Chapter 8

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While the others were still fighting the monster I was still fighting my green ranger self in my mind. After we did a few moves she used a move called ahshi bahri (aka: leg sweep) which sent me to the ground again. "You still with me? Come on, get up!" She said as she pulled me up and pinned me to a tree. "Don't forget, I know all of your old moves." She said before pining me to another tree. "That might be true, but I learned a bunch of new ones." I said before getting free and using a move I learned from my foster dad. It sent her to the ground. "Impressive, now we'll see if you can face your toughest challenge." She said as she got up. Then she disappeared. "What? Like that wasn't tough?" I said. My team came to see how I was doing. When they got there Dr. Walsh was checking on me. "Any news? Is there anything you can tell us?" Lily said. "She's hanging on by a thread. It's hard to say if she's going to come out of it or not. But for right now, it's very unlikely that she'll make it out." Dr. Walsh said before leaving.

"I wish there was something we can do, I feel completely helpless." Cassandra said. "Ariel's pretty tough Cassandra. I mean, she never gives up without a fight." Ryan said. "Just like us." Joe said. Then there was a news report saying that the monster was back. "I had a feeling he'd be back. There's nothing we can do." George said. "Guys, she's your friend. You shouldn't give up on her." Kira said. "She's right guys. We wouldn't give up on her, and you shouldn't either." Trent said. "You guys can stay here and watch this but I can't. I'm going to risk everything to get her back." John said as he started to walk out. "Hold on, we're going with you." Joe said. "Hey, where are you going? You don't stand a chance without your powers." Casey said. "That wouldn't stop Ariel, and it's going to stop us either." John said as they walked out. After they walked out Trent turned his head to look at me. "Hold on sweetheart. Stay strong." Trent said as he gently rubbed my left hand. Kira walked up beside him and put one of her hands on his shoulder. "You know, there's light in everyone. Sometimes, people need help to bring it out, and sometimes, it takes longer than others. It varies from person to person." Kira said. "Yeah, it was easy to bring the light in you up to the surface to let it go out but it was longer for me." Trent said. "It wasn't your fault. Anyway, I know that whenever you would morph, whether you were using the morpher or not it wasn't you, and I knew that. I defended you the whole time. It's not like that for them. It's different. I can tell that they are in love with each other and they don't want to lose each other." Kira said. "How do you know that?" Trent asked. "I can see it as clearly as you can." Kira said. "I don't want to lose her too. She's our only daughter. If we lose her that will mean that John would lose her too. I don't want that to happen. She has to keep on fighting for us." Trent said. Kira sat down next to him and gave him a hug. "It's going to be okay. We just have to have faith that she'll get through this. She'll pull herself through it. She always does." Kira said. Meanwhile in my mind I find myself by a really old temple that is in ruins and I thought it was weird. "Okay, this is weird, even by ranger standards." I said. Then the legendary tiger sword showed up. I grabbed it and pulled it out of the tree it was stuck in. I turned and saw my while ranger self. "I thought I might run into you." I said. "It's been a while Ariel, seeing you switch to the face of red." My white ranger self said. "Seems to work for me, let me guess, you wanna fight." I said. "You guessed right." My white ranger self said. We started to fight. She disarms me and used the same move that my green ranger self used. Then as soon as I got back up she used the lazer attack from the sword to send me to the ground again. Meanwhile on the battlefield they run into the monster and tried to defeat him but he was too strong for them. Meanwhile in my mind I'm still fighting my white ranger self. She pinned me to a tree and I raised her above my head. As soon as I got her back down she threw me off of her. Then she placed one of the pillars down with one side up. She kicked it towards me and the impact that happened behind me sent me to the ground again. She walked up to me. "You know better than anybody how powerful I am. Why don't you just give up the fight?" She asked. I made eye contact with her. "That's the one thing I'll never do!" I said. Then she raised the sword and pointed it at me. "Then I guess this is over." She said. I thought that at that moment that she was going to kill me but she didn't. She put the sword back into it's holster and reached out her hand to me. "You passed the test." She said. "Test? What are you talking about?" I asked. "You haven't been fighting us, you've been fighting for your life." My black zeo ranger self said. "And you've proven your will to live is stronger than any ranger power." My green ranger self said. Then they pulled out my dino gem and my ring. "These are yours." My white ranger self said. I took the dino gem and the ring. "Good luck red ranger." They all said. Then I closed my hand around the ring and the dino gem. Then I woke up with my real mom and dad by my side. "Ariel, you're okay." Kira said. I smiled at them. "Yeah, never felt better." I said. Then I opened my hand and saw the dino gem and the ring. Meanwhile on the battlefield it looked like they were going to get destroyed. When the monster thought it was over I showed up with my mom and dad and I kicked the monster away from them. I turned to face them. "Ariel!" John said. "You're alive." Joe said. I smiled at them. "Not for long." The monster said. I turned to face the monster. "Mom, dad, are you ready for this?" I asked. "We are." Trent said. "Alright, let's do it!" I said. "Dino thunder power up!" I said along with my mom to morph into our ranger forms. "White ranger dino power!" My dad said to morph.

We fought the monster and got him on lower ground. "Alright, time for some more power." I said. "Right." Kira and Trent said. "Super dino mode!" We said to go into super dino mode. "Whoa, when did she get super dino powers?" John asked. "I don't know but she picked a good time to bust them out." Ryan said. We fought the monster some more and I got a good hold on the monster and threw him into a rock cliffside. "Hey Ariel, catch!" Ryan said as he tossed his braciostaff to me. "Thanks, I know just what move to use." I said. Then I used the energy orb move.

After that my team got their powers back. They walked up to me. "Ariel, what was that about?" George said. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said. "Of course we would." John said.

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