us. He'd be proud.

Dewey: If Uncle Donald could forgive you for a lot of the things you did that made him upset, I'm sure he can forgive your just about anything in the world.

Webby: He's that great a guy. Soon he'll be back home and the two of you can finally make up.

Lena: And we'll get to see the kind of team you guys are.

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