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I did it again. I ignored him. He called me the day after the awards, but I didn't pick up. I was confused. I didn't know what I wanted. I felt weird, because I didn't want to eat, sleep or the worst part... I wouldn't draw... I could feel vibration from my phone, and picked it up from my pocket. It was a new message from him.

*please... please tell me what I have done to deserve this, this silence...I'm leaving for Switzerland today, filming this movie... please darling I need to talk to you*

I put my phone down. I laid my face in the palm of my hands, and cried. I didn't want this. How hard it was to admit, to admit that I liked him... I knew I liked him, ever since that night where we danced... that's when I knew for sure.

*if you know something for sure, tell the world*

Those words came into my head. Connor. My eyes lit up. I grabbed my shoes and run outside. The rain was pouring down, but I didn't care. All I cared of was to reach him. Reach him before he left.

"TOM!" I shout. He lifted his head up, carrying a bag in one hand and holding a jacket over his head with the other one.

"Liz!?" he said confused. I ran over to him.

"Tom..." I said with rain pouring over us.

"Liz, you're soaking wet!" he put the jacket over us both.

"Tom I need to tell you something"

"Of course Liz, whatever it is I'm here for you"

I started crying. "I'm terrified" I cried

"What is it Liz? Are you okay?" he took the jacket he held over us and put it over my shoulders, and put the hood over my head.

"Thank you" I said wiping away a tear. "I really like you Tom..." before he could say anything, I continued "not just as a friend... I know it might not look like it because I haven't talked to you the past weeks but..."

He cut me off. And grabbed my face, he slowly bended forward and kissed me gently. He pulled away "I really like you too, as in more than a friend" he smiled.

I wrapped my arms around him, hugged him. He took his long arms around my cold wet body "let's go inside. You're freezing cold"


I was sitting in the couch with a blanked over me. Tom came with two cups of tea "are you feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, thank you" I smiled. "No problem darling" he said giving me one of the tea cups.

"So... you're going to Switzerland?" I asked

"I'm not sure"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to stay with you. I don't want to leave" he said looking into my eyes

"But tom..."

"No Liz I'm not leaving. If I leave now, i won't be able to see you in weeks. Maybe months, I don't know"

"What if I came with you? Of course, I'll be traveling back to London now and then... but, what to you say?"

"That could work. But only if you want to" he said

"Of course I want to!" I smiled

He kissed my temple "great! I'll get us a flight tomorrow if that sounds okay to you?"

"Yes! I should get home and start packing" I said smiling

"Let me drive you. I don't want you to walk home"


"Thank you for coming to me today, I think things would have been a whole lot different if you didn't" he grabbed my hands as we were standing in outside my door.

He kissed my forehead "no get in there, I don't want you to catch a cold"

I smirked "goodnight"

"Goodnight darling, see you tomorrow"

I stepped inside my door and breathed out. It has been one crazy day. But still, it was one of the best days in my life.

I had chills after being outside in the rain so I went to take a shower.


*Hey darling! I got us a flight 6 in the morning. I know it's early but there was no other flight's that was heading for Switzerland tomorrow so, I'll pick you up 4:30 okay?*

*Okay hiddles! I'm almost finished packing so I'll talk to you in the morning then. Goodnight!*



I had to call Luke

"Hey Luke!" I said when I finally answered

"Liz! You got to call more often"

"I'm sorry bro" I laughed

"Bro? Feel totally friend zoned right now" he sobbed

"Yes you are in the friend zone brother" I laughed "that's why I called you"

"Wow, your humor is on point today" he laughed

"No but seriously, I called because I wanted to thank you"

"Have you been drinking? Since you're actually thanking me?"


"Okay, okay I'm sorry!" he laughed

"Tom was supposed to leave for Switzerland today" I said

"Supposed? What happened?" he asked

"I told him I liked him. Not just as a friend"

"I knew you liked him" I could almost hear his smile thru the phone

"What did he say?" he curious asked

"Well he told me that he liked me, in a more than friend's way... right after he kissed me" I couldn't keep my smile away.

"I'm proud of you sis. It was a big step and you took it"

"Yeah well, I'm not sure it's anything official but"

"I think it is"


"I don't know Tom as well as you do. But I know he's not the guy that kisses someone and takes it for granted"

"Yeah... one more thing. I'm leaving with Tom to Switzerland."

"He defiantly takes this serious Liz. Anyway, I've got to go it's getting late. Call me when you get there?"

"Yeah I'll do that. Goodnight"


where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now